D&D General The Canadian Influence on the Forgotten Realms


Much of the Realms has a very Canadian, American, and North American feel. Plus a nice 16th-17th century feel(without the gunpoweder). Also it has a strong small (north American) town feel. And a lot of stone ruins, covering Central Mexico and Europe.

I'm not sure much of it is "unique" to Canada. Much of it covers the middle of North America, the Midwest.

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Much of the Realms has a very Canadian, American, and North American feel. Plus a nice 16th-17th century feel(without the gunpoweder). Also it has a strong small (north American) town feel. And a lot of stone ruins, covering Central Mexico and Europe.

I'm not sure much of it is "unique" to Canada. Much of it covers the middle of North America, the Midwest.

There is Smoke Powder. And it's a mix of cultural elements, geography, and the way the setting is put together.

And the Canadian influence isn't the only influence.


Oh by the way in 4e the Canadian "region" of FR according to the Living Forgotten Realms was Akanul. What this means in practice I have no idea.



A suffusion of yellow
Sorry to the Canadians but is Canada really all that different from the Northern USA? and arent you guys like all ‘North America’

I decided it would be best to spin this off into it's own discussion.

The original creator of the Forgotten Realms is Ed Greenwood who is a Canadian Librarian and Author and for those who knew what to look for the Forgotten Realms is infused with Canadianess. This makes it distinct in a way from all the American created settings.


Sorry to the Canadians but is Canada really all that different from the Northern USA? and arent you guys like all ‘North America’
North America includes Mexico too, so the term 'North America' is probably to broad to use in the context of the OP. Heck there can be significant culture differences in different regions (north/south/east/west/midwest,etc.) of the USA, such that just saying something is based on the USA or 'America' is not very helpful.


Victoria Rules
Sorry to the Canadians but is Canada really all that different from the Northern USA? and arent you guys like all ‘North America’
Geographically, climatologically, etc. there's many similarities between much of southern Canada and more or less the northern half of the USA.

Culturally, there's generally some similarity close to the border but get anywhere deeper into the USA and that similarity diminishes rapidly; in large part due to the influences of significant cultural minorities. The USA, for example, has far greater influence from its African-American and Latino populations than does Canada; in contrast Canada has far more influence from its French-Canadian and (in the west, anyway) Asian populations than does the USA.

Politically, there's a rather sharp divide at the border no matter how you slice it.

At least Americans have finally more or less figured out that Canadian beer is better. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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