The DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE is out today!

If you weren't lucky enough to be near one of the Wizards WPN stores, you can now get your shiny new D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide from your local game store, bookshop, or online retailer of choice! That's right - the street date is here, and the DMG is now widely available! And it's worth it - the book is trending at 94% right now!

Additionally, WotC's Jeremy Crawford gives an interview at Polygon about the new DMG.




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wait... so it wasn't released last week or last month for everyone else?
Huh. I got an email about it shipping today.
So this time Amazon is actually shipping my pre-order on time?!? wow... never thought I'd see this day.
(now, let's just wait another month till Brazilian customs determines whether I've been good or bad and should get a present in time for Christmas this year...)

Mine is shipping from amazon with guaranteed delivery today! Just checked and it's (Out for Delivery)!

I am jumping up and running to the door every time I hear a truck go down our road!

Me Wants it! Bring me my precious! we loves it forEVAH!

It is such a good book. I'm glad everyone has it or can easily get it now. It fills almost all the gaps in D&D5 that I was still having doubts about, not that there were many to begin with. I haven't felt this good about the hobby since Gen Con 2000. It's nice.

Mine will be delivered today as well. From what I've read about the 5e DMG so far, it sounds like it will be a very worthwhile addition to my D&D library. Looking forward to it!


Mine shipped yesterday from Amazon, so be here in a few weeks. Interestingly the scanned PDF has been out for a couple of days. WotC missing a trick not giving us PDFs, I would love to have a PDF to peruse whilst my hard copy wings it's way across the Pacific. Instead I must wait and feel jealous of pirates :(

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