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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


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Hope Winters, Aegis Agent

If someone could draw this girl, I'd be much appreciated. She is a mutant and masterminds character in a game I'm playing in.

NAME: Hope Winters
Nickname: The Saint, The Hellborn Saint, Santa Diabla
CHARACTER CONCEPT: The investigative sorceress/sorcerer
Code Name: Zephre

EDUCATION: College Degree

GENDER: Female
AGE: 25
HT: 5ft 9inches
WT: 150
BUILD: Slender, graceful
HAIR: Auburn, turns to white when she uses her Weather attack array.
EYES: Blue, turns completely white when she uses her Weather magic array.
SKIN: Creamy White, typical red-head complexion.

Hope appears as an attractive young woman with bright, intelligent blue eyes that miss nothing, when she uses her powers, her eyes turn to an eerie cloud white. She is 5ft, 9inches tall and has a slender, graceful build. Her shoulder length straight auburn hair is normally styled simply, usually pulled back and out of her face. When she uses her weather powers, her hair turns white and usually escapes whatever she's managed to use to confine it. Her skin is creamy white and almost luminous, typical of most red-heads. While on duty as an AEGIS agent, Hope favors classic black business suites, prefering trousers over skirts.

Str 12
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 20
Wis 16
Cha 12
Total: 30pp

Feats: 22 PP SPENT
Ritualist, Attractive, Power Attack, Ranged Focus 3, Attack Specialization: Weather Attack Array 2, Dodge Focus 9, Benefit: FBI Connections, Master Plan, Eidetic Memory, Well-Informed

Skills: 17pp Spent
(+15)............. Investigate........................... (10r)
(+15)............. Knowledge: Arcane Lore.......... (10r)
(+15)............. Knowledge: Streetwise............(10r)
(+05)............. All Other Knowledges.............. (0r)
(+10)............. Notice................................. (7r)
(+10)............. Gather Info.......................... (9r)
(+6/+10)........ Diplomacy............................ (5r)
(+07)............ Sense Motive........................ (4r)
(+4/+8)......... Bluff.................................... (3r)
(+13)............ Concentration...................... (10r)


Guarding Winds (Force Field 8) (8pp)

Movement: (6pp+1ap)
Ride the Winds (Flight 3)
-AP: Wind At Your Back (Speed 3 + Leaping 3)

Feature: Wind-Blown Effects (1pp) -- This feat extends your unconscious control over air so you are never unnecessarily mussed by the wind, but always have just the right gust of air to ruffle your hair or cape at just the right moment.

Feature: Rapid Investigator: Can Use Investigate at 10x Speed (Quickness, Limited 2: Investigate)

Weather Attack Array (32 base +6ap = 38)
-Lightning Blast (Blast 12, Imp Crit 3, Knockback 4, Indirect)
-Lightning Flash (Blast 10+ Dazzle Visual 5, Indirect)
-Hailstorm (Area Blast 10 Indirect)
-Blow Away (Trip 10, Knockback, Area: Cone, Improved Trip)
-Hands of Air (Precise Air Control 10 (As Telekinesis) ), Freshen Air (removes or counters gas effects or scents)
-Force of Nature: Enhanced Strength 22, Super-Stregth 2 (PF:Superbreath), Enhanced Feats: Unarmed Specialization 3, Melee Focus 1, Imp Crit (Unarmed)
-Conjure Ice (Continuous Create Object 9, Precise, Tether, Selective, Innate, Progression 1)

Wind Magic (13 base power, 3 APs=16)
-Wind Carried Words" Communication 4 (hearing) +Area, + Two Way, Selective (13)
-Whisper of the Past 4 (Postcognition, uncontrolled) (13)
-Driving Rain Environmental Control: hamper movement 6 (1/4th speed, 250 ft rad),
-Fog (Environmental Control: obscure 6)

Total: 71

Attack: +3 (+6ranged, +10 weather Attack Array) (6pp)
Defense: +2 (+11) (4pp)
Total: 10pp

Toughness: +11
Fort: +07........... (4 base +3 abil)
Ref: +09........... (7 base + 2 abil)
Will: +09............(6 base + 3 abil)
Total: 17pp

Drawbacks (-1pp):
Minor Vulnerability to Fire

At age 7, Hope was found in a filthy alley in New york. She had been beaten, tortured to the point that she had no recollection of her past, her name. Nothing. They named her Hope, after the street the alley had been connected. A year later, she was adopted by a federal agent named Alexander Winters who had lost his wife and child in a car accident and had since been regulated to desk duty. He raised the girl as his own, instilling her with a sense of duty, honor and that might does not always make right.

Seven years later, Hope began developing odd powers that marked her as a sorceress. One of Alexander's coworkers was a closet mage himself and recognized her budding abilities for what they were and convinced his friend that the girl needed training or she would become a target for various evil powers. Alexander reluctantly agreed to let the girl train and by the time she was 21, Hope was a full fledged sorceress.

After graduating from college, Hope was recruited by the FBI, where she specialized in kidnappings/serial killings and the like. Aegis soon developed an interest in her and offered her a job. She accepted and soon became one of Aegis' more successful agents. IE: she hasn't been killed yet and generally succeeds in whatever her boss asks her to do.

The Saint is more of a nickname than a secret identity, stemming from her work in missing persons and helping the FBI solve some pretty nasty crimes. The Hellborn Saint comes from her tracking down a necromancer to the gates of hell and impaling him on the spikes.

Most supers seem to be somewhat uneasy around her (at least until they get to know her), given her reputation for using lethal force when dealing with dark or corrupt mages, sorcerers, witches or the more truly dangerous mutants/supers.

Strangely enough, most law enforcement types and even some criminals tend to have a great deal of respect for her.

Hope is known for her scruplous business dealings. Once she gives her word, she never breaks it, nor does she betray a trust once given.

Dedicated to the point of obession, smart and sarcastic comes to mind when someone first sees her on the job. She's stubborn and never gives up or gives in, having tracked someone literally to the gates of hell in order to bring some justice to the victims of terrible crimes and closure to the survivors.

Outside of the job, Hope is easy going and quite friendly. While on a case, she can be quite intense, even to the point of obsession. She is known to be very stubborn and won't give up or give in once she's on the trail of something she's after.

Occassionally she will help someone pro-bono, usually in exchange for a favor further down the line. This has given her a wealth of contacts both in the legal and not so legal fields. Nothing pisses Hope off more than seeing children being victimized. Hope does not like killing, but she won't hesitate to use lethal force if there aren't any options left, a consequence of being trained by a FBI mage. She is tough, but fair and has a soft spot for kids and abuse victims, as she herself was once abused.

"They say you once tracked a guy to hell. Is that true?"

"Yes. And his head now decorates Lucifer's gatepost." Hope grinned ferally.

"What was his crime then?"

"He murdered twelve children between the ages of six and thirteen. And took his time."

2nd quote: The best magic is as subtle as a tripwire and just as hard to detect.

3rd quote: The ability to kill is the most trivial power of all. Everyone can do it. Saving lives is so much harder. And so much less common.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col Tobinson

Just saw this thread and decided it'd be great to try one.

Col Tobinson

Mad pirate, fiend-summonin'-and-controll'n spellcaster.

They say Col Tobinson was once a fine ship's mate, aye, able to navigate on maps incomplete and uncharted. Many a ship would hire him, and he was decently well off for his efforts. That was his life for many a year, travellin' upon the Blue Mistress called the sea. Even when he got the white hairs, his eye was keen and his mind sharp.

That all be changed with his last trip on the sea. A tall, black ship, the Midnight Fury was, and paid a pretty penny for Col Tobinson. But something happened on that trip. No one knows for sure, and, well, Col doesn't speak of it much. All thats really known is that he was found upon floatsam, clutching to gnawed remains of the Fury's late Captain, and babbling about "THEM" and "IT CANNOT BE" and similar nightmares.

"Mad" Col was what we be calling him from that day. He gave up the sea, and instead began lookin'. Lookin' for answers to questions only he be know'n. He dove into book upon book, and learnt things that most people wouldn't. They say he can channel some carsed power now, and knows more 'bouts the dark secrets of the depths than most, but... he's a touched one, "Mad" Col Tobinson is.

Mad Col is a man in his middle age (about 40) who looks like he has not been taking care of himself. His salt-and-pepper hair is in tangles, and his beard would make a dwarf cry. His hands and face show the signs of a life at sea with permanent creases and a deeply burnt tan. Col has piercing hazel eyes, and strangely enough, all of his teeth (apparently, he likes his citrus). He has obviously slept in his clothes a few times. He is 5' 11" and 180 lbs.

One piece of required equipment: A cunn'n tricorne hat. Other than that, he's an arcane caster w/o familiar an no serious kit other than a book of dark worldly secrets he is often peer'n into.


First Post
Three Quarters Orc?

Wow! I don't check this thread for a while and when I come back, there's all these great artists!

Well, if anyone is up for a challenge, I'd love a picture of my character, Tharag. He's a half-orc who is more like three quarters orc. He is massive (like 10 feet tall) and broad. He is all muscle, espescially between the ears. He wears a loin cloth, a spiked dog collar and an armored shoulder pad.

He carries a massive log banded in iron as well as an ice sword.

Here are some pics of the mini I converted up for him:


As you can see, he's more like a massive orc than half of anything.

Anyway, thanks to anyone willing to take a crack at him!



First Post
First off, nice work all around.

The "request" is more like a simple thought. I have a friend that recently made an abomination of the MM. It's a half Minotuar/Half green Dragon. How exactly It came into being, I'm not sure, but it totes a Comp. Longbow, and a heavy mace, I believe. Not that it needs it, of course. The only real reason I mention this monstrocity, is that I've never seen any picture that I don't have to squint at to have it resemble this (not that I've seen every picture). What usually fails the other pictures, though, is the complete lack of wings, appropriet style horns(a mixture of Minotuar and green dragon), and simple lack of towering size and strength. Not a neccesity to be drawn, just though It may make for a refreshing break, or strangly obsurde challenge. Not to mention I'm sure everyone has a different idea of what this thing must look like. Great pics, thanx.


darkhall-nestor said:

Not a great rendering but drawing with a mouse is hard

Wow, I had not checked this thread in quite some time, and so I appologize for not commenting on this earlier. It looks quite good. :) I know how hard it is to draw with the mouse (a electronic tablet or even a Laptop touchpad are much easier IMO) so I have some idea as to how much effort went into this. Lots of detail with lighting and texture, and the colors are quite appropriate. :) It almost looks like parts of it were hand painted and others were done digitally, and there is definitely quite a bit of depth. In short: This is totally awesome. :)


First Post
Nice work hero4hire. Hmm if you're up to it, could you please take a lookit my request (The Hope Winters one), preferably one in her civilian garb and another in her full 'I'm not happy' mode with the white hair/eyes


First Post
darkhall-nestor said:
"The "request" is more like a simple thought. I have a friend that recently made an abomination of the MM. It's a half Minotuar/Half green Dragon. "


Unfinished pic

not sure I will finish it

:) Thanx, Looks good so far! :)

Another friend of mine got jelouse, and made somthing to match. A half-gnoll-half-white dragon. Not sure the reasoning behind it (*cough* madness *cough*), but I was wondering what traits you guys would put to it? Should it retain "fur", the elongated feet, scales, ...what would make it look more menacing?

Saba Taru

kirinke said:
Nice work hero4hire. Hmm if you're up to it, could you please take a lookit my request (The Hope Winters one), preferably one in her civilian garb and another in her full 'I'm not happy' mode with the white hair/eyes

Alright. I thought I'd give this a go since I was messing around with character portraits for a couple of my games anyways. Here is my vision of Kirinke's Hope Winters character. Couldn't tell if she changed outfits when she wasn't happy, so I kept her in her work attire. The images are kind of big, but that's easily fixed. Enjoy!

Hope Winters FBI

Hope Winters Not Happy


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