The High Aldwin
Here's what I've said before: I can make a level 1 fighter with CHA 16 and +5 to all the CHA-based skills. Other than special features (bardic inspiration, expertise, spells, etc.) the fighter is as good as any other class in social (if you want them to be). And this fighter can still have a 16 STR or DEX and CON 14, with 10's everywhere else (so no dump stats).There are two things which change how good you are at the social pillar in 5e. Charisma score, and skills. So anyone who gets more of one of those is better at the social pillar than the average class. So, the Cha classes obviously qualify, but a rogue built a certain way will also qualify. Obviously spells can also allow you to interact on the social pillar, but usually only in limited ways. Except suggestion, that spell is bonkers.
In the same way, Fighters can be good at exploration, but due to features will never match other classes overall.
In short, Fighters can't be the "best" at social or exploration, but can be good certainly. But other than action surge really, other warrior classes can be just as good at Fighting as fighters, if not better.
So, it isn't that Fighters need things to make them better at social and exploration, those aren't their forte, then need things to make them the best at what they should be best at--fighting.