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The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw Cannith


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The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw, Excerpt 7

"...dizziness made the ritual far more complex than it ought to have been. After two false starts early this morning, pulling another pint of blood from my system was taxing even my boundless energy. I pressed the open wound in my palm onto the head of the clay and stone figure laid out before me, uttering my enchantments. I repeated this over the simulacrum's chest and hands, then moved on to the legs. Before I was done, I heard it's tiny voice suggest a more efficient manner of dispensing my life's fluid into the ritual. My homunculus was alive! I am sure that it was the loss of blood -- and not the surprise at hearing my own voice come this tiny creature -- that caused me to pass out at that moment."

. -- An excerpt from the Craft Journal of Artemis Heuw, Volume 4

"... adding a pleasant blue glow to each bracer. Stark always does the most clever things!
What a deplorable state my journals have become. Here I am, fourteen pages into my fourth historic journal, and I still have yet to recount the events surrounding our second trip down into the guildhall of the Order of the Closed Circle. A recounting that should have been included in my third journal!

It seems so long ago, now.... Let's see.

It had been a few days since the DC had gotten together: our last outing had left many of us hurt and in need of recuperation. We had agreed to escort a paladin of the Silver Flame down into the vaults of the Order, though [ref: PJ-V3-112], so we gathered once more to see it done. The night before we were going to get together we got word from professor Boromar at MU that he wanted to see us. About the Cannith map, undoubtedly [ref: PJ-V2-67]. A few messages were sent about, and we agreed to all meet on the MU's campus.

I wasn't the first to arrive. When I got there I saw quite a few more people than I expected. Our paladin was there, but so were half a dozen rough-looking elves. They were all part of Caerlyn's Blades, evidently. A mean looking bunch! They had come along with CA, though I never really figured out why. Maybe he's a captain, now, and just hasn't told us?

Anyway, we left the soldier-types waiting for us outside, and went up-tower to professor BO's office. It wasn't a class day, so the halls were pretty empty. My keen senses told me something was wrong, and my usually jovial nature turned suspicious.

Those suspicions were quickly confirmed, too, when we went into BO's office. The place was completely torn up! Bookshelves twice my height had been ransacked, their contents scattered across the floor. There were signs of blood, too, and a struggle. I knew our professor friend was a canny old halfling, so I started searching for his inevitable ecape tunnel. It would have to be low to the ground.

I rarely miss important clues, and never when it matters. Behind the professor's desk was a secret panel that opened up into a tight passageway. I nodded knowingly at my companions and went in. They must have been afraid of such strict confines, though, because they failed to follow me. The height-challenged passage lead me to a larger hall, and this into a hallway even larger still.

Now I'm not claiming to be an expert tracker, but I have a keen eye and more than enough intelligence to connect the miniscule signs and marks left by another creature's passage. So I followed the trail. Alone, for none of the DC had followed. I wasn't really sure where I was, until I came like a hound to his quarry to my destination. Strangely, the path lead back to the front door of the professor's office. The DC were still in there, and GR was just climbing down a rope suspended from mid-air, carrying the bloodied and battered form of the professor.

I came in, asking how they had anchored the rope on blank space, but GR told me it was there from the moment we walked in. GR and his silly jokes. If it had been there when we came in, I would have seen it.

BO was still alive, clutching a blank roll of scroll-quality vellum. IR administerd healing and we asked what had happened. It seems BO had been attacked in his office by thugs looking for the Cannith map. They had gotten it, too, curse our luck. Fortunately, though, BO had made a copy. He gave us the map, and told us that it showed the Mournlands. The marks scattered about the map were Cannith marks. I looked at them again, and sure enough they were! I didn't like stoooping to guile, but I needed to know how much the professor knew about Cannith dealings. I casually mentioned that I didn't know what the symbols meant, hoping to trick him into revealing what he knew. He admitted (and from his look, I believed him) that he didn't know what the signs meant. I was quietly pleased.

Later [ref: PJ-V4-7], I was able to decipher most of the symbols. They are the locations of House Cannith holdings. Some are familiar to me. Some are not. I cross-referenced the map with Bonal Geldem's journal, and he mentions something called Whitehearth and another schema. BG associated Whitehearth (whoever or whatever that might be) with a symbol of a red dragon. Whether the schema he mentions is related to the schema piece we recovered for Lady d'Vown, however, [ref: PJ-V1-67] is another matter.

One of the symbols on our map looks like a dragon, so I naturally deduced that that must be where the schema is. A Cannith holding in the midst of the Field of Ruins.

After the incident with the professor, we talked to campus security and looked for BO's ogre-professor friend. Neither event lead to anything interesting. Back down in the courtyard, we met up with CA's friends and the paladin, and headed down to the empty halls of Order of the Closed Circle. Daihmin had shown up at some point, and he decided to go with us. I guess one of the DC had invited him, though I don't know why. Ah, well. the more the merrier.

Getting down into the depths of Sharn was an easy journey -- if not uncomplicated. There were an even thirteen of us, now. We were quite the mob as we swept along bridges and down the lifts. It took three sky cabs to carry all of us. What a mess.

On the way down, I tried to convince the DC that we really didn't need all these people: the place would be empty. I explained to them that cults -- like the one we'd seen last time we were in the Order's halls -- were like cockroaches. They fled as soon as they were exposed to the light. Nobody believed me though. Sometimes I think these people just don't understand how the real world works.

I knew there wouldn't be anyone around, but I also knew that safe entry would not be easily guaranteed. The cultists had trapped a good part of thier lair while still working there [ref: PJ-V3-27] -- I was sure they would have booby-trapped the place when they left.

The tunnel that lead in to the Halls was blocked by a stack of crates. Stored there by some of the locals, undoubtedly. Just to be sure, I checked the pile for traps. Nothing. On the other hand, the highest box looked a bit unstable, so I stepped back and warned GR to be careful when he moved it. Good thing I did, too, because as soon as he started moving boxes, the top one toppled over and nearly crushed him. I mean, really; who fills a crate with heavy rocks, then puts it on top of a rickety stack of boxes? Whoever it was had no common sense.

We continued on into the abandoned hall, and before long found some of the traps I had warned everyone about. Their concealment and device was no match for my expert training, though, and we easily bypassed them.

At an intersection of halls we ran into a couple of those four-armed mutant goblins that we had seen the last time we were down here. I'm not sure what they were doing there -- they must have snuck back in to loot the place after everyone left. We immediately set about dispatching them. Before we finished, a couple more wandered in from a side hall carrying a heavy crate full of rocks. Yep: looters. And stupid ones at that.

It was IR, the paladin, and I that went up against the first pair of creatures. GR and CA went after the ones carrying the crate while the elves waved swords around or shot arrows into the ceiling or did whatever else they were doing in an attempt to look useful without actually doing anything. XL and DA "stood watch". What heroes.

I have mentioned before that IR is a fierce combatant, and she showed it again when going up against the two goblinoids. One look at me, though, with my completely useless cane, and the little blighters tried to flee. IR and our Silver Flame friend killed one, then IR and I set off in pursuit of the other. The paladin doubled back to help the rest of the group go on watch, or whatever it was they were doing.

We ran around the corner and into a large, long chamber. The goblin was running as fast as he could for a signal horn hung on the far side of the room. IR almost caught him, but the tricky goblin scrambled away. I was too far behind to catch up, so I did the only thing I could: I threw my cane. (It was even enchanted at that point to deal with creatures like him [ref: CJ-V1-19].) Once again, though, that accursed cane betrayed me, and it missed. I hated that cane. My new one is much nicer!

The goblin made it over to the horn and took an impossibly deep breat, ready to blow, when an arrow struck him square in the chest. CA and a couple of his elven friends had followed us into the chamber and were making their presence known. The goblin was stunned momentarily, which gave IR time to race up and deliver the killing blow. Victory!

I went immediately to see if the horn was magical in some way. I'm not sure why a looter would blow a horn like that unless it was a weapon of some sort, but, no. It was just a mundane horn. Strange.

We gathered our forces again and decided to split up. DA and half the elves would stay behind at the central junction of tunnels, to make sure more looters didn't sneak up on us. The rest of us, meanwhile, would escort our Silver Flame representative down into the library below us so he could check on the seals guarding his precious Orb of Xoriat. [ref: PJ-V3-76]

The halls were empty, and we had no problems finding our way back to the central chamber. There was a ritual sacrifice happening here last time we were about [ref: PJ-V3-41]. Strange sounds echoed up from the hole in the center of the chamber that lead down to the lower vaults. Multi-colored flickering lights could be seen reflecing off of the stony surfaces below us. We immediately headed for the staircase to go down, half of us taking the right hand staircase and half the left.

When we got down to the barracks and living chamber level, the sounds became much more pronounced. The four large braziers that circled the central shaft -- cold and unlit the last time we were here -- were still cold but now lit. Each was filled with a heatless flame of odd, shifting color, and was quite fascinating. I stopped to study them.

The rest of the DC, meanwhile, moved on and had uncovered a secret door. When they opened it, the sounds -- chanting perhaps -- grew even louder. The braziers I studied explained the flickering light we had seen above, but a strange new light was visible through the now open doorway. We moved in to investigate.

We stood at one end of a succession of three chambers, a broad opening leading from one to the next. In the farthest chamber we saw a ritual of some sort in progress. A stone dias in front of a glowing portal held a couple of man-shaped figures and a hulking brute of a monster. Between us and the dias in that last room was a mob of four-armed goblins, all chanting their weird little double-mouth chant. We crept forward.

The ritual was coming to a crescendo. A large tentacle came out from the portal and took something handed to it from one of the robed people on the platform. A male voice, distorted oddly, came from the lead ritualist. He spoke some wierd, twisted language that I didn't understand at all.

I was gesturing to the rest of the group, trying to gather them together. I had surveyed our surroundings and had come up with a fool-proof strategem in dealing with the cultists. We would have to be subtle, though. Just at that moment, unfortunately, our Silver Flame friend reminded us of his presence. Screaming out something about the purifying flame, he charged.

Sigh. I guess for some people, "Charge" is a valid plan.

With nothing left to it, IR and CA charged forward as well.

In the far room, one of the ritual participants turned and removed her hood. It was the head priestess from the last time we were here! [ref: PJ-V3-65] She signalled to one of her tall, gaunt, tentacled friends standing next to her, and they ran off to the right, out of our field of vision. There was a passage on the right hand side of the chamber we were in, and I knew we were going to see her again soon.

I was in the midst of rallying our group together, pulling them forward to defend the side passage and getting reinforcements for our front line, when the lumbering hulk up on the dias turned in our direction. It was a broad, insectile humanoid, with large, multi-faceted eyes, massive forelimbs, and wicked looking claws. It was his yellow eyes that grabbed my attention, though. They... flashed... or somethng, and suddenly everything got very, very confusing.

I'm not really sure what happened after that. I remember chasing someone -- or something -- once or twice. I was involved in a tremendous battle against a monstrously formed elven warrior. More than once I tried to call to my friends, but they did not understand my words. Everything was chaos and confusion.

I learned after the fact that the priestess had, indeed, shown up on our flank. GR, XL, CA and one of the elven warriors killed the tentacled abomination that accompanied her, then drove her off. She summoned a cloud of smoke to conceal her retreatGR and XL gave chase. They lost sight of the priestess -- or heard IR's call for help -- and returned to the fight

CA, meanwhile, moved up to fight the goblinoids and the large creature beyond.

In the main ritual chamber, the same confusion that overcame me sent the goblinoids into full riot. They were bickering and fighting amongst themselves, screaming out incoherent babble or just wandering in circles. IR made quick work of many of them, as did the paladin. He was working his way towards the hulking creature, though -- not as concerned with the goblins surrounding him. In the chaotic swirl of combat, he managed to charge the hulk and delivered an incredibly powerful blow to the creature. CA was there, too, his flashing blades slicing through many a goblin.

At about that time, the lead ritualist turned, and revealed himself. A mindflayer! (Later, I would tell the DC that this explained the cult's continued presence in these halls: mind control. They continued to obsess over some theory that the cult never left, though. That they were there of their own free will.)

The mind flayer gathered up the last of the ritual components -- some of which looked very valuable. He took interest in IR then, for some reason, and ordered the hulk and his remaining followers to "bring her to me, kill the rest". With that, he walked through the still-active portal. With his passage, the portal closed and became bare rock once again.

The hulk had it's orders, but first it wanted to deal with the paladin. Grabbing him, it casually ripped the armored follower of the Silver Flame to pieces. Ick. I'm glad I didn't see that. He turned his attention on IR, who called out for assistance.

CA was still there, though, and moved in to attack the creature. About that time, GR and XL showed up to help. IR stood against the hulk, smashing it mightily with her mace. Though the creature was badly wounded, it continued on. Grabbing her, it turned to move away.

CA charged in while XL moved to clean up the last of the goblinoids. GR put his healing wand to good use, then took up his mace. The creature had IR firmly in control until GR jumped up and planted his mace right between it's large, faceted eyes. It staggered, and the DC converged on the kill.

They weren't done, though. The last of the goblinoids, perhaps unaware of it's condition of being the only opponent left in the room, screamed two things at once and tackled IR, bringing her to the ground. He fought valiantly -- fanatically! -- and even managed to drag IR eight or nine feet towards the exit. While IR struggled to escape, GR and CA struggled to free her, but to no avail. Eventually, they simply struck down into the squabble, killing the creature.

The last of our enemies were defeated and those of us who were under the guile of the hulk came back to our senses. I found myself far-flung from my companions -- almost all the way to the staircase -- and rejoined the DC.

Now at leisure to explore the halls of the Order of the Closed Circle (it really was empty this time), we uncovered quite a few secrets. And more than a little treasure. The mind flayer had a room on this level, as did the head priestess. We found some odd things in both rooms.

The mind flayer must have gained access to the lower vaults, for almost all of them stood open. The order still had a rich library, and an orrerry, now seemingly non-functional. Many other treasures were found, but the church of the Silver Flame claimed them as their own.

The Orb of Xoriat was no longer there. With this great and dangerous artifact missing, the church saw no reason to keep the chambers sealed. They scoured the library, removing books they though offensive, then left the place to us."

. -- An excerpt from the Personal Journal of Artemis Heuw, Volume 4

"Hair, black, 7.5 inches long -- green potato soup"
"Tooth, bicuspid, humanoid -- ale, mug"
"Dried herb bread, cubed -- green salad"
"Zilargo brandy -- Brelandish brandy, glass"
"One half cockroach, living -- ham sandwich"
"Garbled message for help -- fortune cookie"

. -- An excerpt from the Catalogue of Foreign Substances Found in Food Served At the Broken Anvil, by Artemis Heuw

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The Collected Journals of Artemis Heuw, Excerpt 8

"...set it down and stared at it until the glow faded. How I had acheived that color, I was not sure: alchemist fire was supposed to glow red, not blue. I looked over to Stark to see him busily working on his own alchemy, his tiny body moving rapidly in the reddish glow of his work. Perhaps the ingredients I had used were contaminated? I looked for the recipe scroll to see what might have gone wrong and -- once I had found the the parchment I sought -- quickly ascertained the problem. My body had been working independently of my mind, going through the motions of creation while I pondered other, grander, issues. I had spent the day creating Alchemist's Ice, not Alchemist's Fire. I quickly relabled the bottle, my mind going back to earlier in the morning when I had been labelling the bright, cheery green vials of healing potions alongside the bright, dangerous looking green of acid vials. I made a note to double-check those labels...."

. -- An excerpt from the Craft Journal of Artemis Heuw, Volume 4

"... which brought an end to the second hour of our discussion of just what was going on and who was involved. Too many of our recent events were inter-connected; too many players cropping up more than once; too much that we just didn't know. Another glass of wine was a welcome addition to the conversation. Even from these cellars.

GR came back to the table then, to tell us that a contact of his had spotted Caibher heading into the Deathgate Guild chapter house with a package and a gnoll escort. This might be the break we were looking for. We knew that Caibher was supposed to deliver the Breastplate of Drakken Khas [ref: PJ-V2-99] to Keshta, the leader of the gnoll-dominated criminal organization. We didn't know whether we wanted to recover the breastplate before, during, or after the transfer, but we knew opportunity when it came knocking. Gathering our stuff (Hutch was carrying most of mine), we set off to Deathgate Guildhouse.

And so we set about the long task of staking out the chapter house, awaiting Caibher's appearance. I came upon the very clever idea of creating a Location spell [ref: CJ-V4-11] within the matrix of my new cane (which none of the DC had commented on, yet again), when GR remembered that his dragonmark allowed him to do just that twice each day. We'd been sitting out here for almost two hours: I wish the thought had occured to him earlier.

That complaint aside, a moment later GR said that the Breastplate was, indeed, in the chapter house, but about twenty feet below street level. We went down tower to see if the next level down was accessible, but could find no way to get from the public places of the tower to where the armor was. Still, we knew where it was, so we resumed our vigil.

A short time later, a group of gnolls came out of the chapter house, speaking roughly in thier barbaric tongue. They were not carrying any packages of appropriate size, so we let them go. I kept my cool and they walked right past me; the stupid animal-men had no idea I was staking the very building they had just come from. Some criminal organization they work for!

It was XL who first spotted Caibher. XL was stationed on the bridge between Shooma tower and tower Teema near the skyboat ramps. He saw Caibher crossing a bridge about one hundred feet down, and had to scramble to catch up to him. We ran.

We were almost upon him when he hopped into a sky boat and headed towards Lower Dura on the other side of town. The DC piled into another boat and ordered the driver to follow Caibher. Once we saw which landing he was going for, we ordered our driver to catch up to him, but, somehow, we had picked the slowest boat in all of Sharn, and he couldn't accomodate us. With nothing left to it, we ordered the driver to lower his skiff down to street level ahead of Caibher, and we all jumped out to confront him.

He recognized us right away, of course, and decided that he could take us. That was his first, and last, mistake. If he had run, he might have gotten away. Instead, he charged GR.

The DC surrounded Caibher -- most bringing their weapons to bear, and IR summoning up the skeleton of a giant, upright, bear-like creature with the skull of a bird. I waited outside of the fight, to make sure he did not get away.

Caibher quickly realized he was out-matched, and tried to manuever away. The DC was having none of that, however, and scrambled to keep him surrounded. I used the Hold Person scroll we had found down in the halls of the Order of the Closed Circle [ref: PJ-V3-89], but he shrugged off it's affects. IR summoned another large skeleton.

CA was going for the kill, but GR kept his head about him, and tried to seperate the bundle Caibher had tied across his back from it's owner. Finally, he succeeded.

Quickly, I conjured up an Unseen Servant from a wand I had purchased [ref: PJ-V4-18], and ordered it to bring me the package. XL signalled to our sky boat driver (whom I had promised a goodly reward to), and the skiff lowered itself down to street level.

It was about this time that reinforcements arrived. The city watch almost never comes down to this part of town, evidently, and the local militia seemed to come in the form of a pack of bugbears and a dark, hooded figure. Unfortunately, Caibher seemed to be on good terms with the newcomers, and the reinforcements were his.

In quick succession, the DC piled into the boat. We were lifting off, CA dangling from a rope held by GR, when the hooded figure revealed his true form: a gorgon! It scowled at IR, but she averted her gaze just in time to keep from begin turned to stone. We yelled at CA not to look down.

Suddenly, the boat lurched as Caibher jumped onto the prow of the ship. XL tried to push him back, but Caibher was far too dexterous, and kept his footing. He lept over everyone to the back of the boat and made a grab for the package I had clutched to my chest. I made a show of fending off his attack and defending the armor. He bought it, of course -- I should be an actor! -- and, with a sneer, lept over the side of the boat to the ground far below. I smiled, and scrambled to the edge, looking down.

A fair distance below me, Caibher stood in a circle of bugbears, looking into the sack he had recovered. He had the armor now. Unbeknownst to him, I had used my time in the bottom of the boat to put a powerful enchantment on the armor -- one that I called upon with a word. Suddenly, I held the armor in my hands. Success! Oh, how I would have loved seeing the look on his face as his stolen armor disappeared right out from under his nose. Precious!

We made our way at top speed away from the scene. It was late evening, and raining to boot. Out of the darkness came a flying messenger from House Sivis: a magebred owl. He delivered a letter addressed to me then flew off. The seal was of Lady d'Vown of House Cannith [ref: PJ-V1-36]. She asked that we meet her at the Broken Anvil immediately. There was some dissension in the ranks -- we had just risked our lives acquiring this valued Breastplate and some of the DC wanted to turn it over to Professor Boroman -- but my calm rational argument pervailed. We went immediately to the Anvil.

I hoped the Lady was all right!"

. -- An excerpt from the Personal Journal of Artemis Heuw, Volume 4

"She said something along the lines of, 'Ah! I can see here why your magics never work. One of the coins you carry is cursed! Quicky! Place all of your money into this sacred coffer, given to me by the High Preistess of Kol Korran herself! Return, then, when the sun is newly risen, to collect your wealth, and the cursed coin will have turned to purest platinum, it's curse broken. Quickly! There is no time to waste!' I panicked, and did the only thing I could think of...."

. -- An exerpt from the List of Regrets of Artemis Heuw, Festival of New Beginnings, 995YK


First Post
I've got another journal entry half done. I just can't find my motivation to finish it!

Is anyone reading this?



First Post
I'm going to start adding my character journal entries back into this thread since they were lost in the Big Crash. But to avoid confusing readers, I'm only going to pick up from where Devo's entries leave off.

From: Caelen Siorath
Caerlyn's Blade barracks
Middle Dura

To my family;

Sharn got a bit hot for us. It looks like we'll be venturing into the Mournlands. My ancestor's spirit should be pleased with that challenge.

While we were arguing about what to do next - Kylara and Xil didn't want to go to the Mournlands - Grinner got a message about the location of the stolen breastplate.
We thought about ambushing the gnolls before they could get rid of the item, but couldn't find a good location for an ambush. Then Grinner learned that Caibre, a shapechanger from the Deathsgate Guild, had the breastplate at the guild headquarters.

We followed Caibre in a skycoach. Grinner can sense where the breastplate is. We were going to jump onto a bridge from our skycoach, but then Grinner and Artemis remembered that there aren't any manifest zones in the lower levels of the city. We had to have the coach land so we could disembark and surround Caibre.

Caibre was a very seasoned warrior. Even with the aid of my companions I couldn't bring him down. But Grinner managed to slice off the sack containing the breastplate, and Artemis had a magical servant carry it off. Caibre had some reinforcements so we had to let him be.

We all leaped back into the skycoach to leave, but Caibre jumped in with us and snatched the breastplate back. Luckily the human had the forethought to cast a spell on it that would bring it back to him with a word.

While we were on our way to Morgrave to return it a messenger owl landed in our coach with a missive from our patron, Lady d'Vown. She wanted us to meet her at the Broken Anvil immediately.

We had no time to dispose of the breastplate. We took the coach directly to the tavern. Lady d'Vown seemed anxious. She gave us a magic pack full of money and supplies and told us to get out of the city as quickly as we could. Then some more bugbears and a warforged burst into the tavern and attacked her. I tried to hold them off, but the warforged had adamantine plates.

The human covered our withdrawal and we climbed out the windows. Now we've got to catch the lightning rail to the nearest town to the Mournlands. We need to recover the next schema before some other adventurers find it.

I'll write again as soon as I can.

Last edited:


First Post
A letter home

22 Dravago
From: Caelen Siorath
Rose Quarry, near Rhukaan Draal

To my family:

It took us longer than we would have liked to get out of Sharn. We had to deposit the breastplate with House Kundarak and arrange for the halfling professor to pick it up and leave our reward.

Then our coach to First Tower got stuck in a crowd while we waited for the king of Karrnath to make his entrance. Those Karrnathi wear too much armor.

I met a Valenar while waiting for the lightning rail and he told me that the Karrnathi have been raiding into our territory. I wish I could be there to fight them.

I thought we were going to take an airship from Wroat to Rhukaan Draal, but it turned out that the writ our employer gave us wouldn't cover the cost. We took the lightning rail part of the way and then bought magebred horses.

In the goblin territory we looked into joining a caravan but it was travelling too slowly. We didn't have any trouble getting through Marguul Pass on our own.

The fellow we hired to take us to Rose Quarry isn't trustworthy. I don't know why our employer recommended him. I had to fend off a gang of bugbear toughs who were harrassing him. But he does have an elemental wagon, which is very impressive.

To get to Rose Quarry without any trouble from the hobgoblin tribes, we had to agree to go somewhere else and recover the remains of one of their heroes. They're afraid to go themselves - cowardly lot. We'll take care of that after we get the schema.

This ruined mining town is a very strange place; everything is burnt and covered in glass! We got here quickly enough to beat the other party, but there is still a large armed force here ahead of us.

Now we've just got to avoid the Emerald Claw and some glass-coated zombie dwarves. I doubt my patron ancestor ever ran into a challenge like this!

I'll write more when there's more to tell.



First Post
A letter home continued

23 Dravago
The Mournlands

The glass-coated undead proved difficult to destroy until I discovered that I could smash the glass with a mace. The others all had trouble keeping their footing on the slick glass. The human even sat on his homunculus-chest. I don't know why it was such a problem for them.

We made our way to the the quarry stoneworks, and Grinner heard living voices within. Inside we found two people, well armed, digging for something in the main chamber. The woman was no match for my blades, but the changeling slew the man before I could get to him. I took his flail in case we met more glass zombies.

Kylara and I kept watch while the others argued over some message or puzzle the Cannith people had left. While we stood guard a shadowy figure approached us. I believe it was a vampire! It disappeared into a mist before I could strike it and began shouting for reinforcements. As we were outnumbered by the people on the plateau, we withdrew to our wagon.

The next morning we entered the Mournlands. If you've never been there you can't imagine what it's like. We stepped into the fog together, but when I emerged on the other side I was alone. After a time - I couldn't tell how long, since the sky is covered with fog too - most of my companions joined me one by one. It took the human all day to get out. I expect he was walking in circles.

We found evidence of a battle, and it's just as I'd heard - the dead looked like they'd fallen just before we arrived. We frightened off some skeletal wolves and went on to a small village. Everyone there was dead too, though not from fighting. Kylara wouldn't disturb the corpses so we had to seek a cottage with only one body in it to rest for the night.

There's something wrong with all the food and water here, though everything looks fresh. The water has a sickly glow. Kylara's purification ceremony did nothing. We'll have to take care that we don't run out of water.

During the night we heard a terrible wail that frightened the half-orc so much he ran off. A ghostly spirit came into the cottage but we drove it off and found the half-orc.

The next day we came upon a huge battlefield. This must be the Field of Ruin, as the humans call it. I saw a great number of Valaes Taern and went to look closer. In the heap of bodies I spotted the banner of Valea Eldalia. When I went to retrieve it the whole mass of bodies rose up from the ground!

The bodies were all on the back of a huge crustacean. It grabbed me in one of its claws. No matter how hard I struggled I couldn't get free or bring my blade to bear. It bit me a number of times before my companions came to my aid.

The human, Artemis, cast a spell that made a pocket of space.... elsewhere, for us to rest in. At least our healing magics work there. After we rested a bit I went out into the field again and found Valea's banner and her double blade 'Talaenkara'. I hope her patron ancestor will look favorably on my using it until I can return it to her family.

We found the command tent of the Cyran army. There's a huge chasm behind it that looks like it opened up in the midst of the battle. It's no wonder that no one wants to visit this place.

Somehow the human found the trail to the mine we're seeking - I don't know how he managed that.

Quips & Quotes:

Jubilee (Kylara): "I guess if you live in a glass zombie shell you *can* throw rocks."

GM: "Caelen's being pulled between the carcass crab and the owlbear skeleton."
Devo (singing): "Torn between two monsters..."

GM: "It's morning now."
Xil: "But we're in the Mournlands - isn't it always mourning here?"


First Post
A letter home, part 3

24 Dravago
Whitehearth, the Mournlands

Our situation gets worse. We've been forced to bargain with a filthy vampire
to save Kylara's life.

They've been following us for days, perhaps even since Sharn. The vampire promises
to release us all if we give him the schema. I don't trust him.

I won't surrender. This filth will not touch Talaenkara. The blade has spoken to me!

This Cannith place is full of winding passages and trapped hatches. The human nearly
killed himself trying to open them. In desperation he summoned a being from the
outer planes. It took us to most of the keys we need, but we haven't yet found
the schema.

The keys control spherical rooms that rotate to access different passageways. Ingenious,
but too complicated. These people are so wasteful with their magic.

Now we've made a second bargain with a 3-headed wolf. Her brethren are imprisoned
somewhere. If we can free them we might have allies against the Emerald Claw. I
can't help but wonder what sort of monster holds them captive if they're
all like Rorsa.

We must find our way back to the hatch with the plate beneath it. The keys should
open the plate. We must hurry. Kylara has only a few days before she becomes one
of Vol's minions.

Quips & Quotes:

Devo: "I cast lunch item."

Devo: "Here, hold these two wires."
Hedrin (Grinner): "Okay, I've got one in my ear and one on my tongue. Now what happens?"

GM: "How long does it take to make a vampire spawn?"
Hedrin: "I don't know. How long does it take him to swim upstream?"

Sniffles: "You're supposed to remove the feet before you put the boots on."
GM: "These boots are too tight. They're a foot too small."

Xil: "Try the brown key in the brown hole."
Everyone: Much groaning and laughter.
Hedrin: "Exit only! Exit only!"


First Post
A very long letter...

25 Dravago
Whitehearth, the Mournlands

We have yet to find all the keys for this strange place. I'm starting to despise these rotating rooms.

We found Rorsa's brethren in a kennel. They were kept by some kind of wolf-like construct. It attacked as soon as we entered. Its breath was foul. Talaenkara and I made short work of it while the changeling released the wolves. But Rorsa won't help us against the vampire.

Grinner found a fancy bronzewood rod, but the human says it isn't magical. Neither is the pearl pendant Rorsa gave us.

Artemis cast his rope trick again so we could rest and heal. Grinner was able to detect the schema we seek. We found what seems to be the water supply. And the forge. This place is full of 'living' spells. A fiery one got loose and burnt up a whole room. It wasn't hard to kill, though.

There was a strange room with another living spell in it. The room was all mirrors and the spell was just a swirl of colors. My task now seems to be slaying these magical monstrosities. I killed two more fire elementals as well, so we could get into the forge.

Only it wasn't really a forge. We don't know what it was for. But there's a dome that may let us escape without passing the guards. Grinner overheard them say they have orders to shoot us on sight. So much for the vampire's word.

At least we have the schema now. In fact, we have two of them. And a plate that may have directions how to use them, or how to find more of them.

But now we have to find a way to rescue Kylara before she becomes one of the bloodsuckers.

Quips & Quotes:
Sniffles: "The grill for the stylin' adventurer - continual light on your teeth!"
Hedrin: "The grill of Vecna!"

GM stands over Hedrin while drawing on the battlemat.
Hedrin: "Ew! GM cooties!"
patv (Xil): "Why do you think GMs stay behind a screen? Player cooties!"

GM: "Much licking and nuzzling and tail-sniffing ensues."
Devo: "But what do the wolves do?"

Sniffles: "I'm going to go up by Artemis in case something jumps out of the chest."
Devo: "It's a chest, not a cake."

Hedrin: "How big is the chest?"
GM: "36D."

Devo: "Hutch, stop rubbing up against that chest!" (Hutch is Artemis' homonculus, a chest with arms & legs)
Sniffles: "Suddenly his name is Hunch!"
GM: "In 9 months there will be a lot of little chests running around..."
patv: "At that age they're just coffers."
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First Post
24 Dravago
Whitehearth, the Mournlands

After resting for the night we climbed up through the opening in the dome. I found that it looked down on a shallow ravine leading past the Emerald Claw camp. With our numbers so few we decided that a swift frontal assault was our best strategy.

The artificer prepared us with a few of his handy spells and I said a short prayer to Talaenkara for aid. I think my ancestor Coriandor would be proud. We crept down the ravine quietly, bypassing several skeletal guards by virtue of the human's magic. The ravine narrowed and I had to climb out to look around. One of the human sentries spotted me.

I ran partway across a rough bridge and jumped the ravine to charge him, taking him out with one blow. Not before he could give the alarm, though. In a moment I had four humans facing me. I slew two more of them as fast as the first. Then I saw the vampire come out of his tent. I caught a glimpse of a dismayed look on his face. A shadow fell over me.

I glanced up to see an airship overhead. Descending on ropes were the other adventurers we'd been trying to outrun. The vampire shouted that he'd give gold and eternal life to whoever brought him the schema. No one took him up on the offer.

The vampire summoned up a huge skeletal creature to oppose me. Grinner came to join me and smashed it to bits with his mace. I ran to hit the vampire before he could call another creature. I wounded him badly and he vanished in a mist.

Grinner ran up beside me. Then we heard a female voice in our ears asking if we wanted help. Grinner said yes and the mist disappeared, revealing the vampire only a few feet away! Before I could strike him a bolt of lightning hit me from behind. I still don't know where that came from. But I struck the vampire a vicious blow and he fled again.

The other party were starting to advance on us. Grinner suddenly lost his head and began yelling about how tired he was of being attacked by everyone for the schema. He took the one he carried out of his pack and threw it at one of our enemies' feet.

I didn't want to let it go that easily after all the effort we'd taken to get it, so I charged the man. But another man on the airship caught hold of the item with some magic and wafted it away.

I suddenly found that there was a gnome woman standing beside me. I don't know how she got there without my seeing her. The ship started to move off, though some of our foes were still on the ground.

The gnome wanted to know if we'd let her join us. She'd been with the other group but said they couldn't be trusted. That was obvious when they left their own people behind. Besides the gnome we also had the half-ogre and the priest. I'll have to hold my revenge on the half-ogre for a later time.

The changeling recovered Kylara. He claimed he'd seen the vampire again, and that it wasn't a real vampire at all but another changeling. He said he killed it, but I saw no corpse.

The gnome tells us an undead wyvern wiped out the hobgoblins we'd promised to help. We'll go back just to be sure. At least we don't have to walk. We have a dozen horses left by the Emerald Claw. And we still have the other schema.
New addition to the party: Dahlia, female whisper gnome beguiler

Quips & Quotes:
Hedrin (Grinner): "If you have any spells, fling them now!"

Hedrin (Grinner): "So to go down the ravine and up again..."
Devo (Artemis): "Jump it!"
Hedrin (Grinner): (scratching his head) "So to go down the ravine and up again..."

Hedrin (Grinner): "Do I get a Reflex save?"
patv (Xil): "You get a Reflux save."
Zora (Dahlia): "Ooh, is it acid?"

sniffles (Caelen): "What do you want your next character to be?"
Hedrin (Grinner): "Competent."
sniffles (Caelen): "The correct answer is: '12th level'."

Hedrin (Grinner): "I've got something stupid to do next round."
Devo (Artemis): "Get him?"
Hedrin (Grinner): "That's my plan."

GM: "What's the move on an airship?"
Devo (Artemis): "African or European?"

patv (Xil): "Do I see Kylara's stuff?"
GM: "No, it's hidden under her dress!"

Zora (Dahlia): "I want amnesty with your group."
Devo (Artemis): "That's fine. My homunculus outranks you, though."
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