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The Cursed Ones

Argent Silvermage

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OOC: Justiel has Knowledge Arcana and Spellcraft. Should I check to see if He knows what happened?
Also seeing as he is a planer being would he know the "signature" of a summon monster spell?

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"I do not wish to take this man's belongings, nor do I intend on letting anyone else take them, I would like to know how I have been unpleasent to be around, I can take in a few of these barrels without being affected. I am showing hostility to our friend here for his innopropiate behavior. A man is dead, this is no time to discuss payment. And you, fallen angel, would be smart to mind your tongue."


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Seres answers Maur in a smooth, soothing voice, with the occasional hint of pathos appropriately placed troughout his speach. It is his intention to sound utterly reasonable. I understand, Maur, how my pragmatism can be interpreted as cold and uncaring. It is true that a man is dead. Regardless of the reason for his death, regardless of his own blame or innocense that is a thing of tragedy. But we cannot let common sentimentality prevent us from doing what is best for us all.
Justiel intends to have him resurrected. I am hesitant as to the prudence of that. It would bring back a lost ally, and he might even be grateful for that, though most people who go to the upper planes do not wish to come back. It would bring down more enemies upon us, but since most of us are intent upon making those same enemies anyway that is a moot point. However, bringing back a man from the dead is a difficult and expensive undertaking even when the body is intact.
If we are to fight the Red Wizards, and bring back Fez from the dead, we are going to need both wealth and power. What better use for the wealth on Fez's body than to use it for those purposes? What would you do, Dwarf? Would you simply bury the treasure with him, only to have some lucky graverobbing goblin dig it up and enrich himself? How would that benefit the greater good?

And Maur,
he says in a hard commanding voice, echoing with menacing arcane fury. Don't you dare threaten me again!

Diplomacy: +16

Intimidate: +20


Knowledge (Arcana): +12
Knowledge (The Planes): +12
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ooc computers been affected by my use of edonkey file sharing software so i have had issues for the last three days trying to rebuild it to no avail but should have time in little while to resolve hanging issues.


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(In light of the new rolls....)

Maur shuts his yapper about trying to scare seres, but tries to hold in the fright he has of arcane power.

"well, using it to resurect him is a noble cause, but taking it for your own good like you proposed doing earlier is not right. The only thing his riches will be spent on is this cause, until we reach the city and see what his nephew says, or until he is back from the dead."
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shaff said:

OOC: you probably should have waited to see if my intimidation worked before you did yours... cause if I intimidated you, I doubt you would be talking back like that.:p ;)

Ooc: heh, I guess I'll edit the post if it turns out I was intimidated. If I wasn't... :D, prepare to run for the hills.


Mirnx watches the two arguing pary members from the brush, smiling. After realizing there is none of the promised bodily fluids laying around he hops out and makes his way towards the arguing party. "Bah all you and your words are cheap. RUN HIM THROUGH" Mirnx yells before his eye catches the glint of red in the firelight. "Blood....." Mirnx quicly lunges towards Maur and his sword and begins to inspect the sweet red fluids that remain on the blade.

Mirnx revels in the sight of the blood seeping into the rag. Taking a large wiff he smiles gleefully and pockets the cloth. "Sorry to say my dear dwarf but you did not slay the creature. This is not the blood of someone whose body has gone cold, just a flesh wound that will soon heal."

Voidrunner's Codex

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