D&D 5E The Decrease in Desire for Magic in D&D


Arcadian Knight
And they moved, dashed and misty stepped to you as a bonus action.
lol yeh they are all elf elites and everyone of them won initiative? or maybe not. Or I misty stepped as a bonus action too and they are still at 30 foot range..
I started to say well if we are going humanoids maybe Drow? a Shadowblade is going drip with mobility with a 60 foot teleport though he is CR 11. (but this all highly depends on the specific enemies and initiatives rolled etc so we really cannot be sure about the results)

Depending on the enemies at this level they would not necessarily even know the value of running next to the players. Some will think hey I can definitely take this and be right they might.

Some of that assumes that all moves happen before the archer got off his prone or menacing attack or before the web spell drops in place potentially slowing many of them ... and so on, but regardless it does make a somewhat interesting fight (having an unpredictable element involved) with all participating and that is a point in your favor. If these things weren't all useful on their own and only helped keep the t-rex on the enemy that would be different because we could declare them part of the sunk cost of the polymorph (but slowing enemies and getting back to better range and so on are useful anyway)
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Exactly what it says it does is make you into a copy of a beast, EXCEPT for alignment and personality. There is nothing written about memory being a third exception, so it isn't.
That's not exactly what the spell says. You're adding bits to support your point.

Nothing in the spell description suggests that memory is lost, so it isn't.


Arcadian Knight
That's not exactly what the spell says. You're adding bits to support your point.

Nothing in the spell description suggests that memory is lost, so it isn't.
Since you guys are going there...


Arcadian Knight
. It retains its alignment and personality does not necessarily say does not retain memories too particularly those emotional ones related to alignment and personality. It does not say you become new beast without any experience etc. The text indicating the target assumes the hit points of its new form is well replacing a specific feature that was either not covered by any of the previous text or is something they thought needed confirmation. "Its actions are limited by the nature of the new form" (that is physical nature to me specifying a form limit not bestial mental nature). Yeh I still do not get amnesia out of it. The limit based on hands and speech seems to leave a lot of actions open can I make an athletics check using my beastly strength but the proficiency I have (or does it not apply to the new form ... subject not mentioned).

Hmmm can I use my mountain lions wisdom to do some healing checks to analyse an allies injuries and get my proficiency at healing while doing so seems likely based on the text but not if we are assuming amnesia.
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Morkus from Orkus
That's not exactly what the spell says. You're adding bits to support your point.

Nothing in the spell description suggests that memory is lost, so it isn't.
"The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality."

There it is in plain writing. It retains alignment and personality. Nothing else is retained. Anything else that you allow to remain is a house rule.


Morkus from Orkus
It retains its alignment and personality does not necessarily say does not retain memories too particularly those emotional ones related to alignment and personality.
It MUST say that memories are retained, or they are not. The spell lists what you get to keep and everything else by RAW is gone. That's what it means when it lists out the exceptions that stick around.


"The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality."

There it is in plain writing. It retains alignment and personality. Nothing else is retained. Anything else that you allow to remain is a house rule.
Memory is not a game statistic. Therefore memory is not replaced.

The spell does what it says it does and no more. You added: "Nothing else is retained."

Memory is not on the list of things that druids retain when they wild shape. As a DM, do you rule that druids lose their memories in beast form?

Anyway, I've had my say. Good night!


Morkus from Orkus
Memory is not a game statistic. Therefore memory is not replaced.
Personality is not a game statistic, either, yet it goes out of its way to say it is retained.
The spell does what it says it does and no more. You added: "Nothing else is retained."
I didn't add it. It's said by the language used. If you say these two things are retained, it means that those are the only two things retained.

If I tell you that I'm stranding you on a desert island and you may retain your spear gun and flashlight, do you really think that means that since I didn't say anything else that you get to keep everything else you have? Or do you think it means that you are only getting to keep those two things?
Anyway, I've had my say. Good night!
Night! :)


Arcadian Knight
Nothing else is retained. Anything else that you allow to remain is a house rule.
It retains any action not limited by speech or hands though and does that include the application of proficiencies? is nowehere mentioned. I think personality and alignment without the foundational memories is meaningless (but its magic and logic is kind of an out the window thing LOL). So can I still read (seems like an action not limited by form)


Morkus from Orkus
It retains any action not limited by speech or hands though and does that include the application of proficiencies?
That's false. "The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form..." Nature of the form, not the form itself.

What is the nature of a t-rex?
I think personality and alignment without the foundational memories is meaningless (but its magic and logic is kind of an out the window thing LOL). So can I still read (seems like an action not limited by form)
People with amnesia retain their personalities. Memories are not necessary for that.

A dog cannot read and cannot be taught to read. It's nature would not allow you to read if polymorphed into one.

Voidrunner's Codex

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