D&D 5E The Dwimmermount [OOC]


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That would probably be 6 then and all full up if everyone makes a character :)

So far a few fighter types (maybe a bard), a cleric and rogue-trap type. Some magic might not hurt :D

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Disposable Hero

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I'm not one to play wizards, sorcs, and the like but I'll read some to see if it tickles my fancy.[sblock=EDIT] So I'll look into making an elf wizard, can't make any promises on how well I'll be able to make him. I'm probably going Illusion magic. It'll be a day or two before I can get anything done with him beyond his stats and background.[/sblock]
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First Post
Would you consider allowing anything from unearthed arcana? There are a few caster types I would love to play from the recent unearthed series.

My interests are as follows:

1. Lore Master
2. Stone or Sea Sorcerer
3. Arcane Archer

I understand if you don't want to open that can of worms and in that case would be interested in playing a Half-Elf Storm Sorcerer.


Looking at the rest of the party, I'll go Bard, still deciding on Lore or Valor. I've got most of the personality and backstory done, and should hopefully have something up by tomorrow night.


First Post
One more thing for players to consider... the city issues 'Charters' to adventures to legally operate in the area and to 'adventure' into the Dwimmermount. Your characters are not sure how expensive they are which is why many get sponsors. You should consider if your group wants to do this or attempt to pay for it themselves or see if there are ways around it. These charters also require the group to have a name so you all need to come up with one also :)


First Post
Would you consider allowing anything from unearthed arcana? There are a few caster types I would love to play from the recent unearthed series.

My interests are as follows:

1. Lore Master
2. Stone or Sea Sorcerer
3. Arcane Archer

I understand if you don't want to open that can of worms and in that case would be interested in playing a Half-Elf Storm Sorcerer.

I will have to read them over. Is there one in particular you are considering the most? I looked at them when the first came out but have not really looked at them for a while...


So we'll have a sorc, bard, and cleric? I'm thinking of switching up from wizard to something more meaty!

I was aiming at a fighter. Initially I was tempted by an archer type but I'm leaning more and more towards a hitty guy that hit things with his hitty stick of hittyness

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