• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


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First Post
round two of the bloody market....more beer....cheaper beer and errrrrrrr
that women that betrayed us get tag teamed by a couple of kobalds :]

ohhh and i would love to see all the stuff you left out when you thought we was getting to rich ^^
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DM NOTES: BJ was absent so Jeff played both Warforged. We had a late start talking about prior games and ended sooner since my daughter had a sleep over. The high lite was my son (age 6) was listening in too long and learned a new word from Jeff. “kill the ========” (sounds like a new movie recently released). The group did a good job of keeping a serious look on their face and allowing me to correct my son and inform him of adult language vs. what he should be saying. After he went to room to think about it, we all had a good laugh. ah- the fun of parenthood. Now …about the prison ship Attar.

The flaming ship was still in great danger and peril even with the ogre dead. The waves pounded at the bow creating a powerful vibration through the ship. This didn’t stop the group from searching for goods however. They collected their own possessions and any they figured they could escape with. Cedious and Boddynoc hit the Captain’s area which also housed the mage’s quarters. Boddynoc found the ship mage’s spellbook and journal. Cedious found their money and the Captains and the mage’s and the prisoners and so on. He also finds a 6 inch totem pole of demonic faces. He gives it to Boddynoc. Everything is placed into the remaining haversack.

The next two hours go poorly as the ship is tossed and thrown several times. The barbarians are still becoming sick. The severely injured one is treated by Cedious (?!?) in hopes of gaining help if it should be required and to get him from going on about the evil’s of the sea.

Bomnel introduces himself to Boddynoc. He was indeed here to locate and destroy very toxic poisons and the journal. He has no idea what the Creation Schema is. He is a poison expert, not a Cannith expert. Most of the group find themselves in the Captain’s area using the beds and trying to relax. The storm seems to be slowing down as the lightning is beginning to subside. Belair, the pilot, is happy but still can not control the ship well in the high waves and darkness. Driven rain continues to fall making visibility nearly impossible. He has no idea where they are and knows they are off course.

He finds out just how off course when they strike something. The ship rushes forward riding a wave and suddenly stops with a crashing and wood shattering impact. Several people find themselves thrown from their cots, slings and seats. The barbarians become frantic. The monk just takes it all in.

The ship’s stern is pushed up and down and drives the bow into whatever they struck. Then Belair screams as a huge wave rushes them. The ship is lifted and dropped HARD onto the submerged object. Boards and planks rip free as if an arcane explosion had occurred. Boddynoc, Cedious and Bomnel rush to Belair to find out what has happened. Even as they reach him, the barbarians yell that the ship is taking on water. The two warforged walk down to investigate. The ship is listing and taking on water. The bow has no flooding but the stern has six… make that 10 inches of water …no 12 inches.

Belair checks out the damage. By going to the ship’s edge he see what has happened. They have been dropped onto a reef. The ship will be torn up in this storm. He quickly runs for his belongings. Bomnel looks around and begins to think rapidly about what to do. “Tear off the cargo doors and cots. We need to create rafts,” he yells at the large humanoid and the two warforged, “NOW!” He then spots Belair and suspects the pilot was holding out on him. Cedious and Boddynoc note his reaction and follow him and Belair.

Cedious, taking Bemnor’s cue, leans on the doorjamb and waits for Belair to notice them while watching what he is doing. Boddynoc watches from behind them. He is rummaging quickly through his footlocker and grabs something and rises to leave. “ahem.” Bemnol clears his throat. “Hi.” Cedious adds.

“Oh …ah …what are you doing? The ship is going down. We need to get off.” Stammers Belair.

“Whatcha got?” asks Cedious.

Belair tries to lie but Bemnol sees through it easily. “What do you have there? I doubt you would rush here for money in a situation like this.” And as if on cue, a loud and prolonged creak occurs as the ship leans further in the new 20ft waves.

“I ah…..nothing. Just looking for supplies.”

“May I?” Cedious says with a dark look on his face.

Belair hands over 4 crystals to Bemnol. “Boddynoc- if you could…” and he hands a gem to his fellow gnome.

While Boddynoc tries to study the aura for arcane energies, Cedious notes Belair has placed his hand into a pocket. “What is that?” he asks.

“Nothing.” He quickly withdraws his hand but the shape of a small crystal is visible under the wet pants.

“Hand over the nothing.” Demands Cedious with a hand on his dart belt.

Belair does.

“I don’t sense magic on it but there is something about it.” Offers Boddynoc whom is a bit confused by this.

“Explain” Bemnol with a voice that beckons no complaints.

“It’s …its psionic. It allows a holder to float on the water’s surface.”

Bemnor looks at the gem. He has heard of psionics but has never dealt with it. Boddynoc is curious also. Cedious says nothing but undoubtedly is wondering about monetary worth then possible use. “You hold and squeeze the gem and think about floating. You float until you let go.”

“Only five” worries Bemnor as he thinks about the war forged, ½ ogre, the barbarians, the monk, the barbarians and the crew. “I hope they are doing what I asked them to do.” He honestly says with hope. “We need more than this.

The first signs of the sun trying to peek out from over the water and under the thick black clouds begin. The ship begins to list. The holes in the bottom are letting out ballast. The ship will flip over soon.

The warforged guard the cargo bay doors. They make it clear the crewmembers get the cots and pieces of wood. On one door are the warforged and the three barbarians. The other door has the ½ giant (everyone still thinks he is an ogre x-breed), the monk, the two gnomes and Cedious. Belair gets on and though they were ready to kick him off, Bemnor allows him on.

They are about 500 feet away when the ship begins to roll onto its side. The sheltered water still has 10ft waves but it is better than the ship. The crew is still collecting things before leaving the ship.

“Do you know where we are?” asks Bemnor of Belair.

“Off course. We could still in Zilargo waters but I doubt it. The storm came from the west. We could be in Darguun waters or worse- near the elven islands.”

“What is out here? Any shipping or islands?”

“Little.” Belair wishes he had his gems as he watches the raft with the warforged. It is largely submerged just under the surface with their great weight.

“The reef should help. Any reefs here?”

“There are a few. I don’t know which one.”

6 hours go by. The sun is near the height of its cycle across the sky. They are thirsty and hungry. The one raft is very wet and the warforged are kicking in the water to drive the raft. Being slightly submerged is slowing them down. They do not wish to be separated from the others. They seem to know what to do.

Soon they see something. A dark dot on the water. Boat? Land? Something floating? Shark?

Another hour later and they see a large island.

Everyone is relieved, especially the barbarians. They have been staring at the warforged for the past three hours. You know what they are thinking. Get rid of the heaviest thing on board- metal men.


As they got closer, they can see buildings and a small smoldering fire in the forest. They decide to land nearby on a black beach. The entire island is made of volcanic rock. As such, the sand and rocks are black. Mixed in with the night’s events and the general feel of the place, everyone is convinced it is a place of evil. Still- it’s dry.

They reach the shore and pull the rafts onto the rocks. There still has been no sign of the crew. (6 members) After hiding the rafts, they begin to walk towards the buildings. They are on a horseshoe shaped bay area. The settlement is within the shoe. The water is churned up and dark with the black sand in it. Bits of ship, plants and debris wash up on shore and against the sharp black rock. They notice the buildings have a pier and it was heavily damaged by the storm. A large building is connected to it. It also is heavily damaged. The roofs are missing from several other buildings. They storm struck here also.

As the 11 of them reach the limits of the settlement three armed men and a large dog walk out of the forest. “Halt.”

They do so.

“Who are you?” the leader demands.

“castaways” jokes Cedious whom gets an elbow.

“Our ship was destroyed on a reef last night during the storm. We were looking for shelter and directions.” Says Bemnol as diplomatically as he can.

The leader looks over them carefully. “This is the Island of Starvos. We are the only settlement here and as you can see, we too are recovering from the hurricane.”

Bomnel notes the ring on the man’s hand. House Tharashk. The Finder’s Guild.

“We won’t take up much room and would appreciate the company.” Offers Boddynoc.

“Don’t need it. Next ship won’t come for a week. Maybe two with this damned storm. We have enough issues to deal with.”

“Issues?” asks Boddynoc looking at the warehouse and wondering what they would be storing within.

“The spirits of the Forest have become angry and wish us to leave. You would do well to leave us and avoid the Forest.” The village leader suggests as he pats the head of his dog.

Cedious can’t help himself, “What do you have within the building? What do you do here?”

The ½ giant spots metal rails leading from the pier into the woods. “Mining?”

I assume the ship coming will be from House Tharashk?”

A light switch goes off in Boddynoc’s head. Crystals….?

“We need shelter, you need aid with the angry spirits.. can we work something out?” offers Boddynoc.

“What has happened?” asks Bemnol.

The leader sighs. He knew he couldn’t hide the camp’s secret for long. Not with so many people and two gnomes and a halflings among them.

“Very well, follow me.”

Shortly within the remains of an open hall, they sit down. The barbarians have wondered off. They do not return.

“It began about three weeks ago. Several miners did not return from their shift. We searched for them but could not find them. Four good men.” He hesitates as if to gather his energy before restarting. Then the priest of Olladra (Feast and Good Fortune) disappeared from his home near here. Concerned something was in the woods attacking our men, we sent a hunting party to the mine. They did not return.”

Bomnel is listening but unsure if this concerns Zilargo or him. Boddynoc is waiting for confirmation of Dragon Shards. Belair is daydreaming. He wonders how much blame he will receive for the lost of the ship.

“Since then, strange sounds have issued from the forest. There have been sightings of animals acting oddly. We were wondering whether to send a second party when the storm came. We lost several people in the storm.”

Figuring it is possibly a druid that is angry that the Finders Guild is “raping” the land, Boddynoc figures they can handle it. “If you would like, we can look into it.”

The warforged look up from their state of boredom. Something to do and possibly battle.

“In return, we can have shelter until the ship comes and get a ride to the mainland.”

“Shelter I can promise, being what it currently is but I can not promise a ship ride. I can put in a good word for you however.” He says with a happier look on his face.


Bomnel looks at him wondering what he is up to.


Cedious leads the group into the dark forest.

“Can’t this wait until daylight?” asks Bomnel.

“Nah- let’s get it over with. I suspect it’s just a druid anyway.”

“Even so, druids are not to be taken lightly. Especially in a dark forest setting.”

“It shouldn’t be anything we can’t handle.” Supports Cedious.

The two warforged and the ½ giant follow behind the three smaller adventurers. The monk offered to stay behind to aid in repairs. The barbarians disappeared into the forest.

About 20 minutes into the trip Cedious spots movement in the brush. They are following a road that runs along the mining cart tracks. Getting closer, a dark tentacle suddenly whips out at him.

A large twisted six legged cat with twin tentacles roars in anger at him. The war forged quickly circle around the creature. It strikes one several times but in return he destroys the unnatural cat.

Looking at it, Boddynoc suspects this is not the problem. This is just a random event.

Another ten minutes later, Cedious hears several large creatures running down the path towards them. He assumes whatever they are, the roar of the cat attracted them. Everyone takes cover into the brush.

Three large mutated dogs or wolves are running at them. As they near the group’s gauntlet formation they slow down. Everyone can hear them snorting and smelling at the air. They know the group is here!

Cedious attacks first from the safety of the brush with his darts. The others attack next.

The three dire wolves attack with bites and try to push past the warforged and ½ giant. They do not. Cedious and Bemnol attack from the brush. Boddynoc uses the wand of magic missiles he found in the Mournelands. It strikes solidly then explodes. The charges are all gone. “damn.” He says bitterly.

The three warriors dismantle the wolves easily with little harm with the two rogues helping.

“Still think it’s a druid?” asks Bemnol to Boddynoc.

“Yes. Yes I do.” Boddynoc says then looks up to the high hills and sharp rocks ahead. “And there are Dragon shards there for me also” he thinks to himself.


The six of them continued up the trail walking beside the rails leading to the mine. Asunder and Chief, the two warforged of the group followed Cedious with less stealth than he wanted. Bemnol corrected assumed they were trying to attract attention and attacks. How Bemnol missed his simple missions of protecting Zilargo from the evils that left Darguun and threatened his beloved country’s peace and security. Boddynoc was lost in thought. He was certain this was a mine that sought Dragon Shards and dammit- he was going to find some! Balkroth, the ½ giant psychic warrior had given up trying to explain to the others that he was not a x-bred ogre. If he was greatly insulted, he did not show it.

Finally they reached a clearing in the thick and dark woods. The moons revealed how the rail split into three. Two rails entered two mines and a third rail created a loop that included a rock filling station. Two buildings were visible also. A small building near the one mine entrance and a smaller one on the right side within the rail’s loop. After only a brief slowdown to survey the area, the six of them continue on going to the far left where the rail went by a building.

Cedious notes a small pack of wolves watching them from nearby. They don’t seem aggressive or threatening. They watch in solemn silence as the reach the porch to the building. Finally, they move on into the darkness leaving them alone again.

The mosquitoes and black flies are thick and annoying. Cedious checks the front door. “Unlocked.” He says with a smirk of over confidence. Inside a soft light grows. Looking onto the wall near the door is a small disk that castes soft light as they move within the room. Using their lights and torches, the group searches the room. There are shelves with ledgers and scrolls. They do not search it for long. Instead they move onto the desk and the two doors leading out. On the desk is a large heavy iron key. Also there is a small map of the mines. Both of these Boddynoc picks up. Cedious digs and with a long sigh puts away the only money he has found- a mere 3 silvers.

Going to the closest door, they find it unlocked. Looking inside, it is a storage area with linens, boxes and other mundane items. Boddynoc discovers two things that bother him however. A serrated tooth about 1 – 2 inches longs. It looks like nothing he has seen before. Also there is a 2-foot hole chewed and clawed that leads outside. “Serious pest problem” thinks Bemnol to himself.

Outsider, the Psychic warrior is checking out a large cart on the rails. It is about 6 ft long and four feet wide. At each end is a three-foot long riding platform. He also spots a large keyhole at one end. The warforged are still hoping for combat and wonder where the wolves went. A “snack-level” bloodbath sounds good to them right now.

Boddynoc tries the second door while Cedious finishes searching the desk. Locked. Using a pick he tries to undo it but instead breaks his pick. Frowning, he calls to Cedious. Within 30 seconds, Cedious has it open and is sure to impress this onto Boddynoc.

They go inside and find a small desk that looks more like a podium and a wall of locked drawers. As if he could smell Dragon Shards, both Cedious and Boddynoc go to it. Bemnol is disappointed with their actions. They could make great operatives for the Trust but their greed can be used against them too easily. He stays to watch over them. He doubts any shards are here. The workers at the village said the ship left a few days ago. It would not have left empty.

Three drawers later, after being picked, are drawn out and searched. Within each are folds of soft oily cloth with some dry dirt and dust on it. Not to be discouraged, they continue on. Cedious pops open a draw that had a soft scrapping sound to it. Something is within it! He looks to see if anyone else heard it or are paying attention. Boddynoc is grumbling since he is having a difficult time with the locks. Bemnol is watching him. Reaching in with a sweeping motion as if messing with the cloth he finds a small 1-inch sized crystal. He holds it with two curled fingers and closes the door with a look of disappointment. He starts on another drawer further away. Picking the lock easily, he looks around within the drawer (really at what he had found before). A dark colored crystal with a dark blue or black swirl within it was there. “Is this a Dragon Shard?” he wonders.

“What can we use shards for again?” he asks innocently. As Boddynoc begins to explain how it improves or holds magic Bemnol notes the change in voice. He watches Cedious from the corner of his eye and spots the crystal.

“If you find one let me know.” Adds Cedious.

After thirty minutes of searching and finding nothing, Cedious’ smirk can not be mistaken any further.

“Gimme!” demands Boddynoc.

“Whaaaat?!?” smirks Cedious. “Are you suggesting I have something and am holding back?”


“I found it. It’s mine.” He says as he fishes it out of one of his many pockets designed for concealing picked up items.

“Khyber Shard.” Says Boddynoc looking it over.

“Its mine.” The rogue says with his hand out to take it. “If you would like, you can create a magical rapier for me with it.”

Boddynoc gives it back thinking about what he could do with it.

Bomnel reminds them that the warforged are outside ..unattended.

Sure enough. The two of them were beginning to walk towards the mineshaft without them and must be called to stop. They wait impatiently.

Still hoping to gain some respect from the leaders of the group, Balkroth shows them the cart. Spotting the keyhole, Cedious offers to use his key.

“Sure.” Says Boddynoc whom then realizes he has the key from the desk. “Hey!”

Cedious had found a second matching key and with a smirk inserts it. He then steps back to allow Boddynoc to take over.

Boddynoc turns it slowly a loud click can be heard then a soft hum. The cart seems to float on the rails now. The wheels gently touch and the springs under relax. “Hop on everyone.”

Bomnel steps onto the back and the others hesitate. “Now how to move it…..” Boddynoc checks it out then notices the section of metal where the key inserted moves. He pushes on the large key and the cart slowly moves forward. He pushes it further and is picks up a slow but even pace (MR 10). Cedious and the hulking psychic warrior pace their walk to stay just ahead of the cart. The warforged wait with great impatience. Finally, together, they enter the shaft.

It is dark. The lanterns and torches reveal wood and metal supports that aid holding the earth at bay. A few dozen feet in there is a niche cut out used to store spare lanterns, picks, shovels and buckets. Chief even finds some leather gloves which he looks at. He seems to notice for the first time the size of his hands vs. a human's and how he has four fingers instead of five. Bored with it, he tosses them back to the group.

“What are we looking for?” asks Balkroth. Cedious and Boddynoc but thinks Dragon Shards but say anything unusual. “Define unusual.” Adds Bemnol as he thinks about how “normal” the situation is.

Suddenly the cart stops and the hum goes away.

Perplexed, Boddynoc gets off and inspects it. Unseen by anyone, a wood beam on the rail has runes and arcane inscriptions on it. “A security device against theft.” Offers Bemnol as he continues to walk so as not to be left behind by the warforged. Boddynoc frowns. He wants to take time to inspect it but knows he has to catch up with the others. He runs after them as the light goes away.

Using the map, they still inspect each short branch leading off from the main tunnel. Both Cedious and Boddynoc inspect (each hoping to find a stray crystal to keep secret from the other) the branches and find nothing but rock, earth and mining tools. Neither are discouraged and each return with a smile hoping to bluff the other.

Looking at the map, the two main branches lead in and non-railed tunnels connect them. Another railed branch leads off to the right. A long passage leads to the right that travels either over or under the rails. So far, the map is very accurate. Once they reach the end of the rails they can hear several thinks. Some of the party can hear flapping of wings or cloth. Others hear running water. Boddynoc notes there is no water shown on the map. They try to figure out which path has the water and follow it. “This isn’t on the map.” Says Boddynoc. According to the map, there is a branch here only a few feet deep. What they find is narrow and recently dug. It leads to an underground river. In the dark, they can not tell how deep it is but it is slow moving. Two thick planks strapped together cross the ten-foot width.

Cedious crosses it without a thought. Boddynoc goes across to be sure to see whatever Cedious finds and pockets. Balkroth crosses next. The boards creak and groan under his weight. Bemnol secures a line before crossing. He is not taking any chances. Asunder looks at the planks then the water then his new teammates. He leaps into the water and finds it only 5 feet deep. However, after centuries of being run over by the water, he finds the floor of the river very smooth and free of anything to trips over AND to brace against. It is only his sheer weight that keeps him from being drawn down the river. Chief is next. He misjudges the landing and slips. There is a brief moment of suspense before he surfaces and walks on with water still spilling out of his mouth. He spits it out before speaking to them.

About thirty feet down a narrow lose earth tunnel; they find a curious sight. A barrier. The diggers have dug until they struck a solid wall of …earth? Looking at it closer, the earth is real but hardened and very compact. Cedious inspects it. It is magically reinforced and shaped somehow. Asunder scratches as the wall. He doesn’t make a mark. “Hummmph.” He snorts. “Now what?”


Not at all discouraged the re-cross the river and decide to check out the sounds of flapping. As they go, they find a green mist that fills the tunnel. Some flapping can still be heard with within the mist. “Great.” Says Boddynoc. He motions for Cedious but he has decided to sit this one out. Everyone looks at Boddynoc for direction, including Bemnol. Boddynoc puts a torch into the mist (which startles Bemnol for a moment). Next he puts the cart key into it to check for acid. Nothing. Finally, impatient with the slow progress, Cedious takes in a deep breath and marches into the mist. Nothing. He hears a rustle and goes to investigate. Asunder takes a step in next. Boddynoc walks along the left side, Asunder the center and Cedious to the right.

Cedious finds a pocket where the mist is not settling into. To his dislike however, four Stirge are here also and drop from the ceiling to feed. Asunder shifts from the center towards Cedious. Oblivious to the plight of Cedious, Boddynoc continues on following the wall. It turns to the left and he finds a large section of wall of reinforced magical earth much like before. He also discovers a crack in the wall. Putting his hand before it, he can feel the pressure of the escaping mist. (FAILS FORT. GETS a 5) Asunder aids Cedious in cutting down the small creatures. He notices that they had no interest in him and doesn’t think any further of it as Chief arrives wishing he had taken part in the fun. Bomnel has yet to enter the mist. He fears to knowing some mists can cause harm that is not known for hours later …even days later. Putting a cloth over his mouth and nose, he hopes to hurry through the mist uneventfully but stops as Boddynoc comes out with purpose. “What is it?”

“I’m looking for a pick or hammer.” Bomnel becomes more certain that this gnome is crazy.


“I found a crack the mist is escaping from. I’m going to make it larger.” He says as he runs back again dragging a large pick behind him.

Startled (again) Bomnel runs into the mist after him.

The warforged and the half-giant exit the mists about fifty feet later. Another rail ends here and another section of tunnel has ended as it lead to a wall of reinforced earth. Balkroth decided to try to dig through himself. He picks up a pick and eyes it. The warforged wait hoping it has trapped a monstrous creature on the other side to defeat.

The first strike numbs Boddynoc’s hands. The second strike hurts so much, he can not hold onto the pick well enough to swing. Bomnel passes him and disappears through the mist. Boddynoc and Cedious leave the mists. (Cedious FORT 18, Bomnel FORT 4, Balkroth FORT 8) Balkroth strikes the wall- hard. The pick is slightly bent and his arms are sore from the backlash. Chief notes a ripple of energy that centered from the blow. As Boddynoc, Cedious and Bemnol exit he calls them over and informs him of it. Now Boddynoc really wants to know what is inside. As Boddynoc inspects the wall, Balkroth can hear a soft but haunting moan. He figures it is the wind and ignores it. Cedious doesn’t. A few minutes go by before he hears it and wonders about it. “Uh- guys …do you hear that?”

They group up and shine the torches and lanterns down the rails into the darkness. Nothing but the sounds of a moan then a scuffle. “What is it?” asks Cedious.

“Undead.” Bomnel says as the first of the zombies enter the light. “Many zombies.”

The warforged charge into them with the psychic warrior directly behind them. The Trust agent and Cedious take to the sides to use the warriors as a barricade. Boddynoc looks into a spell aimed at undead.

[DM NOTE- this needs to be addressed and we will. I allowed it go for now. It allows a powerful spell to be used at an even higher level. Need to look into it.]

Boddynoc casts a spell onto an item in his possession and he forces the zombies to attack each other. It is a long battle as the blows are absorbed. The warforged help the melee a great deal. When everything is down, Cedious inspects the bodies. He finds little on the bodies but notes damage on each one that is a stabbing injury. The injury matches that of what the Stirge would have done if they had hit him.

Boddynoc and Bemnol both think of rabies and how bats can carry them. Did the miners become zombies through stirge’s attacks? Cedious pales briefly at the thought of it. Balkroth wanders further and spots a fresh dig. Looking at it two things strike Boddynoc as odd. Once more, it is not on the map and second- there are worked walls here that were filled in. Much of the fill was being removed before work stopped within the mine. They search the branch and find a truly strange sight.

Worked metal with the image of a wing and a clawed arm and scaly body. Everyone pitches in (even Bomnel) and they clear the area. A door made of adamantine sits before them. A relief of a WHITE DRAGON is depicted. In Draconic, Boddynoc reads- “Danger. Do not enter.”

“What does it say? Asks Balkroth and Chief. “Enter Here” says Cedious (whom also reads Draconic). Boddynoc smirks as he looks for a lock or at least a doorknob.

Hidden within the seam of the door Cedious and Boddynoc discover more writing. In elven they read-

Honest child of sand and silver
Standing straight and true
Any question you deliver
The answer’s always you

[DM NOTE- Found in Dragon 328 Cloud Kingdom Game Riddle]

Everyone looks at each other is dismay. “Can we just bash it down?” asks Asunder.

Boddynoc and Cedious begin to try to guess the riddle.

“White Dragon.”




“Silver Dragon”


“sand … desert?”


“What dragons live in the desert?”

“Blue Dragon”


Bomnel is not trying to figure this one out. He suspects whatever is on the otherside killed these men- not the mist.

“What do you deliver to yourself?”


“crap?” Asks Cedious. “That’s just wrong.”

“It’s easy. It’s a silver mirror!” exclaims Boddynoc.

With that the seam glows and green light escapes from the doorway.

“It’s opening!”


The door pulls in then slides to the side. A rush of green mist rolls out wrapping around the beyond the adventurer’s legs. Bomnel hopes this is just a colored mist but deep down knows better. They look about and find the walls and hallway seems to be built for larger persons than they are. The walls are made of a strange material. It is stone but has been changed. Boddynoc wonders if it is a version of Mud to Rock or the.

The green mist is eerie and conceals the floor well. They move onward anyway. Something can be heard rushing down the floor towards them. They form a defensive wall and prepare for the worse. That is everyone but Cedious. He checks out a room.

Three six legged spider-like creatures charge through the mist. A single large yellow eye watches them from each creature. There legs all end with a single sharp talon. When they run they make a tapping sound. The warforged and ½ giant make short work of the creatures. Bomnel decides to check on Cedious.

Cedious is within the room. There are four columns and rising up from the green mist is a well. The well reminds him of their adventure below Sharn. “Anyone got a torch to throw in? If not, I have this Dragon Shard to use.”

Most everyone crowds within the doorway and watches in horror.

A Khyber Pit!


First Post
Just wanted to jump in and say that I'm still enjoying the story and gleaning great ideas from it. Thanks for the work!

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