Press The Arneson Estate views The Age of the Wolf as a fake Blackmoor Publication

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It looks like the event sold out at GenCon. Being a 5e product, I might give it a try to see if I like the world. Reading the blurb from the estate it seems like someone is in the wrong. Hope is gets worked out to everyone's satisfaction and not turn into a Dave/Gary thing over the years.

If the Estate represented the situation accurately, this is highly disturbing. I think this entire community should be concerned if folks are making counterfeit Arneson products.

Does anybody know who these Studio Ink Bat people are? Their website is sketchy as all hell. They clearly paid more for the "Dave Arneson's Blackmoore: Age of the Wolf" graphic than they did the whole rest of the site.

Why does EVERYTHING involving the estates of Gygax or Arneson end up with these ridiculous amateurish public IP feuds? Whether it's Gygax's widow feuding with his sons, or whatever this is, what is it about those 1970s people that this is just... constant?
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I remember giving my computer the side-eye the other day when I learned about a "last manuscript" belonging to Arneson. It just sounded too fishy to be trusted. Why had nobody ever heard of it? Why was it coming out-of-the-blue, from a small-time, unknown publishing company? and if it was indeed legitimate, why was it being given away for "free"?

Then I read this statement from the Arneson Estate and, yep. Looks like my gut is trustworthy after all.

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