The Forgotten Forge Recruiting


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Sorry I didn't tell you. A kalashtar named Mevakri met you and told you to meet at a inn. She told you that she had a vision that something would happen but she didn't know what her visions meant until they happened. The party met but they don't know each other.

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Greenstar... if you're looking for someone else who's been a very reliable poster, moritheil would be a great addition.


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Just on the off chance you guys need an extra player, I'd love to play this campaign. I read over it when I first got the Eberron Campaign setting book, and thought it was great, but never got to play it. I can't really remember it, except that I liked it, so I promise not to be metagaming ;)


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There seems to be more interest for this adventure, and I was thinking about running something anyway. Do you mind if I start up another "Forgotten Forge" PbP, greenstar?
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Since I haven't cast a spell yet, would it be cool if I changed my feat from spell focus to abberant dragonmark (only the 2nd time I've ever played a dragonmarked race in Ebberon) since I hadn't realized it was ebberon right away? Spell focus was good when I had a 20 Int as a grey elf. But a bit more firepower never hurt anyone (except the enemy of course)!

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