The Forgotten Forge Recruiting


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I'm recruiting for the Forgotten Forge. I've never DMed anything but I think I'll be okay at it.
Sources: PHB, DMG, MM, ECS, Tome of Battle, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Races of Eberron
Level: 1
Starting gold is average
Alignment non-evil
If I get five or six players the game might start in a week. If you want your characters to be over three classes ask me first.
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I'll jump in on this...

I was wanting to play a druid with the shapeshifter variant. You don't have PHBII up as one of your sources... do you think you would be open to it?

Otherwise I could just play a regular old boring druid :p


First Post
Arabesu said:
I'll jump in on this...

I was wanting to play a druid with the shapeshifter variant. You don't have PHBII up as one of your sources... do you think you would be open to it?

Otherwise I could just play a regular old boring druid :p
I don't have PHBII so I'd like it better if you were a regular old boring druid but I guess you could have the shapeshifter variant.


First Post
I'm familiar with "The Forgotten Forge" and vaguely familiar with the other three adventures in the series. I've run "Forgotten Forge" before, actually.

I promise to be good about not meta-gaming, however, and if you don't mind I'll say that I'm interested.

I'm thinking maybe a warforged crusader.
The shapeshift variant is pretty simple and replaces both animal companion and wildshape. It's wildshape flavor with far simpler rules behind it.
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First Post
Pinnacle said:
I'm familiar with "The Forgotten Forge" and vaguely familiar with the other three adventures in the series. I've run "Forgotten Forge" before, actually.

I promise to be good about not meta-gaming, however, and if you don't mind I'll say that I'm interested.

I'm thinking maybe a warforged crusader.
The shapeshift variant is pretty simple and replaces both animal companion and wildshape. It's wildshape flavor with far simpler rules behind it.
A warforged crusader is okay.

Voidrunner's Codex

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