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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!

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First Post
For Dragonwriter. Gar Heavyclaws. I also have Fin on the go for Ferret.


Dr Simon


Looking for some artwork for a PbP I'm running on these boards. I've listed the characters and a few NPCs below, if any inspire you please go ahead!

The game is here, and the rogue's gallery is here, with some inspirations suggested by the players. Inspirations are vaguely Eastern, with a tendency towards the ornate.

Three of the characters are nai-nek-chai, a homebrew race of human/animal shapeshifters, similar to hengeyokai but without a hybrid form. In human form, they usually have a vague resemblance to their animal type, more a suggestion than anything obvious.

Growling Ape: a male baboon nai-nek-chai druid. Wears simple, loose-fitting clothing that stays on in either form, fights with a quarterstaff. He also uses a custom "produce lightning" spell, so he can wreathe his fists in lightning that he can use to punch with, or to throw.

Annika: a female eagle nai-nek-chai, sorceress with an affinity for fire. Annika in her human form has striking red hair, and wears a simple poncho over a wrap-around skirt and simple tunic (probably all in reds). She has a pouch strpped to her leg and her familiar is a tiny viper. Annika's magic missile spell takes the form of a fiery feather. She is, perhaps, linked to Golden Crow, the geomantic animal of the sky and rulership, but this can also be represented as phoenix-ish iconoography.

Shakou: a female tiger nai-nek-chai. Shakou is a rogue and trickster, a former con-artist. Her animal form is a Fnoi tiger, closer in physique to a leopard but with tiger markings. In human form she has short orange hair and cat-like pupils, usually dressed in close-fitting clothing. (One inspiration is Milla Jovovo...vich in Fifth Element).

Three Flowers: human male paladin of beauty. Three Flowers is a young man with coffee-coloured skin and finely-chiselled, almost androgynous good looks. His blood carries traces of river spirit heritage, and his expensive clothing and armour are never stained or tarnished. He wields a hereditory scimitar called White Lotus.

Mystal Mar is a salsham'ai, a tree folk. Salsham'ai are small-sized, looking mostly like fine-boned humans except that their toes are prehensile. Mystal wear salsham'ai "shoes", which are like fingerless cycling gloves for the feet. He is an albino, having been touched by mist spirits. Normally he is cloaked and hooded in dark, camouflaged clothing. A swordsage, he wields a rapier and has recently acquired a shield made from the body a defeated spider demon, that looks something like a noh theatrical mask. (see also here for reference.

I would suggest checking the Rogues Gallery for the images posted by the players.

NPCs and other ideas:

Aru Leng, the Vashti of Cormondal.
Aru is a young priestess (the Vashti), following a tradition that mixes the old worship of river spirits with a more modern philosophy of charity and compassion. Her looks are something like a mixed European-East Asian heritage, with thick dark hair with a slight curl, that she wears shoulder length. Normally dressed in simple white robes, with perhaps a suggestion of decoration hinting at the river connection. Thrust into a position above her experience, she tries to be wise, compassionate and in charge.

Undead Foe.
A young thug defeated by the party, but brought back to life for nefarious purposes, this risen corpse carries a lantern on a pole (with which he also fights). The back of his head is missing, his death having been caused by Growling Ape's quarterstaff staving in his skull.

Spider Demon.
The foe defeated by Mystal Mar, basically a spider the size of a house, but replace its face with three noh masks, joined by the eyes in this style. The faces glow with a pale-green corpse light.

Mystal vs. spiders.
Mystal Mar wieling a flaming rapier against a giant spider (twice his size), whislt the two of them are balanced on a web strand 40 feet above a dark, web-filled canyon. In the rain. :)

Any of these would be great, groups also good. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to have a go!


Back with a new request - it's mostly for a sketch/ drawing of the armour... though the whole character would be cool.

Hope is an 19 year old escaped slave Barbarian/ Forsaker. He is 1/4 orc and comes from the Jungle of Chult in the Forgotten Realms. After being tortured by Yuan-ti he developed an intense distrust of magic. He wields an oversize adamantine greataxe (monkeygrip) and until recently wore a mithral shirt.

He recently found (yesterday) a Spiked, Black Dragoncraft, Tumbler's breastplate. Sweet!
It counts as light armour and is made of polished overlapping plates of (duh) black dragon hide. The matching armguards and gauntlets are ridged with dragon teeth to give the armour the Spiked property.

It's like the cheesiest spikiest blackest coolest non-magical armour the DM could think of as a getting-to-level-10-with-no-magic-items present.

Disclaimer: I'm the DM

It's hard to find a nice pic of the armour to amaze the player with - can anyone help?


First Post
Odd character request

Awesome artwork from all I have seen. I'd like to request a character that is a little odd. The totemist classis from Magic of Incarnum and the abberation feats are from Lords of maddness the Wildrunner PrC is from Races of the Wild. I picture him in the woods, arms and tentacles ready to attack attack following or during a primal scream.

Male Wild Elf Totemist Wildrunner Chaotic Neutral
STR 14, Dex 16, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 10
Physical info : 5'1", 120 lbs, Tan skin, grey eyes, wavy black hair that falls to the bottom of the shoulderblades. (tangled)
Totemist have ties to nature similar to a druid or beastlord.
Studded leather armor

Abberation blood: Flexible Limbs
One of your ancestors was an aberration and has passed the taint of its aberrant physiology down through the generations to you. This taint manifests physically in your appearance in some noticeable way.


Benefi t:​
You gain a physical feature that grants you a racial bonus on one type of check; once you select the check to whichthis bonus applies (as well as the corresponding feature) you cannot change it later. (Flexible limbs)

Bestial Hide:
Your skin is thicker, scalier, or furrier than normal.​
Aberration Blood.

Benefi t:​
Your natural armor bonus to AC improves by 1 for every two aberrant feats you possess.

Two short but powerful tentacles sprout from your waist. You
gain two tentacle natural attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage
(for a Medium creature) plus your Strength modifi er. The tentacle
attacks are treated as primary weapons.

Soulmelds/chakra binds (note: Unfortunately some of the images the soulmelds create overlap. I will be interested in the artist interpretation of how this is done)

Here is a note on soulmelds, taken from the Magic of Incarnum book.
"Soulmelds are persistent magical constructions shaped from pure incarnum—the power of souls living, dead, and yet unborn—fused with the meldshaper’s own essence. They resemble both long-lasting spells and magic items in many ways, but truly are neither.
Once shaped, a soulmeld takes on a solid physical form in the shape specifi ed for that particular meld. A shaped soulmeld acts as a normal object that might be worn, such as boots, armor, or a robe except for the following: they cannot be removed from the individual wearing them, they cannot be damaged except as specifically noted and they don’t have a weight..."

Girallon Arms:
Incarnum coalesces around your arms and upper torso, forming blue-white fur that seems to enhance your arm and chest muscles. It also extends from your fingers to form ghostly claws that, despite their insubstantial appearance, help you gain purchase while climbing or grappling.

Incarnum forms two additional, powerful arms that spring out from your ribs. These spirit arms mirror the movements of your real arms. All four of your arms are tipped with long claws that no longer seem ghostly, but quite real—and quite sharp. (Total of four arms, my two and two girallon arms. all have claws)

Worg Pelt:
You gather worg spirits around you to form a cloaklike garment. It strongly resembles the pelt of a worg, from the top of the beast’s head perched atop your own to forelegs extending down your arms and rear legs hanging behind you. The fur is dark and thick, and glassy red eyes smolder in its face.
The forelegs of your worg pelt fuse into your own arms, adding weight and bulk to your hands. Your arms and hands are completely covered in the dark gray fur of a worg.​

Blink Shirt:
This rough-looking garment fi ts over armor and other clothing and looks like it has been made of coarse brown fur, but it displaysobviously magical features. The shirt seems to shift and move on its own, and it fades into a barely corporeal mist near your waist. Most disconcerting of all, patches of the garment seem transparent, as if they have temporarily shifted to some strange elsewhere. Because different parts of the garment appear phased out at different times, these patches of incorporeality seem to roam over the surface of the shirt.

Wormtail Belt:
...the soulmeld shapes plating on the skin of your torso and legs. Dark purple on the back and lighter in front, these scales seem to add to your bulk, and definitely increase your power in melee combat.​

Wild Runner abilities:
Primal Scream (Su):​
At 2nd level, you become able to bring forth the power inherent within and release it in a blood-chilling scream. Releasing a primal scream is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A primal scream induces a state of feral frenzy... In this frenzy, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength and a +6 bonus to Dexterity. In addition, your jaw elongates and your teeth become razor-sharp; you gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage...



First Post
It can't hurt to throw a request out there, right? So far, all I've had to go on for my character image is something I threw together in Heroquest, and it's done its job, but getting something drawn by an actual person willing (and able) to put their unique spin on a character would be greatly appreciated. He's trying out some new "looks", so a new take on the character (and the Heromachine image presented) would be appreciated.

Phelan Lawson, Human Sorcadin/Abjurant Champion
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 182
Build: Tone, but average girth -- not stocky enough to be imposing, but not rail-thin
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Looks: Pretty handsome ( ;) )

Clean-shaven, hair is wavy and about ear-length, but mostly hidden under his hat. Skin tone is usually a normal flesh tone, rarely very tan. Wears a large amount of teal and white: hat is teal with a white band and a single 5" large white feather; no visible armor, but he wears a teal blue tabard lined in white down his front and back, and a dark blue cloak that flutters impressively and lets him fly. White leather gloves that go up to just below his elbow, and soft-looking white boots that go up to his calf. His belt bears the symbol of Pelor at its buckle, and his longsword is an unmarred and brightly-shining silver with a golden hilt and two gold-inlaid lightning bolts evocative of Heironeous' holy symbol running down the blade on its front. Just above his shoulder hovers Phelan's lantern archon familiar, Heol.

Phelan's usually smiling widely, or at least has a benevolent, mildly simple look on his face, something to suggest at first glance that he's a pretty good guy.

Photo link is: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=7869235&l=81ff3b0f1c&id=619155742 and thanks to anyone who considers drawing him! (The drawing has many faults, but the primary one is the lack of ability to show height, or body frame, effectively ...)

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