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The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)


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Lazybones said:
Justice is a fairly potent blade: a +4 axiomatic undead bane longsword.

What, no Holy? ;)

Just commenting on the continuation of the story, LB -- really enjoyed our side trek with the villains, but it's *great* to see us getting back to Dar and Allera. Of course, I'm still waiting to see Varo resurface... :)

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Cerulean_Wings said:
Nah, Leshays are epic, and you can't just summon one, barring a Miracle empowered by a Tear of the Gods. And that one looked evil, and his eyes didn't look like typical Leshay eyes.

So it's something else :s
Well, I'm pretty obsessed with LeShays, so I jumped on it. However, it is possible to summon them: a Gate would accomplish it. If it is not a leshay, and it is not the real appearance, then I don't know what it is


Chapter 25


By the time that Dar, Maricela, and Jaduran exited the cathedral through the back door into the rectory courtyard, the glow on the eastern horizon had brightened enough to see those gathered there, waiting. Even so, the guards set around the perimeter of the courtyard remained vague shadows, and the buildings of the city beyond were even more indistinct, angular black shapes rising out of the lingering morning fog.

There were a few muted greetings that died quickly. Those gathered knew their roles, and they had a fairly good idea of what lie ahead for them. They were professionals, all of them, diverse in backgrounds and experience, but united by common cause.

Setarcos was not going with them, but the old monk was speaking quietly to his disciple, the iron Selaht. The younger monk accepted something from his elder, and bowed respectfully before coming over to join the rest of those gathered in front of the cathedral.

Kiron Tonneth was resplendent in full plate armor, polished to a brilliant shine even in the muted light. His greatsword, a weapon of holy power, was slung across his back along with an unstrung longbow, and he wore the sigil of the Dragon Knights of Camar boldly on both his surcoat and his cloak, the dragon seeming almost alive as it rippled with his movements. He was flanked by a pair of knights who were both older than he was, but were more conservatively clad in breastplates of blacksteel and plain gray cloaks. Aldos carried a wickedly curving glaive as his primary weapon, while Petronia’s expression was as cold as the blade of the heavy waraxe she carried.

Octavius was speaking to the veteran guardsmen who would make up the balance of their squad. Primus, Secundus, and Tertius looked almost identical in their heavy kit, with suits of chainmail topped by halfhelms with protruding noseguards. They bore the classic Camarian features, with strong jaws, pale skin, and eyes colored like mountain pools. They looked calm, joking quietly among themselves, but someone as experienced as Dar could see that the behavior was forced. Their leader was a centurion named Qatarn, who looked as though he might have been sculpted as the archetype of the warrior ideal; he overtopped Dar by a good six inches, and his biceps bulged with corded muscle as he checked the buckles and straps of his soldiers’ kit. For all his physical presence he had a reputation as a cool, decisive leader, and his only replies were curt nods as he absorbed his commander’s instructions.

The last member of their company was a scout loaned to them from the First Legion. Zethas was an olive-skinned Eremite who seemed ill-at-ease on his feet; like many of the men of Camar’s westernmost province he seemed built to ride. There was a nervous energy to the man, but his eyes missed nothing as they shifted back and forth around the courtyard.

A temple guard ran up, bearing an assortment of leather scabbards hastily gathered from the armory. Dar picked out one that fit his new sword, and slid it into the sheath, testing the draw a few times to ensure that it would not stick. Allera came up to him as he finished. “Everyone is ready,” she said. Jaduran was speaking with the others that would accompany them on this mission, but Dar did not need to listen; he had heard it all before.

He looked over their company one more time. “We could really use a wizard.”

Allera followed his gaze over them. “The Guild doesn’t have anyone left even remotely as strong as Zosimos or Letellia, let alone Honoratius. Jalla has talent, but she...”

“She doesn’t have the gut for this kind of thing,” Dar finished for her.

“She gave us a few names, but Jaduran agreed that having someone who’s barely more than an apprentice join the team would be more of a hindrance than a benefit to the mission. Octavius’s men, at least, have all seen action, and they are are all volunteers to boot.”

“Yeah, the people we had at Alderford were all veterans as well. And Southwatch. And Janaris, and Trajaran, and Highbluff.”

She did not flinch from his gaze. “What can we do? If we fail, a lot of people are going to die.”

He did not respond immediately. Finally, he said, “Jaduran wanted you to have this, it boosts your stamina.” He offered her the belt, and she accepted it, adjusting it to fit around her waist. When she was done, she began, “Corath, I...”

But when she looked up, she saw that he’d already gone to join the others.

The twelve who would travel south to Rappan Athuk gathered closer together around the Patriarch. The old cleric leaned on a young priest; Maricela had already joined the company. She and Kiron shared a glance that said much, but no one spoke, until Jaduran addressed them one last time.

“Follow Dar and Allera; they know the way. Captain Nonius will be expecting you; I sent him another sending earlier this morning. Trust in your training, and in each other, and in the Light. Camar and its people rely upon you, as it relied upon its heroes in the past.”

“Stay close, and stay alert,” Dar said to the others. “This means of travel can be disorienting, so stay focused, watch your assigned sector, and remember the signals. It will be a good six hours to Rappan Athuk, so if you have to take a piss, better do it now.”

They waited as Jaduran summoned his magic, casting three wind walk spells. As the magic took hold of them, clusters of the men and women gathered in the courtyard dissolved into insubstantial forms of pale mist, almost invisible in the morning fog. Dar and Allera were among the last group, along with Selaht and Zethas. As Jaduran finished his final spell. Dar reached out and took Allera’s hand. She clung to his as the magic took hold, and their bodies became indistinct. Dar did not linger, launching himself into the sky like a catapult stone. The others rose after him, forming a ragged line that quickly extended out toward the south.

Toward Rappan Athuk, where the Dungeon of Graves waited for them.


First Post
Sweet :D

Dar mentioning the names of the cities that had veterans, yet had been overrun by undead... a nicely implemented reference to the not so distant past, and a not so subtle hint indicating character development. Well done, Lazy Bones :)

By the way, does anyone else get the feeling that Primus, Secundus and Tertius might have Red, Crimson and Vermilion for last names? :p


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Nightbreeze said:
And where are Quartus, Quintus, Sextus and so on? :D

:D I think the "arn" family has the next three (Qatarn), (and maybe Quintarn, Sextarn :) ? that's probably a stretch).

I was going to say something about Kiron choosing to wear super-shiney armor instead of blacksteel like the other knights and guards, but come to think of it, hasn't everyone who ever wore blacksteel into Rappan Athuk died? Like Serah, Varo,Talen, and a bunch of guards?


Nightbreeze said:
And where are Quartus, Quintus, Sextus and so on? :D
Sextus was squished under the foot of a corpse gatherer in Chapter 133. He was one of the Fifteen that were sent to Alderford to intercept the legions of Orcus. I seem to recall Septimus buying it during that encounter was well.

As for the blacksteel armors, it does seem like perhaps that material has an unexpected side effect of attracting lethal blows. :)

* * * * *

Chapter 26


It was around noon, but the cloud cover that blanketed the sky was so dense that the sun was completely lost behind a shroud of gray. The column of wind walkers that streaked in low over the hills was almost invisible, flickers that came and went in a speed faster than the swiftest horse, outpacing even the occasional bird that dared the unpleasant sky this day.

The leader suddenly banked and dove, the others lagging behind as they adjusted. By the time that they had caught him, Corath Dar had already reached the ground, and was taking on solid form.

The look on the fighter’s face was grim.

“Damn it, I hate it when I’m right.”

Dar stood in the midst of what looked to have been a small camp. All that was left now was a wreckage of torn fabric that might have been tents, and some broken gear scattered around in a wide radius.

And bodies. There were a lot of bodies, horses and men alike, slaughtered in grim fashion. Many of them were too badly damaged for clear identification, but Dar’s experienced eyes saw a holy symbol to Soleus around a neck that glistened red with blood, and the insignia on another dead man’s chest that identified him as Captain Nonius, the leader of this patrol. All told, there were maybe two dozen bodies here, and Dar could make out a few others in the distance, enough to suggest that if Nonius’s entire force hadn’t been exterminated in this attack, it had been damn near close to it.

The others had landed and were materializing around him. Dar was already striding forward, his boots crunching on the weathered rocks beneath his feet. The soil here, throughout all of the hill country, was sparse and poor, and little more than weeds, tangled brush, and tired, stunted trees grew in the area. And as Dar walked forward, even the weeds petered out, leaving only dead earth, marked by the occasional bit of material too white to be stone.

Only Kiron and Selaht followed him as he left the camp. Behind him the others were checking the bodies, hoping against the slight chance that someone might have survived the attack. Qatarn was giving orders, setting up a perimeter. Dar didn’t bother with any of that; he trusted his people to do what needed to be done.

He needed to see for himself.

It didn’t take long; Nonius had set up his camp almost on the edge of the dell.

The valley seemed smaller, now. Once a gaping wound in the earth, now it was a shallow bowl, its low point maybe thirty or forty feet below its edge. Dar had not been here since that last operation, when a thousand men and half again as many animals had worked for two weeks to seal the entrance to Rappan Athuk away from the world of men. Nature and the years had worked to conceal the evidence of their work, but Dar could still recognize the hills they had cut into to get the stone and earth that they had used to fill in the valley, thousands and thousands of tons of it.

They had left no marker, no memorial. And indeed, there was nothing here to suggest that this place was in any way special. Nothing but the absence of any growing thing within the dell, and the memories that came unbidden as he looked down into it.

Well, that, and the fresh hole excavated in the bottom of the depression.

Kiron said something, but Dar ignored him, walking straight down toward the site of the dig. What had once been a steep, treacherous slope before was now just a gentle descent, and it only took a few minutes to reach the site.

Piles of earth and stone were scattered haphazardly about. Whoever had done this had been preoccupied with speed rather than order. The hole itself was considerable, and slanted at an angle; it had to be, to enable whoever or whatever had dug it to remove the dirt and stone as it was uncovered. A big job.

And Jaduran had been in contact with Nonius just that morning...

Selaht picked up a piece stone the size of a melon, and looked it over. He showed it to Kiron, turning it so that the knight could clearly see the edge where it had been roughly broken off of a larger formation. “This was done by a creature of great size and strength.”

The knight nodded. Behind him, the others were coming into the dell. One look at Allera’s face was enough to tell the tale of what they’d found in their search for survivors in the camp.

Placing his feet carefully, Dar leaned over into the excavated shaft. The poor light was enough to show that it went down thirty, forty, fifty feet. He could just make out the vague form at its bottom, but he didn’t need to see it clearly; he already knew where they were.

He turned to Kiron. “Get the ropes—”

He was interrupted by a flare in the sky above, a brief explosion of light accompanied by a rumbling hiss like that of a distant rockslide. Twelve heads came up, and witnessed the appearance of a tear in the sky, an opening that remained open just long enough to disgorge an intruder.

The figure looked human, or at least it had the form of a man; it was clad in heavy robes that swathed any details of its identity, swirling around it as it hovered in the air nearly a hundred feet above the ground. The robes were blue, trimmed with a lacing pattern in black and white that formed odd geometric designs as they traveled across their owner’s body. The newcomer wore long boots, gloves, and a pair of belts, one encircling its waist and the other rising over the left shoulder; they supported dozens of pouches. It carried a long staff with a hooked end that looked like it was fashioned of solid silver, and as it descended, drifting down out of the sky toward them, they could see that a mask covered its face, deep within a cowl that shrouded its head.

Oddly, the mask bore no slits or other openings; it was not clear how the newcomer could see. But it was clear that whoever or whatever it was, it knew they were there; as it flew down it was clearly coming toward them.

Weapons were readied among the Camarians, but Dar held up a hand. “Hold,” he ordered, though his own hand fell to the hilt of his sword.

They watched as the robed traveler descended to a point just above them, on the far side of the hole in the ground. It did not quite touch the ground, hovering through the agency of some magic or other power.

“Who are you, and what do you want here?” Dar asked.

“I have come in pursuit of a powerful being bent on mischief,” the newcomer said. Its voice was thick and scratchy, but there was something oddly familiar about it that raised Dar’s hackles. “It appears that it has already entered Rappan Athuk; we can lose no time if we are to have a chance to stop it.”

“You still haven’t answered my first question,” Dar said.

In response, the traveler lifted a hand to its cowl and pulled it back, sweeping the mask off its face as it brought its hand forward. The face behind the mask was marked with an intricate, creeping tattoo that wound around her right eye, and there were obvious marks of scarring around the left side of the jaw, stretching from the mouth all the way back to the ear. But those changes were not enough to stop Dar from recognizing the newcomer at once.

“Letellia!” Allera exclaimed.

The sorceress nodded. “Allera. Dar. It is... good to see you again.”


First Post
Poor Letellia...I am sure she had a tough time (nice reward for the one who killed Orcus). And sadly, I think that she is up for a tougher time.

By the way, Lazy, kudos to you for remembering when Sextus died...I remember that he died, but not where :p. Ah, well, I guess it is a side effect in being the one who writes that stuff :D

Important question: is Dar going to bond to his new weapon? (Well, he could whoop the ass of that arrogant Kiron even without it. Yeah, I already don't like him. And maybe you recall that I didn't like Talen, too, and we all know how it ended :D)

Anyway, I'm talking too much.


First Post
:( B-but he hasn't done anything yet but look shiny. You can't blame him for wanting to be shiny, can you?:)
But I agree, it's good to see that Letellia's still around, and I was wondering about Dar's weapon bonding also.
Great story and fun read!

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