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D&D General The D&D Cartoon is set in Faerun since when?


Hinduism has been in FR since like or 1e or 2e,
Someone was complaining about that onENworld.

I see their point, but Deities & Demigods was full of lots of real world religions. No monotheistic ones, though.

The “American Indian”, “Chinese”, “Japanese” pantheons, at least, also include things current people believe.

And I’m partial to Artemis, who was in the Greek section. :)

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No monotheistic ones, though.
The 1e Players Handbook illustrates a bishop wearing a crucifix, so Christian is present in the 1e core.

Also 1e references to "witchdoctor", "shaman", etcetera, mainly mean animists, even if some of the authors were less informed about world religions.

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