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Testament: In the Shadow of Sinai. (full)

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I will post the final version of the variant ranger in a little bit, and then open the IC thread (Humble Minion, you said you were basically done, is that right?)

There will be another player joining the group, but we write him in when he's ready.


First Post
Next version of the ranger.

Humbleminion, post your character when you get a chance, and I'll open the IC thread :)

Edit: it helps to actually attach the file...


  • Ranger Variant.PDF
    70.6 KB · Views: 70
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I can't catch a break at the moment. Not only is my net connection down, my rarely-used floppy drive seems to have died as well. So I've had to print this character out after typing it up on my home computer, then retype the whole damn thing at work so I can post it. Bah!

Edit: I should note that my internet access is still going to be sporadic until Tuesday at the earliest, so if I disappear for a bit I will be back...

Melech ben Hurai
Middle-aged male human (Israelite) Ranger 4
Hit Dice: 4d8 + 8 (32 hp)
Str 12 (13 - 1 (age))
Dex 14 (15 - 1 (age))
Con 14 (15 - 1 (age))
Int 12 (11 + 1 (age))
Wis 16 (14 + 1 (age) + 1 (level))
Cha 12 (11 - 1 (age))

Attack: +7 ranged masterwork mighty (+1) composite longbow 1d8 + 1, +5 melee handaxe 1d6 + 1
Init: +2
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 studded leather cloak), flat-footed 12, touch 12
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4

Skills: Diplomacy +6 (5 ranks), Handle Animal +6 (5 ranks), Heal +6 (3 ranks), Hide +8 (5 ranks), Knowledge (dreams) +2 (1 rank crossclass), Knowledge (nature) +2 (1 rank), Knowledge (religion) +8 (7 ranks), Listen +7 (4 ranks), Move Silently +8 (5 ranks), Profession (hunter) +10 (7 ranks), Spot +8 (5 ranks), Survival +10 (7 ranks)

Languages: Hebrew
Flaw: World weary

Feats: Track*, Versatile (Knowledge (religion) and Diplomacy), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot*, Endurance*, Dreamer, Improved Animal Companion*

* = bonus ranger feat or fighting style

Special Abilities: Favoured enemy (animals +2), Favoured Terrain (desert), Wild Empathy +5, Animal Companion (Paqad, hyena - I'll post a stat block later)

Equipment: Masterwork mighty composite (+1 Str) longbow, hand axe, skinning knife, snares, studded leather cloak, healer's kit, camping and wilderness survival gear (incl small tent, waterskins, blankets, flint & steel, cookpot, etc), desert travelling garments, lionskin cloak.

(The bow might be a bit much, but I assumed since hunting is his only livelihood he would have made sure the tools of his trade were as good as possible. Feel free to disallow it if it's over the top)

In bondage in Egypt, Melech's family laboured to make the mud bricks that went to build Pharaoh's great buildings and monuments. Throughout the tribe of asher they were renowned for their size and strength, a great boon in such a physically demanding job. Melech, however, grew slight and wiry, without the towering strength of his elder brothers Joel and Eleazar.

Continually surpassed by the might of his brothers and cousins, Melech took to spending more and more time in the wilderness. Over time, by listening to the herdsmen and the trappers, he taught himself to hunt, and soon began to support himself through the pelts he brought home rather then the bricks that he made. Hurai was displeased at this development, and when the time came to divide his possessions amongst, he granted Joel and Eleazar the lion's share. Melech was left to support himself and his young family with little more than his bow and his knowledge of the wilderness.

Melech's wife, Naarah, was disappointed at this - she had married into Melech's family in the hope her children would inherit a respected living in the brickmills when they came of age. She considered divorce, but the couple had two young children, Sarai and Shimon, and she did not want to endanger their future further, Somewhat chastened by the impact that his choices had had on his children's prospects, Melech took great care to see they recieved a proper education in matters both religious and practical. But he still had to put food on the table, and so he spent many long days in the wastes, hunting predators that had attacked Israelite herds and taking pelts to sell.

Sarai married a tailor's son, who Melech met while selling furs, at age 15. Melech found Shimon a position in his old family brickyards, but Shimon resented being a mere labourer for his more prosperous cousins, and eventually bought a spear and shield and became a guardsman and soldier. He married late, to the daughter of a smith whose fondness for wine had diminished his fortunes. Shimon made no secret of blaming his father for his humble circumstances, and, bone-weary of his son's anger and his wife's distance, Melech took to spending more time in the wilderness again. Having spent much of his life roaming them, the wastes held few of the superstitious fears for Melech as they did for most, but this time evcen he felt as if something unusual was happening.

The occasional strange, unsettling dream he dismissed as the result of regrets and advancing age, but the hyena was a different matter. A big, powerful, heavy-jawed male, it trotted fearlessly up to Melech as he pitched his tent in the desert, and lay down at his feet. In the following days it flushed his quarry, shared his fire and devoured the skinned carcasses he left behind. It even followed him back to the settlement, ignored the skittish herds completely, and guarded his door. Melech's neighbours were deeply suspicious of the strangely-behaved carrion-eater that travelled with the ragged, weatherbeaten hunter, and suspected sorcery or worse. Despite their demands, Melech refused to slay or drive off the beast, suspecting it to be an omen or sign. He named it Paqad, meaning visitor. Relations between Melech and his neighbours deteriorated, and he and Naarah found themselves shunned.

This state of affairs lasted nearly a year before greater events intervened. Moses called down the ten plagues, and the Israelites departed Egypt. Knowledgable wilderness guides were suddenly at a premium, and Melech found himself (barely) tolerated once again. So it continued until Moses climbed Mount Sinai. That night, in his lonely tent on the far-flung edge of the camp, Melech dreamed - the most vivid dream he had ever had. He dreamed of [insert DM's description here], and somehow knew that it was a command from the Lord, that he must [insert DMs desired campaign direction here].

Melech awoke, drained and aching already, just as the call went around for jewellery to be smelted into the golden calf. He had thought he had done enough. Sacrifice to your God, raise your family, teach your son, support your wife, see your daughter well married. And in return? Watch your son grow up to sneer at you, venture out to crack your bones and tear your muscles in the wilderness year after year, accept the filty stares of your neighbours, and lear to ignore the way they hustle their children aside as you pass by.

And now, yet another burden had been laid upon him. The path of those called by the Lord was rarely a smooth one, he knew. He gathered his bow, stretched long and painfully, and stepped forward, Paqad loping at his heels.
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In Character Thread: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1635131#post1635131

A few rules. :)

You can name non-critical people - extras, if you will - if I haven't made you aware of their names yet and you need to converse with them. There are thousands of people in the camp, and I have not named them all. Your chracters have friends, etc. and you can converse with them about "flavor" things without my input. If you think it will have game implications, start the conversation and I'll jump in as the other character.

At the start of a combat round, everyone declares actions, then I'll roll initiatives, and post the order of actions. You can handle your own dice rolls with the dice roller in my sig, or ask me to do it for you. Certain skill rolls will be handled by me in secret (sense motive, etc.). In any case, I'm going to try to keep most numbers out of the IC thread, and results will be reported like this:

Aviram slashes at the boar, but the beast knocks his sword aside with a tusk.

Creativity (descriptive posts, plot hooks, etc.) will be rewarded with XP :)

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, please bear with me or remind me.

Edit: Please post your character here: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1635169#post1635169
That will be the character sheet of record for the campaign.

Let's have some good gaming! :D
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First Post
yep, sorry didn't realize that the game had gone live. I'll try to read through the thread and post a response tonight.

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