The Forgotten Forge Recruiting

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Is this right for who has asked in so far?

OnlytheStrong Human Psion
Warshrike Kalashtar Soulknife
Arabesu Shifter Druid
Pinnacle Warforged Crusader

I have some interest in playing a halfling or goblin rogue. Potentially a dwarf if the party needs someone more focused on dungeon delving and less on sneaking.


First Post
I'll throw in my hat as an interested player. But if someone else posts sometime soon who's more Eberron-savvy and Eberron-loving, I'll back out.

I say that because my Eberron knowledge is somewhat limited - I don't have the ECS or any Eberron supplements. All I got is some 8-9 Eberron novels on my bookshelf, reading Shilsen's Eberron campaign storyhour, and what else I've read about Eberron on the Internet and in Dragon Magazine. If that's alright, then I am interested, though I don't know how Eberron's action points work (other than that I think I know enough setting-wise....).

I'm thinking of a human psychic warrior, who'll focus on some healing powers (Vigor and Biofeedback early on, then on to Body Adjustment, Body Purification, and Empathic Transfer). Maybe even take a few Expanded Knowledge feats later on for the Egoist Psion powers that help with healing. And of course he'll probably carry a big sword and wail on things a lot. :D

He might've learned to awaken his psionic gifts thanks to the party's Psion, even, as a link between the characters.


Eberron Action Points are pretty much 'just' for adding 1d6 to a few d20 rolls per level unless you have a specific class or feat to use them differently.


First Post
I think I'd like to try PBP again, I'll throw my hat in the ring with a Shifter Sword Sage.
What are the Character creation rules if I might ask?


First Post
Arkhandus said:
I'll throw in my hat as an interested player. But if someone else posts sometime soon who's more Eberron-savvy and Eberron-loving, I'll back out.

I say that because my Eberron knowledge is somewhat limited - I don't have the ECS or any Eberron supplements. All I got is some 8-9 Eberron novels on my bookshelf, reading Shilsen's Eberron campaign storyhour, and what else I've read about Eberron on the Internet and in Dragon Magazine. If that's alright, then I am interested, though I don't know how Eberron's action points work (other than that I think I know enough setting-wise....).

I'm thinking of a human psychic warrior, who'll focus on some healing powers (Vigor and Biofeedback early on, then on to Body Adjustment, Body Purification, and Empathic Transfer). Maybe even take a few Expanded Knowledge feats later on for the Egoist Psion powers that help with healing. And of course he'll probably carry a big sword and wail on things a lot. :D

He might've learned to awaken his psionic gifts thanks to the party's Psion, even, as a link between the characters.
I have a psion and a soulknife so you guys should post your characters sheets and I'll pick the ones I like best. And if I pick your character and you dont know something about Eberron ask someone.


First Post
Vertexx69 said:
I think I'd like to try PBP again, I'll throw my hat in the ring with a Shifter Sword Sage.
What are the Character creation rules if I might ask?
The character creation rules are in the first post.


First Post
Creamsteak said:
Is this right for who has asked in so far?

OnlytheStrong Human Psion
Warshrike Kalashtar Soulknife
Arabesu Shifter Druid
Pinnacle Warforged Crusader

I have some interest in playing a halfling or goblin rogue. Potentially a dwarf if the party needs someone more focused on dungeon delving and less on sneaking.
Any of those is okay.

Voidrunner's Codex

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