• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


“The Creation Forge”

It has been nearly three years since she began this quest. Three. Long. Years.

Lady ir’Vown d’Cannith was about to reach one the biggest goals of this quest. Merrix was about to show her the hidden and secret Creation Forge he has beneath Sharn. This quest began when trying just to learn if the forge existed. Then Kim Elderich had her learn more. He wanted to know how it ran, how often he ran it. How was it powered? What were its limits? Did it have limits? Each question answered created two more questions.

She finished getting her boots on then her magical cloak. She collected her four wands. An unexpected benefit of becoming Merrix’s wife, she was able to train under his exclusive wand use squad. These specialists could use multiple wands at once. It gave her power she did not expect to have when agreeing to this mission. Finally she put on the device that allowed her to teleport at would if an emergency should ever happen. She and Merrix were traveling into the sewers. Too many opportunists lived or prowled there to not take precautions.

She took the private lift from the penthouse to ground level. Here she made certain no one was watching her. Kim warned her that recent activities of his might draw international attention to him. This obviously included the Dark Lanterns. However, the Lord of Blades still sought her punishment and the Emerald Claw led by a twisted elf named Demise would confront her at anytime to learn more about the Schema.

The Schema.

The Creation Schema.

Even with her studies and Xulo’s help she knew little about it. When next Xulo contacted her she was going to demand answers.

Now going underground through a stairway that went to the upper levels of UnderSharn she side stepped into the shadows. Here, using her skills as a thief and the cloak that magically hid her she waited for several minutes. She wanted to be sure no one was following her. There were the recent problems with undead within the sewers. Kim and his grandchild dealt with it along with the governments of Breland and Zilargo. But was it clear yet? Doubtful.

Feeling it was safe finally, she continues on to a marked stairway. Using her Cannith ring she gains safe access as the door opens and the traps within shutoff for twenty seconds. She quickly enters as the door begins to close again thus resetting the traps.

She travels through several more tunnels; some recently made while others date back to the Age of Goblins. It is difficult to say which were better made. Finally she reaches the final hallway. She knows she has been detected and is now being watched by the workers here- all warforged of course. She could slip in undetected but that would tip off Merrix of her other talents. All in time. When Xu- Kim says to.

Brush greets her as the secret door opens. This small warforged scout still had bits of paint on its chest and hands from painting. It amazed her that an artificial creature could have the imagination and need to paint. Maybe Merrix was right. Maybe these are something more than a construct used for war. In truth, it didn’t matter to her.

The next room was huge. Dozens of warforged did their regular duties for Merrix. Most labored at building the bodies for more of their kind. Like Brush, each of these showed a talent for art. They each strive to create a more beautiful warforged. There was talk of creating new designs. Some of these would convey gender. This was a major taboo and against the Treaty that ended the war. But was the existence of what dominated the center of the chamber.

A Forge!

“There you are dear!” calls out Merrix from a worktable. He was here discussing something with his top artificers, all warforged. “Welcome to Genesis.”

The structure looked almost organic. It stood over thirty feet tall and steam constantly emitted from it. She could see large dragon shards placed all over the structure. There were two openings. A moving belt carried a built body into the structure and then when the process was done it carried the body out.

She watched as a bell rang. Several warforged made their way quickly to the Forge. Merrix, without a word leaves her to join them. She watches everything and notes every detail. Including how he left her and now ignores her. She begins to understand his real love. The warforged.

The bell becomes a quiet alarm and lights begin to pulse from within. The belt begins to move and the air is full of magic and excitement. A burst of steam that nothing to warforged and proves only slightly painful to Merrix emits. Then out comes a warforged. She is amazed by it. It is …female.

Merrix is first to speak to her. “Welcome Alpha. Welcome to House Cannith. I am your father.”

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“Negative Energy and Strange Undead”

Even as the Evil Pebble Clone falls from Capio and Cedious’ attacks the original Pebbles moves to the next door down the hallway. It is blue and requires a blue key. “Hammer Time!” she yells in Dwarven and strikes the door to gain entrance. A beam of dull black energy flows out of the door onto her hammer and flows down to envelop her. Oops.

She feels herself become weaker and clerical spells slip from her mind as the negative energy drains the very strength from her body. She reels back stunned and weakened. Bob and the Warforged Fighter arrive now and see her stumble back. None saw her take the hit. They move to her and check on her. “Bad door.” She says weakly.

Cedious and Cider both look at the door. They see no traps from obviously there must be. Being careful not to touch the door, Cedious slides the blue key into the slot and turns. Nothing happens. His next thought is did something inside strike her down? He lets Cider peer in next.

Looking in he sees scrap materials used to build anything metal. He then hears a scrapping sound. Cedious shines his light on the subject. Towards the back of the room is a zombie. It is attempting to build a golem made from scrap material. In some ways it resembles a broken up warforged. It ignores them completely as it continues to try to force pieces of metal into place. Looking around further, they see more pieces of metal, wood and materials and …a dead body. The body looks to have once been a worker here. Unlike most of the bodies in the Mournlands, this one seems to be slowly decaying. The eyes are sunken and discolored.

Not trusting the room, Cider and Cedious ask/suggest Pebbles to destroy the possible golem. It would not be good to enter the room and discover the golem before them is active. First she destroys the zombie by calling on her powers over the undead. Then Pebbles rushes into the room then suddenly stops. “Com’on Pebbles- “Hammer Time” the damned thing.” Says Cedious. Cider moves in, fearing the body is move than just that – a dead body. Pebbles pushes him harshly away from the body. Not one is ignore the possible dangers here; Bob the psionic Thri-kreen rushes in and is stopped by her also. Cider develops a powerful headache as something tries to reach his mind. More determined than ever, he tries to get by Pebbles. She pushes him against the wall stopping him but allows Bob to slash his / its sword into the dead body. He cleaves the body in two at the stomach. Pebbles turns to stop him now. Cider stabs at the undead doing a great deal of damage. Pebbles turns back again unable to stop the two. Bob, being a mantis creature, grabs the head and breaks it open. In his insect mind he hears a scream of NO! Looking at the brain, it is healthy and pink. Somehow the brain of this worker has remained alive and functioning though the body was dead (not undead -but–dead). He takes a bite out of it and Pebbles shakes her head and hammer Times the Golem.

She stops and wonders how she reached the corner of the room with Cider and Bob next to her. She figures the negative energy wash she received must have affected her memory also.

The next two rooms has been searched and secured by Capio and Cedious while this was happening. One room is a storage room with linens and blankets. The other is a room is an armory for shields. They find a shield with silver lining and another made of Byeshk. Other shields they find to keep include a Lion’s Shield, a magic Buckler that bestows Melf’s acid Arrow 5/day and a simple +3 Large Steel Shield.
They feel it is time to rest and regain spells and maybe recover from the energy drain effects Pebbles has received. The just discovered linen room looks ideal for this.

“The Black Door”

While the others are resting, Cedious looks through his keys. The next door is black. He has no black key. He sighs and goes to sleep curled up in a large blanket with the emblem of the Cannith House on it. After resting, they carefully exit the room just in case anyone heard them. With someone like the Titan guarding, they expect there are people still here. Or worse- warforged.

“Any thoughts about this door?” asks Cider looking at it. Cedious smiles and walks up to it. He inspects it for traps and finds none. He next pulls out his Adamantine Rapier and begins to cut at it. He lacks the raw strength and leverage to do a great deal of damage to the door. The warforged asks to step in and within a few minutes has cut away the lock. He hesitates briefly when Cedious asks for his weapon to be returned.

They push open the door and find an armory. Several suits of Scale Mail are within this room. Looking around they find several magical sets and place them into their Haversack. (Scale+4, Scale +1 Med. Fort, Scale +2 Bane Blind: Aberration)

They take a few tools also then move on to the next wing.

“Make enough noise and….”

The adventurers lead and/or hired by Cedious backtrack. They pass by the remains of the Titan and back to the original entrance room. The long hallway here is well lit and empty. They continue that way and find the door is white. Using the white key they found with the Helmed Construct, they enter.

The room is 25ft round and well lit. Standing by the back of the room from them is a ten-foot tall stone man with steel armor pieces built into him. He holds a twin bladed double sword that he holds before him. He faces the floor at the center of the room.

In a voice that is harsh but polite at the same time it speaks. “Why do you invade our home and sanctuary? Why do you thieve from us? What do you seek?” Slowly and with menace he rises his stare to you. His face is stern and demanding.

“Ah- yeah. Go to hell. We are not here to thieve.” Says Cedious hoping he can is not caught lying.

Capio, figuring he will not get a better chance than now, casts a spell onto him. He tries to turn the stone creature into mud. Not only does it fail but also it really ticks him off.

“ARRRRRRGH!” Screams the Maug as it suddenly charges and strikes the mage with his weapon. The mage more flies back from the impact than moves back behind the rest. The rogues roll under the large creature while the others dart in and out of the doorway taking shots at it.

The creature, enraged, has incredible strength and skill with the unique weapon it wields. The others find themselves having a great deal of trouble hitting it. Several members take hits that nearly take them out of the fight. Several stop for potions (I house ruled potions still work within the Mournlands). Finally they defeat him and still breathing heavy they agree that they need to rest again.

“One more room?”


Using the map given to them (and limited by color keys they have) they go for the large room. Cedious opens the door and suddenly there is a flash of light and when the light goes away the Warforged Fighter and Bob are about three-foot tall.

“One more door.” Says Cider with sarcasm.

Fighter and Bob continue to shrink again.

“Oh crap!”

At one inch they stop shrinking. In squeaky little voices they ask for help. Capio begins to caste Dispel Magic on them. Even as they begin to regain their size three doors open. Many mages with staffs prepare to attack from one door. A very large Iron Golem steps out and nearly onto the reduced warriors. They from BEHIND them they see a figure with a spell ready to be caste at them. At first they think it is an elf disfigured like Demise. Pebbles looks at it and the anger in its undead eyes.


“The Cannith Lich”


Everyone freezes in respect of a Lich’s power.

“DO YOU COME TO THEIVE FROM ME OR DO SEEK YOUR DEATHS?” It further demands. The Iron Golem slowly swings its huge blade from its left side to its right just as everyone regains their original size.

“We …ah….ah…. we are here to …. Ah…find someth…one.” Stutters Cedious. He has heard enough about Lich and their powers to know this is bad. Never mind its backup. Speaking of which-

“IT IS GREAT FOLLY ON YOUR PART TO TRESSPASS ON CANNITH LAND. LAND I NOW CONTROL.” Then his facial features twist in anger and hatred. He has seen the remains of his friend, the Maug Barbarian. “YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT.”

“We come to find ….Graymax…er mark….ah…..”

Capio steps up. “We seek Graymark. We believe he is here.”


Capio backs off.

Cider steps in next. “If it is the creature we faced earlier, we have destroyed it. It will bother you no more.”

“YOU SPEAK AS IF I OWE YOU FOR THIS SERVICE! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE MY PATIENCE. I ASK ONE LAST TIME- WHY DO YOU COME HERE?” The energy of the stored spell ready to be released at will from its hand glows brighter.

“We are here from House Cannith…”


“They seek someone named Graymark…..are you he?”


Cedious, very out of character, stumbles and trips over his words. “Well they have divided into two factions…three factions actually…and they each seek to gain power over the others. The Creation Schema-“


“Well ah…there was this war that….”


Cedious swallows hard but feels the lump remain in his throat. Trembling he pulls out the scroll given him by the House. In fury, The Lich flicks the scroll from him with Mage Hand and opens it before him. His anger never stops.

“MADNESS!” the Lich snarls and tosses the scroll into the air and it bursts into flames. “VERY WELL. TO FIND THE PIECE THEY SEEK THEY NEED BUT TO FIND MORLOCK. MORLOCK HAS IT.”

“Ah … sir….can you…..can you….” Cedious knows he may die but feels this creature has information he needs. “Why. Why is the Schema so dangerous and evil?” he spits out while trying to gain his composure. The cold sweat makes this impossible.


The Lich pauses. A deadly calm comes to it. “HOW MANY OF THE PIECES ARE FOUND?”

“Ah….we have one, the warforged have one and we believe Elaydren has three.”

The Lich stares with anger and concern at the news there are three possessed by one person. “GO. NEVER COME BACK.”

The six adventurers have never been more happy to comply to a demand before in their lives.

“Xulo Commands”

The air smelled of flowers. Sweet, succulent and alluring flowers. The birds and insects chirped happily and with exotic tunes and sounds. The air was warm and humid. The woman dressed in royal blue robes made of the finest satin reached for the cooled plate of fruit. These too were sweet and tickled her mouth making her desire more.

She was the queen.

She was the Queen of Xen’drik.

As she dreamed, Lady Elaydren murmured and cooed. It was a good dream. The best.

She had control of the entire continent of Xen’drik by finding and assembling the Creation Schema. It then gave her clues and how to use it. Once used, she gained incredible power. She commanded the power of Xen’drik and anything the Giant’s created including anything House Cannith copied and called their own. She controlled it all. All of that power …hers.

Then she woke up. She heard someone …something calling to her. It was the Schema pieces.

Through her mental rapport with the pieces she was rapidly learning much about the artifact and how it worked and where its pieces were.

Kim Elderich was waiting for her in the Mror Holds with a piece. House Cannith had a piece hidden in Fairhaven. The last piece was hidden in a very forgotten Cannith lab on an island near the ice mass called Frostfell. This lab was over taken by a force greater than House Cannith was willing to combat.

The thought of their current existence never crosses her mind.

[the time comes.]

“Yes. I know.”

[Do it. Gather me together and bring me to my home. The power is there. Your power]

A pleased smile comes to her face. Power. She yawns and gets out of bed. There is much to do and in a short time.

“Kim Survives”

“It burns!” Screams out Rowan over the battle. The Dragon shard glows very brightly in her hands. It is the biggest one she has ever seen. It measured nearly a foot around. The COLOSSAL Fire Elemental within rages to escape but can not.

“Think little of it dear storyteller- you may free it by accident otherwise.” The dwarf came to Fernia to collect two Fire Elementals with enough raw power to operate his newest creation. The Siberys Heir was to be the greatest, grandest and most powerful magical item ever created since the Dragons and Giants ruled the world of Eberron.

His elegant blue cloak was now burnt on the edges and covered in sot. His carefully braided beard was snarled and the tips freed of platinum and adamantine jewels. He truly looked forward to seeing his make up artist again in Elderich Keep.

There remained one more elemental to capture but the appearance of the Magma paraelemental caught his team off guard. Thorvald was able to protect most of the team but several hired aids were not so lucky. 1000 gold to each of their family members plus a heroes burial.

Now Thorvald, Benson and Baaz were cornering the elemental and ready to trap it. Even as Thorvald begins the sequence, Rowan sees something. Something very very very bad. “Kim …Kim! Kim look!” And she begins to point to the sky. A Pyroclastic Dragon is heading their way.

“Hurry Thorvald! We have yet more visitors and this one I suspect we can not deter with a specialized spell!” Elderich calls out.

“Jallarzi! Begin to open the portal! We need to leave and now!” Elderich dunks as the magma formed dragon sweeps over the battle. The elemental has been captured and the three adventurers hurry to join Kim even as the planar traveler known as Jallarzi Sallavarian begins to call up her energy using a gem to power it up.

“I have opened a portal but it may not even be Khorvaire we reach!”

“In this case I don’t mind the surprise of the unknown!”

The ten surviving adventurers leap into the portal even as the huge dragon turns in the air. Fumes visible within its mouth. It plans to strike them down with its breath weapon.

Jallarzi is the last to step into the portal. She can not help herself as she screams. The blast destroys the area they stood on a second before.

Jallarzi’s scream follows her as she falls through the fuming and hot portal along with some molten rock. She calls out for medical help. Her leg is encrusted in molten stone. Ore steps over. The awakened Golem prepares to help her in any way he can when sees them.

“Where are we?” asks Rowan the bard as she looks into the humid jungle.


“How do you know that Benson?”

“sssss why do you come to our lands….?” Asks the lizardfolk guard holding a spear aimed at the group. What Benson senses that the others do not see is the two dozen hidden lizardfolk watching them from within the jungle.

“Well Kim- you said you knew how to throw a great party. I just thought you meant that literally.” Says Rowan as she slowly brings her flute near the level to use.

“This is not Eberron”

The group quickly climbs the ladder and escapes to the cavern above. Rorsa and her pack are not there to say goodbye to. The group doesn’t think much of it as they leave. Outside, it is dark and gray as it always is in the cover of the Mournland’s gray mist shroud.

Outside they can see the fire ring of the ship high above and to the south. They begin to wonder how they will reach the ship when it turns and begins to descend towards them in a sweeping motion. It is then they see a few warforged warriors standing watching the ship. They have not seen or heard the PCs as of yet. The warforged become exited since the ship is getting low enough that it appears to be landing.

The rope ladder is released even as it reaches the PCs. They are forced to grab the ladder while in motion. Cedious is annoyed by this and clearly plans on speaking to the pilot about this. Then as the ship with them holding on rises he sees the cause. There are HUNDREDS of warforged in the area. They are all chasing after the ship hoping to catch up with it.

It will take 3-4 days to reach Fairhaven so everyone goes to relax and take it easy. Armor is repaired and cleaned, spells read and memorized and some minor bandaging of wounds is done. Once out of the Mournlands the healing will occur.

They continue north flying over the destruction and the remains of the once great country of Cyre. Some areas are leveled while other areas the buildings and forts remain upright. Living Spells can be seen along with several very large creatures. One group of possible adventurers can be seen staring at the airship as it goes over them very high up.

Finally the warning goes out. They are about to cross the gray mists to enter Thrane airspace. They know the mists have an unsettling way about them. They make you lose all sense of direction and time. They aim the ship straight and move into the mists at a slower speed.

The ship begins to enter the gray mists that surround the Mournlands. The roaring fire elemental that powers the ship fails to burn it away. As normal, you are blind and only hope not to strike anything within the mists. Then you begin to hear something over the roar of the elemental. Screams.

Then you see the mists are taking shape. They appear to look like the upper torsos of spirits flying about the ship. They are gray and a washed out white. They lack eyes and appear somewhat skeletal. More and more appear until there are several dozen keeping with the ship like a school of dolphins would a sailing ship in the Thunder Sea.

Then quite suddenly they retract and watch you go as you see light before you. You are existing the mists at last.

You and your ship burst through the mists into a clear and sunny day but below there are hundreds of creatures in battle. Many have wings made of feathers and others appear bat-like. This is not the Thrane / Aundair skyline you had expect

Explosions born by magic occur complete with energy beams that are equally destructive. Capio looks down and sees that these are specific warriors doing battles.

“By my favored ancestors…. I see ….a Vrock striking down a Protector and over there a group of Hezrou charging into a group made up of Aasimars and Hound Archons! Where are we?!? This seems like a scene from Shavarath!” Stammers Capio the elven mage whom wished to travel to another plane but wishes it was a different plane.

“Shavarath- the plane of battle?” questions Cider. His secret rages to life. The tiefling holds his heritage close to him so as not to scare others but this is too much. Here he may see more of his kind. Many more!

“TURN THE ****ing SHIP AROUND!” Screams and stomps Cedious at the pilot.

Then one of the guards sees something. It looks like a flock of birds. It was sweeping low then changed direction. It is now coming at them –directly at them.

“Please tell me those are birds …like nice little fluffy birds…..” goes on Cedious as he enters the Pilot’s enclosed room.

As the flock comes closer they can see the flock is not birds. They are too big. They have arms and weapons. Capio and Cider begin to watch them from inside the pilot’s room with Cedious. Pebbles goes outside weighing her hammer in her arms. She is prepared for battle. No matter what they are.

“Battle Stations!” yells the Captain of Guards.

“Darkwindwyrm’s Children”

The flock of flying black creatures splits into two separate groups as it reaches the turning ship. One group of 5 sweep below the ship. The other five go directly to the closest people on deck – Fighter (Warforged Fighter) and a handful of ship guards. The one creature gets directly up close to the Fighter. It has thick black scales, red eyes, bat-like wings and sharp claws and teeth. Each holds a large great club.

The apparent leader of the flock says something Fighter and the guards do not understand then in common- “Mortals! Mortals invade our lands now!” and swats the fighter very hard with her club. Fighter at least now knows what to do- hit it back! And he does.

Cedious is running from window to window watching this take place. He also notes there are a large Blue Dragon, a Large Red Dragon and a Large Copper Dragon fighting near the ship also. “Not good! Get us back to Mournlands!”

Capio and Cider also watch from inside the Pilot’s room. There are many types of fiends and Archons flying around doing battle with each other. Cider debates if this is a battle for him and his strike from shadows style. Capio merely takes it all in. He has reached another goal of his –he has traveled to another plane. What could he learn from this plane he wonders to himself while guarding the pilot.

DM Note: Bill was not here to play Pebbles. In all of the activity we forgot to play her as Bill wished- we didn’t use Bull strength, Enlarge then become Enraged for combat. Our bad. But she survives ..sorta

Pebbles leaves the main group to meet head-on the flock that is flying from under the ship.

The creatures begin to tear into the hired help easily defeating them. Bob tries his best to protect these under-powered guards but there are too many of them. He is forced to join Fighter and hope to survive this.

The winged fiends land and begin to attack anything on that side of the Griffon’s Wing (Cedious’ Ride). One guard is pushed over board to die from falling 100 feet into a battle of Dretch, Tieflings and a small squad of Justice Archons.

The turns slowly and the cloud they exited from is beginning to disperse. They drive the ship through it and …nothing. The ship is still on the Plane of Battle.

A huge gold dragon nearly strikes the ship while trying to pry off several Fiendish Dire Bats that have attacked it. He looks at the ship and some of its people before falling behind.

Pebbles battles with three of the creatures and seems to be holding her own as her armor holds up well against their attacks. Cider moves to the door. He needs to do something but this war in an over exposed airship. There is hardly anything to hide within to strike from the distance. Capio studies the creatures. The thick black scales remind him of ½ Dragons but the red eyes and body remind him of ½ fiends. Could it be? Could all of these be ½ fiend ½ dragon creatures? There are certainly plenty of fiends here and plenty of dragons also. “Can we at least get the ship out of here?” he asks the pilot.

“I am trying!” says the pilot as he commands the elemental through his rapport of the dragon shard.

Another guard dies as black acid covers his face and upper body. He collapses screaming. The screams stop before his lifeless body hits the deck.

Fighter takes down one of the creatures and Bob strikes one well. There is some hope as they find out they can strike these creatures at least and defeat them.

Another hired guard is slain along with a shift captain. The creatures fight over his carcass and remain out of the battle for a moment. The Pilot dodges a large fireball explosion caste from far below by a spell caster. The cinders of it wash over the ship as it resets itself. A curious Quasit makes the mistake of coming too close and is consumed by the raw power of the elemental that empowers the ship.

Pebbles kills a creature as Cedious comes out from the pilot’s house. He is immediately attacked by a creature that castes Magic Missiles at him. It sits on top of storage shed on the deck. “Enough of this!” he growls as he rushes to the ladder leading up to the creature. Fighter tries to hit from behind but misses. This does distract the creature enough for Cedious to climb the ladder safely. Bob kills another winged creature but misses saving the guard that stood next to him.

Cider tries to gain cover from several crates on the deck but has no luck. The creatures are all just of range for his attacks. Angered now but the situation he has found himself in, he charges to attack any creature. He helps Pebbles first who has just received a powerful blow that has her staggered and ready to collapse …again.

Soon the leaders of the winged creatures are all defeated and three remain of the original 10. They curse at the mortals and fly off. “Fly the ship hard and fast away from here.” Demands Cedious.

“A Golden Visitor”

Pebbles goes below deck to heal herself and any that need the aid. Cedious, the pilot, Capio and Cider have a meeting. Cider still has not revealed his Tiefling bloodline (Feat to look normal) but will share his knowledge of the planes and the possible ½ Fiend taint these creatures had. Capio’s knowledge of the planes is better and also saw the ½ dragon within these creatures. He is upset some survived and escaped. He fears more will come and soon. Maybe even the parents. The pilot has no idea what has happened. Cedious knows only rumors of this plane. He knows its good vs. bad and that is all.

Capio clears his elven throat and begins- “Shavarath The Plane of Battles. Here Fiends, Demons and Devils battle each other and the sides of Light- The Archons. If not of direct immortal blood then you are merely pawns to be played by one of the three sides. Their battles began as long as written records have existed and have NEVER stopped. Some say this plane caused the Day of Mourning. Others say the war was created because of this plane’s influence.”

Cedious looks at him with the “Are you for real?” look. Cider worries Capio will decipher his secret before long. The Pilot is wondering what he is doing here in general.

“There are many rumors about this place with their connections to Eberron. Some say the best warriors were taken from the war to battle here. Some say…”

Cedious cuts in. “History Lesson is over. How do we get out?”

“Get out?”

“Yes. How do we get out?”

Long silence. “I don’t know. I am still uncertain how we got here even.”

Cedious says something in halfling that can not be said on EN World. “What good are you?” and he walks away angry.

The ship travels another three hours. The main battle is no longer visible though the open lands show signs of recent combat. There are no visible mountains and little for water sources. There are rolling hills in some areas and remains of forts build onto them. Occasional creatures can be seen taking cover as the ship flies by.

The sun is beginning to set when a guard calls out an alarm. Behind them a huge Gold Dragon. It appears to following them and watching them. It shows no signs of aggression nor aid. Cedious and the others come out and check the creature out. It picks up speed and comes to fly beside the ship. It continues to watch the guards and adventurers. Then flies ahead of the ship for a moment before hovering and carefully landing on the deck of the Griffon’s Wing.

Capio bows and in Draconic says, “Welcome Golden One. What brings you to us?”

“Curiosity mortals. Only my curiosity.” The huge Gold Dragon stares at everyone one at a time. He pauses while looking at The Fighter (Warforged), Bob (The Thri-kreen) and Cider (The Tiefling). “What brings you to the realm of battle?”

“We entered a cloud bank and exited into here. We know nothing else of how we reached here Great One.”

Cedious whispers to Bob “What are they saying?”

“Bob clicks out “Don’t know. Can’t speak common well much less dragon”

“How long do you plan to stay here?”

“I would like to know more of this plane and others but I believe my friends wish to leave sooner.”

“Is the golem yours?”

“Golem? Do you mean the Living Construct? The Warforged. He is free willed. He is not a golem.”

“Curious and quite wonderful. He reminds me something of the Maugs we see on the battlefields occasionally. And what of the insect creature?”

“A thri-kreen that uses the powers of his mind.”

“Curious. Very curious.” There is a long pause. Many of the guards have gathered on deck to check out their golden visitor.

“Well then, I suppose I should warn you. As mortals, others will seek you out to use you in the war. Your ship has many possibilities also. Another warning. You fought and killed many of the Darkwindwyrm’s children. He WILL seek revenge. He is a bit predictable that way.”

“Who is Darkwindwyrm?” Capio asks in common.

Answering in common, the Gold Dragon says, “A powerful Black Dragon of mixed blood. He goes by the name of Darkwindwyrm The Beautiful lover. He has MANY children of mixed blood.”

“How do we leave?” Demands Cedious of the dragon.

In halfling- “How rude of you. Let me speak to the courteous elf.”

Cedious fumes.

“We wish no conflict but relent to the fact this world is in a state of constant conflict. We can not escape it while remaining here. How may we leave here? How can we reach Eberron again?” He bows again to make up for Cedious’ rudeness.

“Leave already? Perhaps that would be better. If you continue on this direct and speed you will see the city of Sanctuary. There are some here that may help you. Be warned however, most there will still try to use you.”

“Thankyou Golden One.”

The Huge Gold Dragon gently takes flight and glides away back to the direction of the battle.

“Well, Now I wish Taskerdoo did not take those planar travel scrolls with him. Sanctuary it is.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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