D&D 5E The Annotated PHB

Some, sure. All, not even close. And how is WotC going to tell if a rando person on a survey is a martial player or a caster player, beyond self reporting? In our group, and several extended groups in our area, all enjoyed the balance and options of the "complex" fighters and other martials. 5E does some really good stuff, but there's a lot of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But sure, even if there's a need for simply fighters, that doesn't mean they have to be subpar. Which they are, currently.
I agree with you. Actually, 4e is my favorite edition. I'm just pointing out that there were more martial players asking for simplicity than caster players asking for "nerfs" to the martials.

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Unless you happened to have complete access to the responses to the surveys WotC put out, that's not something you can reasonably assert.

It's 100% anecdotal, but that's also what I saw on these forums during 4e.

It was a lot of "I don't want my fighter to be a spellcaster...", "Damage on a miss? are you nuts..." and variations on those themes.

5e certainly pulled back hard from the 4e version of the fighter.

As for the OP, annotations would be amazing. The organization of the books is terrible and D&D beyond while pretty good for character generation and for finding things if you know what you're looking for - also lacks a good annotation system (If I'm wrong, I'd love for anyone to show me!)

It's 100% anecdotal, but that's also what I saw on these forums during 4e.

It was a lot of "I don't want my fighter to be a spellcaster...", "Damage on a miss? are you nuts..." and variations on those themes.

5e certainly pulled back hard from the 4e version of the fighter.
And my theory is just as anecdotal. I saw a lot of the same as you. And agree WotC noped out of that dynamic. I’m just saying they didn’t need to go so hard that fighters are bland and weak sauce. They could have made fighters balanced (mostly) with casters without having a resource management mini game.

And my theory is just as anecdotal. I saw a lot of the same as you. And agree WotC noped out of that dynamic. I’m just saying they didn’t need to go so hard that fighters are bland and weak sauce. They could have made fighters balanced (mostly) with casters without having a resource management mini game.

They could have, but it's clear that they were going for a 2e-3e mixed feel - so they didn't.

I will say this, casters and non-casters are much better balanced than in prior editions. Lack of easy crafting, the concentration mechanic and the subtle reduction of higher level spell slots actually go a long way on this.

If I were to attempt it, I would start the the free basic rules and add footnotes with a curated list of rulings and house rules. Even if the rulings disagree, you could still present them as different options, perhaps with survey data on which ones are most popular.

But don't think the internet will ever reach consensus on many things.

Given how quickly this thread veered off into "4E was the best" which will likely be countered by "4E was the worst", I think it's obviously how quickly an annotated PHB would be doomed.
Well that's a tangent sure. But why?

It's a MASSIVE benefit to have a properly annotated PHB - and it's a 5e PHB, so discussions of 4e shouldn't enter into the actual annotations. they might, but maybe a strict warning in the OP?

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