THE CARDCASTER: A Novel New 5th Edition Class!

In EN5ider's 7th full 5th Edition class, Josh Gentry introduces the Cardcaster! The card caster uses a tarot deck to release magic, playing cards to cast spells - although she doesn't always have control over what spells are currently made available to her by the winds of fate! Also included are three archetypes - the Knight of Swords, which embodies mental force and determination; the Page of Wands, which embodies the magical power of creation; and the Queen of Cups, with embodies the emotions. Illustrated by Indi Martin. Become a patron now and get access to this and over 100 other supplements and adventures for your 5th Edition games!

In EN5ider's 7th full 5th Edition class, Josh Gentry introduces the Cardcaster! The card caster uses a tarot deck to release magic, playing cards to cast spells - although she doesn't always have control over what spells are currently made available to her by the winds of fate! Also included are three archetypes - the Knight of Swords, which embodies mental force and determination; the Page of Wands, which embodies the magical power of creation; and the Queen of Cups, with embodies the emotions. Illustrated by Indi Martin. Become a patron now and get access to this and over 100 other supplements and adventures for your 5th Edition games!


Previous classes (which you also get by becoming a patron!) include the Noble, Alchemist, Occultist, Feywalker, Morph, and Diabolist.

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Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
Yu gi Oh!!!!! Cardcaptors!!!!!
Of the two, this class is the most similar to Cardcaptor Sakura's approach to card magic. Each card has influence over a certain aspect of life, but just what magical effect occurs varies on the player's will.

If you are an adoring fan of card games on motorcycles... Stick around!


Hey I’m a little confused about the deck, it follows the marseille order but uses wands instead of batons? It also seems odd to go with that since rider waite is easier to get hold if, especially if you want a nice deck.
Mostly inquiring because the strength/justice change is just very frustrating if I want to use my current deck and the old optional ver was taken out.


Obviously would have to see the mechanics to note how it turned out, but I do think this is a much better flavor base for "unpredictable magic" then the wild sorc.

Its much easier to understand "the cards can do XYZ, but when you get them is unpredictable" as opposed to "the wild sorc magic is just crazy....but your effects are always from this specific list"

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