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The Coldlands War [Full, Now Accepting Alternates]


First Post
nice work on the assassin class. Although its not to my benefit to mention this, being able to do 2+int con damage is very overpowered, it would make more sense if it could only be str or dex (think: at level 8, its very easy to have at least +4 int ... on a succesful attack against an 8 HD monster, thats 48 bonus damage! and its not a top heav skill: at level 20, where int could be +7 or so, thats 140 damage!) please think about changing this, its too powerful too early.

as far as Ashk, it looks to me like a standard fuedal magocracy. i think my character threatened to disrupt the status quo in the future by strengthening the thieves guild. That would empower commoners, so the nobility made up some charges and tossed me out. sound good?

if so, ill get to work on my character, could have it withing two days or so

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tyliss (background)

I am Tyliss. Some call me ‘the outcast’ and I cannot blame them. I am after all a Tiefling; the spawn of the unholy union of a human and a hell spawn.

My mother Magda was a young girl of 15 when she was captured and raped. The beast left her for dead in the forest but a traveling merchant found her. He took her to the closest village and left her with the clerics.
Mother was so traumatized that she could not remember what had happened until the day of my birth. I came out of her womb in a display of pain that Father Pietor says he had never seen before. Mother almost died that day and I almost with for her sake that she had.

It was not easy for Magda to find work of housing with me at her breast and even after I was grown enough to lend a hand in our shelter I was still more a liability than an aid. Father Pietor has shown me as a small boy how to meditate and call the calming powers of my mind to keep me from loosing control and tapping into my infernal side. Unfortunately this is a struggle that I still suffer from. I would at one moment be helping mother with her work and the next minute I would be beating a peer for calling me a name.

The tide turned for us on my 15th birthday. I was able to steal enough money from that horrid slumlord that mother worked for to allow mother and I to part company. I don’t know if she knew where I got the money and I don’t think she cared. She headed away south from the city of Dravonshire and I headed north towards the cold that I hoped would either kill me of calm me.

Trust fate to lend an unwanted hand to me. I had been traveling for months and finally was in the frozen wastes feeling the life slip from my weary body when a hunting party found me. They nursed me back to health despite my request that they do otherwise.

Rothschild Harriman was the head of the hunting party and he took under his wing. A mage of some power he raised me as his apprentice explaining that my heritage would lend itself strongly to magic and that he could help me to understand myself.

It has been 5 years since I met Harriman and now I stand strong and proud of whom I have become. Fate is no longer my guide. I am.


DemonAtheist said:
nice work on the assassin class. Although its not to my benefit to mention this, being able to do 2+int con damage is very overpowered, it would make more sense if it could only be str or dex (think: at level 8, its very easy to have at least +4 int ... on a succesful attack against an 8 HD monster, thats 48 bonus damage! and its not a top heav skill: at level 20, where int could be +7 or so, thats 140 damage!) please think about changing this, its too powerful too early.

I was thinking about that. I was also thinking that it was slightly balanced by the 3 rounds necessary to study the target.

I'll go make some changes...

as far as Ashk, it looks to me like a standard fuedal magocracy. i think my character threatened to disrupt the status quo in the future by strengthening the thieves guild. That would empower commoners, so the nobility made up some charges and tossed me out. sound good?

Yep, pretty much a standard magocracy.

History sounds good to me. :)


Argent - looks alright. Just keep in mind that most people in the Coldlands are very much against magic, which could cause problems for you.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
GnomeWorks said:
Argent - looks alright. Just keep in mind that most people in the Coldlands are very much against magic, which could cause problems for you.
I was counting on it. Tyliss is an outcast and he expects problems where ever he goes. He will normaly dress as a begger (disguise skill.)


First Post
Hi gnomeworks,
I was on the alternate list for your technologie ruleset thinghie, but I haven't heard from that since.
Two, maybe three games I'm in are suffering of DM-deprivation, and i fear that two of 'em are going the dodo way.
So I'm interested in playing. As for character : I was interested in playing a gnome, but it seems that the party most of all needs a fighter of some kind. I'm not quite sure what kind of fighter would be most appropriate. This looks to me to be some kind of victorian-age society, so I'm thinking some kind of swashbuckling fighter. Do you have/allow classes from the swashbuckling adventures? If not, what do you recommend as a fighter, or is there any race you'd like to see played/tested/mangled?


Argent Silvermage said:
I was counting on it. Tyliss is an outcast and he expects problems where ever he goes.

If you were planning on it, then you did well. :)

drzombie said:
So I'm interested in playing. As for character : I was interested in playing a gnome, but it seems that the party most of all needs a fighter of some kind. I'm not quite sure what kind of fighter would be most appropriate. This looks to me to be some kind of victorian-age society, so I'm thinking some kind of swashbuckling fighter. Do you have/allow classes from the swashbuckling adventures? If not, what do you recommend as a fighter, or is there any race you'd like to see played/tested/mangled?

Actually, Krug sounds like he's planning on a gunslinger, which is a fighter-type.

But if you still want a swashbuckler-type, why not try the unfettered from AU?

Also, this isn't a playtest. The tech rules were playtested quite extensively a little while ago with a live group, so they're pretty much good to go now.


First Post
Must...resist...urge...to join...another Pbp!

Ah, what the heck. I was thinking of playing an Unfettered, as they sound kind of cool and I still haven't tried out AU since buying it, but I won't if DrZobmie is one.

Hmm...I probably want to play a Cold Orc, but as to class, I'm not sure. Maybe a cleric?


Current Roster
Ferrix (Inventor or Akashic)
Krug (Halfling [Coldlander] Gunslinger)
DemonAtheist (Halfling [Lowlander] Assassin)
Argent Silvermage (Tiefling {arcane spellcaster})
DrZombie (maybe Unfettered)
Imerak (maybe Orc [Coldlands])

Alright, for now, I'm going to stop taking applications from players. If you're still interested in signing up, we'll take alternates; also, if any player doesn't respond within a week to the IC thread once it's up, I'll replace that player with an alternate (unless given warning before the disappearance).


Some more world information...

Religion in the World
Religion in the world is divided into four major religions, one minor religion, and one dead religion. There are still practitioners of the dead religion, though they are becoming harder to find and there are almost no clerics that continue to practice it. There are also two other belief structures, polypantheism (which is the belief in multiple religions) and atheism (the belief in no greater powers).

Each religion has its own pantheon. Some religions share a deity, in which case they typically view that deity differently. Elementalism and Universalism, for instance, share several deities, but have different oulooks on their roles.

All deities technically exist; however, each individual chooses their religion and that defines their outlook on a given deity. If a divine miracle occurs, two characters with two different belief structures will credit it to different deities - similar to what may occur in the real world with people of two different faiths.

The religions are...
Universalism [major]
Philosophialism [major]
Fundamentalism [major]
Elendism [major]
Litorian [minor]
Polypantheism [minor]
Atheism [minor]
Druidic [minor]

Those who once believed in the core beliefs of Elementalism have since moved to Universalism, a religion that accepts the ideas the forces and believes that some deities are a focal point for them, which allows them to grow and flourish.

The general Univeralist symbol is a triangle with each point surrounded by a small circle.

Lexicon		Lord of Knowledge	Knowledge			Knowledge, Law, Travel
Sardon		The Lightning God	Lightning			Storm(1), Luck, Strength
Ratiagaan	Lord of the Sea		Water, the Sea			Water, War, Ocean(1)
Falriox		Mother of Flame		Treachery, Fire, Githyanki	Fire, Chaos, Trickery
Windiar		The Rebel Goddess	Air, Halflings			Air, Halfling(1), Protection
Kali		The Winged Goddess	Duality, Good, Evil		Good, Evil, Retribution
Wayveri		Sorcerer of the Lost	Magic, Wayveri family		Magic, Spell(1), Necromancer(3), Illusion(1)
Samahtar	The Blind One		Psionics, the blind		Mentalism, Mind(2), Hatred(1)
Diaclo		The Smith		Technology, the Coldlands	Metal, Community(3), Craft(1)	

(1) Found in FRCS.
(2) Found in XPH.
(3) Found in ECS.[/color]

Lexicon: Some believe that Lexicon created the world; he is present in many mythoi, and in some he plays that role. In Universalism, however, he is simply presented as the master of knowledge. He is commonly revered by akashics.

Lexicon is Neutral. His symbol is an open book with a feather placed in it; his favored weapon is a quarterstaff.

Sardon: It is believed that, prior to godhood, Sardon was a mortal, sent to the world to achieve a deed the other deities would find worthy of ascension. In Elementalism, the religion that Universalism replaced, it was believed that Sardon's place was created because of religious wars between Windiar and Ratiagaan over control of lightning. In Universalism, Sardon is simply the creator of storms and lightning. He is worshiped strongly by the inhabitants of the Isles of Lightning, where it is said Sardon was born; that is also where his stronghold of paladins, the lancers, is.

Sardon is Lawful Neutral. His symbol is a white lance with purple lightning over a black background. His favored weapon is a lance (any lance).

Ratiagaan: God of the seas. Many seafarers revere him. An angry deity, Ratiagaan sees little worship anywhere but the sea and ports.

Ratiagaan is Chaotic Neutral. His symbol is a blue trident on a green background. His favored weapon is the trident.

Falriox: Falriox is the most treacherous of the deities, and one of the few that is of an evil bent. In Universalism, she plays the role of the catalyst of war and hatred, as well as jealousy and other such base emotions and ideas. Githyanki actively worship her.

Falriox is Chaotic Evil. Her symbol is a flame on a black background. Her favored weapon is the dagger.

Windiar: Windiar is the chief deity of the halflings; though it is not believed in any mythos that she created them, she is their divine protector. Her symbol is that of a cypress tree; her first paladin, Liat'ned, has a long line of descendents that still uphold her ideals to this day. Windiar is the goddess of freedom, and as such she is disliked by those who are part of an aristocratic system. She is much revered by those who are oppressed.

Windiar is Chaotic Good. Her symbol is a cypress tree on a blue background. Her favored weapon is a shortbow.

Kali: Kali's ascension was an unusual event; in Universalism, it is believed that the other deities saw a hole, and offered Kali to fill that gap in the pantheon. Also, it is believed that Kali is the daughter of Tarian, the extraplanar warrior who appeared at the beginning of the War of the Illusionist to help Kalrios Dilark and his followers fend off and defeat the necromancer Kotrit Wayveri.

Kali is Neutral. Her symbol is a silver longsword with blue handle on a grey handle. Her favored weapon is a longsword.

Wayveri: Legend has it that the Wayveri family - a long line of necromancers and illusionists who focus on cold energy - originated with the deity Wayveri; others believe that Wayveri is simply the original progenitor of the family, and was promoted to deity status by this fact. Regardless, Wayveri is a cold, heartless god of magic. He rarely has clerics; those who become his clergy are often from offshoots of the Wayveri family or are respectful of his arcane abilities.

Wayveri is Neutral Evil. His symbol is a grey dragon skull on a black background. His favored weapon is a quarterstaff.

Samahtar: A blind elf, Samahtar was one of those who helped in the uprising of the goblins and other illithid-enslaved races long ago, when the continent of Lotharien was sunk to end the reign of Penumbra. Samahtar ascended to godhood by virtue of the need for psionics to ensure balance in the world; the destruction of Lotharien left almost no psionically-active in the world. Samahtar is cynical and has a pessimistic attitude; however, his followers preach that even a cynic can help the world.

Samahtar is Neutral. His symbol is a green gem on a silver background. His favored weapon is a dagger.

Diaclo: Some followers of Universalism believe that, when Fortang Diaclo died, he rose as a deity to fill a gap: there was no deity of technology, whereas magic and psionics were represented. There is a small amount of proof for this, as some priests of claiming to be receiving visions from Diaclo have been appearing through the Coldlands; some have even begun gathering funds to build a temple to him in Mechanicus.

Diaclo is Neutral Good. His symbol is a crossed hammer and wrench. His favored weapon is a rifle.

There are other deities in Universalism, though they are relatively minor and their worship and the knowledge concerning them varies from region to region.

Philosophialism is more self-focused than deity-focused. While deities exist in philosophialist belief, it is believed that they are not all-powerful nor all-knowing; instead, they are simply ascendants along a long road of understanding and self-reflection.

Many philosophialists are monks. Philosophialist clerics are relatively rare; instead, monks who follow this path are sometimes viewed as teachers who help others along in their beliefs.

The Silent One	The Silent One		Vengeance, Independence		Protection, Retribution(1), Strength
Polryn		The Balancer		Balance				Knowledge, Law, Earth
Joqualz		Chaos Herself		Chaos				Chaos, Destruction, Charm(2)
Sairin Aiwe	The Great Phoenix	Rebirth				Good, Renewal(1), Life(2)
Imzil		The Snake Goddess	Ophidians, yuan-ti		Scalykind(1), Meditation, Feast(2)

(1): Found in FRCS.
(2): Found in ECS.[/color]

The Silent One: The Silent One is believed to have once been a halfling monk, wronged by someone, who made a vow of silence: she would not speak until she killed those who killed her parents. In the modern world, the Silent One is typically prayed to before vengeance is extracted or an oath fulfilled; some also swear by her when making an oath or declaring their need for revenge.

The Silent One is Lawful Neutral. Her symbol is a closed halfling fist on a white background. Her favored weapon is an unarmed strike.

Polryn: Polryn is the Balancer, the one who keeps extremes of good and evil, law and chaos, and the forces in check. Her teachings are most in line with the general teachings of Philosophialism, and teach that the way to ascension is by keeping to the center of the circle.

Polryn is Neutral. Her symbol is a white circle on a black background. Her favored weapon is a quarterstaff.

Joqualz: Some believe that the way to attaining ascension is to simply take whatever action suits your fancy; Joqualz is the embodiment of this belief. In one instant charming, in the next destructive, Joqualz takes what seems to be the right action for the instant, and teaches that this is the path to ascension.

Joqualz is Chaotic Neutral. She has no symbol. She has no favored weapon.

Sairin Aiwe: The Great Phoenix, Sairin Aiwe represents rebirth and new hope. She is the representation of the hope that, when one does wrong, there is always tomorrow to do right. She focuses on forgiveness moreso than the righting of wrongs.

Sairin Aiwe is Neutral Good. Her symbol is a phoenix feather on a white background. She has no favored weapon.

Imzil: Imzil is the Snake Goddess, the protector of the Yuan-Ti. Her faith was endangered long ago, when the Yuan-Ti split off from the rest of their kind and found a new home.

Imzil is Neutral. Her symbol is a yellow reptilian eye on green. Her favored weapon is an unarmed strike.

There are many other deities in Philosophialism; these are often specific to an individual or given monastary of monk, and may represent a specific idea the person favors or that the monastery believes is a more proper path to ascension than the normally accepted deities.

Fundamentalists believe in a few very specific ideas, and these ideas are made manifest by deities. Essentially, the deity is the representation of an idea.

The general Fundamentalist symbol is a small map of the world.

Tethys		(none)			Time		Time(1), Madness(2), Meditation(2)
Kolaita		The Loving Mother	Life, Healing	Healing, Life(2), Renewal(1)
Necralos	Gatherer of the Dead	Death, Decay	Death, Undeath(1), Decay(2)
Ryuchitoran	The Nature God		Nature		Animal, Plant, Life(2)
Rashida		Goddess of the Moons	Moons, Fate	Moon(1), Fate(1), Chaos
Tanamo		Lord of the Sun		Sun		Sun, Strength, War[/color]

Tethys: No stranger deity exists, in any pantheon. Tethys is the deific manifestation of time. He exists, but has few clerics; those who are his clerics are typically also templars (the title of those who control time), and are also often quite mad.

Tethys is Neutral. His symbol is an hourglass with tan sand on a black background. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff.

Kolaita: The manifestation of life and healing, Kolaita is a friendly goddess. Many revere her, regardless of their religion, for her willingness to help others. Her clerics often follow her example.

Kolaita is Neutral Good. She has no unified symbol; however, most represent life in some manner. She has no favored weapon.

Necralos: Necralos is the opposite of Kolaita - she is the grim reaper of the world, the representation of death. She is not hateful, however, and does not delight in death. She views death as a natural extension of life.

Necralos is Neutral. Her symbol is a white grinning skull on a black backgound. Her favored weapon is a scythe.

Ryuchitoran: The incarnation of nature, Ryuchitoran is an unusual deity. He favors followers from among the ranks of the fey: dryads and nymphs and pixies, among others. He is usually peaceful, as are forests and other natural wonders; however, when nature is disturbed, so is he.

Ryuchitoran is Neutral. His symbol is a great brown tree with dark green leaves on a black background. His favored weapon is a shortbow.

Rashida: The representation of the two moons, Rashida is sometimes a distant and aloof goddess. Among her teachings is also the idea of fate and prophecy, which is usually written by her priests in fits and spurts when the two moons share a phase.

Rashida is Lawful Neutral. Her symbol is that of the two moons, one full, one new, on a gray background. Her favored weapon is a dagger.

Tanamo: Proud and arrogant, Tanamo is the god of the sun. He is prideful, and so are his followers.

Tanamo is Neutral. His symbol is a sunburst. His favored weapon is an unarmed strike.

Elendism (also Astrologialism)
When the new calendar was written, some believed that the constellations themselves were active in the night sky; in so believing, it was made so, and the constellations became deities in their own rights. While on a slightly different level than the other deities and religions, Elendism is the easiest religion to understand, as there are no additional deities - only the eleven touched by Millicent are believed to have a divine spark.

Many druids are also Elendists, though it is not a requirement.

The general Elendist symbol is that of a star.

Quellos		The Arch	Beginnings	Life(3), Renewal(2), Herald(4)
Kotrit(1)	The Skull	Death		Death, Undeath(2), Decay(3)
Lisylla		The Flame	Fire		Fire, Chaos, Passion(3)
Zir		The Diamond	Beauty		Charm(3), Illusion(2), Pleasure(4)
Tori		The Squirrel	Exploration	Travel, Weather(3), Planning(2)
Klanth		The Eagle	Leadership	Nobility(2), Community(3), Family(2)
Alexi		The Bow		Speed		Luck, Travel, Time(2)
Relof		The Gear	Cooperation	Craft(2), Community(3), Commerce(3)
Harsyl		The Mole	Mountains	Dwarf(2), Caverns(2), Earth
Vardith		The Tree	Life		Life(3), Healing, Joy(4)
Sellix		The Wheel	Endings		Death, Shadow(3), Darkness(2)

(1): Named after the wizard Kotrit Wayveri, this constellation is not actually Kotrit himself.
(2): Found in FRCS.
(3): Found in ECS.
(4): Found in BoED.[/color]

Quellos: Lawful Neutral. Her symbol is usually of an archway, made of wood or stone.

Kotrit: Neutral Evil. His symbol is usually a skull.

Lisylla: Chaotic Neutral. Her symbol is that of a flame.

Zir: Neutral. HIs symbol is that of a gemstone.

Tori: Neutral Good. Her symbol is that of a squirrel's head.

Klanth: Lawful Neutral. His symbol is an eagle feather.

Alexi: Neutral Good. Her symbol is a bow.

Relof: Lawful Neutral. His symbol is a toothed gear, usually of metal.

Harsyl: Lawful Neutral. His symbol is that of a boulder.

Vardith: Neutral Good. Her symbol is a tree.

Sellix: Lawful Neutral. His symbol is a wagon or ship wheel, usually made of wood.

Usually, these symbols incorporate a star in their design - a bow may have a starpoint where an arrow would be, a tree may have a star somewhere in its leaves, a skull may have a star in one of its eyes. Those who use a star on their symbol sometimes also use it to show that, while they worship that particular deity, they honor the other elendist deities.

The Litorian belief system is, essentially, a collection of spirits that dwell in the world. Throughout the Litorian tribes, the names of these and their nature change; in essence, the Litorian belief structure is more of a conglomeration of all of the beliefs of the various Litorian tribes.

There are no symbols used in the Litorian belief system. Given the wide range of beliefs, a Litorian cleric can take any two domains.

A polypantheist is one that follows the beliefs of multiple religions. For example, a halfling might believe in Windiar as well as the teachings of Philosophialist; such a person is a polypantheist.

A polypantheist's beliefs depend upon the religions that consist of their belief structure. Most polypantheists differ from each other in how they mesh their beliefs; there are few polypantheist groups.

An atheist is one who doesn't believe in any divine agents. While outsiders may exist, they do so more of as a manifestation of the ideas of morality and ethics than due to the intervention of a deity.

A cleric cannot be an atheist. Given how well-defined divine spells are, and other divine abilities, a cleric cannot credit anyone other than the deities with his divine powers. His beliefs may modify just where the power is coming from and who is giving it, but that does not change the fact that the source is divine.

A cleric who becomes an atheist loses access to his divine spells, the ability to turn undead, and any special abilities gained from his domains.

The druid belief system is similar to the Litorian belief system. Druids revere nature in all its manifestations; it needs no name, and does not need to be actively worshiped in order for the druid to gain her power.

The druidic system is inherently atheist; it lacks any defined deity, and merely believes in nature as a power unto itself. However, atheism is not a requirement to be a druid, and some druids are also elendist.

A character can believe in the druid system without being an actual druid.
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First Post
Imerak said:
Must...resist...urge...to join...another Pbp!

Ah, what the heck. I was thinking of playing an Unfettered, as they sound kind of cool and I still haven't tried out AU since buying it, but I won't if DrZobmie is one.
Feel free to play one, I don't have UA anyway :D .

I was going for a druid, but have changed my mind since I'd like to check out this technology ruleset, so I'l prolly go for a gremlin inventor/technologist, with maybe a level of rogue thrown in.

Btw : druid isn't mentioned as an available class, but you do mention druidic faith. Did you simply forget it or is there a reason you don't want druid PC's? Just asking.

Edit : oh yeah, my email is maartenkuppers at hotmail dot com
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