The Dojo of Nature's Fury and Harmony is closed after Kith's death...


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"Darkwolf races to the dojo as soon as he hears the news. Kith?? Who did this to you? Someone shall pay for this!...
But that will be later. Now is the time of mourning and preparations for the funeral."

Darkwolf goes out to help the students create a pyre.

"Rest well, Sensei. Even if I wasn't truely your student at the end, I still learned from you."

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Lady Diamond

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OOC: Understood now Phoenix, I'll fix my character's action. An assassin could cover his tracks all he wanted... horses can smell water from miles away. Warhorses know the smell of blood. :) and truthfully I felt bad 'cause everyone was making a fuss over Kith but nobody thought about Shard. I thought she was lyin' out there with nobody to take care of her. Egg on my face now. :)

IC: Diamond rides in the direction that the man had come from but finds nothing, Striker wandering aimlessly, trying to find something that doesn't exist. The man couldn't have stumbled from that far away. Greatly confused by the student's account, she turns Striker around and heads back to the Nature dojo to wait.

edited, added a bit more OOC explanation
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*archangel returns to Kith's dojo beaten and bloodied......and talking to himself..*

"I have failed Mistress Kith...... I have failed to avenge you.... I do not deserve to be an angel if I can't avenge my masters wrongfull death......"

*archangel falls to the ground and and starts to cry half tears for his lost master..and half tears for how much pain he is in right now.......*
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Outside, Wild Helm rides by on a black mare. He can't help noticing the unusual activity in and around the Dojo and manages to halt a peon on his way into the Dojo.

"What on earth is all this commotion about?"

The peon bows low, but talks fast. "Please Good Master, it is a tragedy. Nobody knows how it happened, or who did it, but she is dead. Murdered!", he begins to cry, and Wild Helm dismisses him.

"Tragic indeed. But this is none of my business, I suppose", he sighes and looks around at the faces filled with despair and anxiety.

Come lovely and soothing death,
Undulate round the world, serenely arriving, arriving,
In the day, in the night, to all, to each,
Sooner or later, delicate death.

He turns the mare and rides slowly away. He thinks aloud to himself, "sooner, not later, did death arrive. I wonder in which form? I will have to discover whether an enemy... or an ally... has come to town."


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Vanor puts his arm around Diamond as she returns. By now all is in readyness for what else needs to be done.

I'm glad you all could make it here, it would not be right if this woman passed on to meet her ancestors without her friends and students gathered around to say farewell to her.

Vanor fights back against the sadness he feels, but can not help a single tear from rolling down his cheek.

I did not know Kith very well, by reptuation more then anything, altho we did face each other in a contest of skill. She was a mighty fighter and a gifted teacher, she will be sorely missed, perhaps even more so by those of us who did not come to know her well.

Darkwolf, I heard you say someone must pay for this, and to this I agree, you alone, of Kith's students have the skill required to deal with her killer I think. So it will be up to you to see the person who did this is punished.

But for now... Let us pay our final respects to her, and worry about things like vengance later.

Vanor hugs Diamond, then bows to the pyre waiting to be set ablaze... The jade gauntlet he wears glowing brighter and brighter. He doesn't seem to even notice it, altho those around him do. Unknown to him, he steps back a bit from the group and with out meaning to, seems to clear a circle around him.

The jade gauntlet glows brighter still, and then with a flash, Vanor is replaced with a large metalic blue dragon...

The dragon flaps it's wings and looks around with glowing blue eyes.

"Do not fear Lady Diamond, or any others gathered around, Vanor counts you as friends and more. I know this form is startling, but fear not... This is just a form that he did not know about..."

The Dragon looks around at the group somewhat bemused

"Yes beloved, it is still me, your bethrothed, but in a form that I may one day master more fully... For now at this time I am able to do this out of greif and to impart all of you some knowladge. It is likely I will not even remember this when I turn back to a mortal man again.

Know this, that the body that lays there, in fact held two spirits, Kith whom all of you have come to pay your respects to, as well as Shard, the fighter who was killed. How this came to be I do not know, but it was given to me to assume this form so I might impart this to you all.

And now it is time to commend this body to the flames that the spirits may rise and be reborn in their time."

Vanor the Dragon, throws his head back and roars at the heaven then unleashes a gout of blue/white flame, engulfing the pyre and setting it ablaze. In a rumbleing voice, he says "Good by Kith" and then in a flash of blue light, Vanor the man is standing there once more, this time tears streeming down his face freely...

"Good by Kith..."


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Thanks for the great character send off folks. It's much appreciated.

Nice to see that not many suspected the dual nature of my characters also. It was fun writing them both.

Lady Tsin

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Kith's body is consumed by dragonfire, and her pain with it. In the hour before dawn, there is nothing left but a mound of white ash that drifts in the breeze. The mourners have gone to their beds, exhausted; some even sleep.

In the uncertain predawn light, a slim figure fades into existence beside the funeral pyre. It appears to be a woman clad all in white, with a very long black braid hanging down her back. The woman looks down sadly, then kneels and begins to sift her hands through the ashes. She is uncovering something buried there; the disturbance makes the ash fly and coat her white robes.

Finally she is done. Another wraith-like figure lies, too, seems to be a young woman. The students here, were they awake to see, would recognize her as their Mistress, Kith. Or as the bitter Shard. And they might be surprised at the resemblance between her and the white-clad lady.

The lady leans over now and kisses this image of Kith upon the forehead. Kith's eyes drift open, and the lady smiles. Is that a spark of starlight above her eyes? "It's over now, my little one," she says in a voice light and pure. "You are whole again, and I've come to take you home. Your father is waiting." She wraps Kith in an embrace, and they both rise from the ashes.

Yes, it is starlight that flashes upon the lady's brow. Kith rests her head against her mother's breast, and both figures fade into the dawn.



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*archangel stands in front of the alter at the gate of late Kith's dojo...... *

" I have won one last battle for you Mistress Kith.... and I will now do as you have told me to...I will move on...... I hate to leave the dojo after what has happened... but as you said Im only hurting myself as well as your name..... so I will be moving on......

"I will start my own dojo in your memory....... and honor what you have tought me and never forget it Lady Kith...."

"Thank you for all that you have tought me Kith...I will NEVER forget...and I will see you in heaven...."

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