The Glossary Strikes Back


abbaili (ah-BALE-ee): A derogatory term for a loud, obnoxious or foolish person. Believed to have originated in Red Harbour as an insult for anyone from the rival city of Abbaye, its useage has spread throughout the Kessel, much to the disdain of the folk of Abbaye.

Archon (ARK-on) 2 meanings: ( 1) A type of Celestial; (2) the term for a band of 1000 cavalry under direct command of the Grey King or one of his generals.

Ashaniyoune ( ASH-aah-NEE-yown): The religious capital city of the Utali in the Shattered Isles. Known for its many temples, shrines and monuments, many of its citizens are no more than priests or monks dedicated to the different religious orders present there.

Asha (ASH-aah): A rank among the Utali meaning "King" or "Chieftain." First used as a title after the fall of the Kylatti Colonies during the Utalian War of Independence,it originally meant "regent" or "heir apparent."

Baradaren, Mount (BAR-AH-dare-N): From Bara Uta, meaning “fire” and -daruin meaning “queen”. The largest mountain on the isle of Suramos ( 32,165 Ft), and one of the greatest such peaks in all of the Shattered Isles. Midway up, on its western face,a large ruined city (of unknown origin) rests. IIt is gradually being reclaimed by the alpine growth of the peak and periodic rockslides.

Barakus, Mount (BAR-ah-kus): The vast mountain lying far to the west in the Broken Lands, which was the focal point for Horard’s Exodus, and the battleground and graveyard of Horard’s people. The great peak had been famed since the time of the Sorceror Kings as a site of power. It now lies deep in the heartlands of the Fiendish realms, a jutting basalt islet in a sea of darkness. It is said that its ancient power lies corrupted and heavy upon the surrounding wastelands.

Ben‘Ahn Ushai (BEEN-ahn U-shy): Large City of 20,000 souls. The old capital of the Kylatti Imperium colony and formally known as Kyllatus. It was seized early in the Utalian War of Independence in a siege that lasted many days. When the capital moved to Turrounne, much of the merchant class and its coin were removed, throwing the citizenry into hard times (which they remain in to this day).

Black Stone Barrows: In the western March of Riisen are scores of barrow mounds spread across several leagues of lightly wooded fields. These mounds are all approximately thirty feet long and twenty wide and are today covered by grass and bush. They have no discernible openings. Sages believe they are mass graves for ancient Kesselan folk killed in the terrible battles that raged along the edges of the forest (which now lies far to the east) between men and elves. Atop each barrow is a great, weathered stone of black basalt, engraved with a single Sidhe glyph of warning.

Cemro (kim-row):

Deros (Dair-OOS):

Dhur: (DEW-are): The “Progeny of Flame and Stone,” the ancient dwarves were (according to the True Elf sage Maghaund) sired by the Lords of Flame and Stone as a servitor race, but the Fiends wrested away control and forced them to join the Ghet in making war upon the Sidhe. With the passage of uncounted years of warfare, the dwarves grew to hate their supposed allies and came to a begrudging respect for the Sidhe and the Last Kindred. In time, they turned inwards and raised strong kingdoms in the volcanic mountain ranges of the north and east.
Endless War, The: The common name for the war between the disparate forces of the Fiend Lords and the mortals of this world.

Erlu Na’Cuirass: (ERL-oo nah-KWER-ass): In the ancient tongue of the Sidhe, the “Bygone Age” was the time of the First Ones. This was a time long before the recorded word of the mortal races was scribed to the page. Occasional traces of vastly ancient civilizations have been discovered across the world. The last traces of the First Ones were wiped from the world’s face during the War of Heaven and Hell. It is said by madmen that the First Ones merely fled the destruction of their civilizations and slumber yet in the deep reaches far below the light of day.

Geddah (gid-awh): A religious order of the Utali based in the city of Turrounne. They are noted for their honour and magic ability. The order have frequently been found bestowing succour among those who fight against fiendish attacks.

Ghet: (GUH-het) The "Giant-Kin" were a powerful but degenerate race fashioned from stone and flame by the Fiendlords who fought in the First War of Heaven and Hell millenia ago. Most sages now consider all giant-kin to be descendants of these first Ghet. The true Ghet were huge creatures of great power and violent and cruel tendencies. As the first great struggle between the Fiends and the Ghaele raged on, many sub-groups of the Ghet appeared, the greatest and most prolific becoming the orcish, goblinoid, gnollish, troll and lesser giant peoples. In time these groups spread across the world and continued to be a threat to all other peoples.

Giggyagu ( GIG-E-ah-gue):

Gioshpela (Geos-Hip-L-ah): A rank among the Utali meaning Commander or Second King. First used by the Kylatti Imperium to denote a commander of Elven descent. Tales of the civil wars that burned through the region after the fall of Kylatt into the sea speak of a group of Giohpelians or commander guardians defeating the combined forces of two Kylatti contingents.

Great Pact, The: The defining moment in the history of the Kessel, where the disparate and feuding lords, princes and leaders who had led their surviving peoples to the mountains formally joined together in unity of purpose. The Great Pact was the work of the Grey King more than any other party and it stabilized the anarchical situation, which had dominated the Kessel for 260 years. Since the time of the Great Pact, the Kessel has been relatively peaceful, and the peace and prosperity forged from its creation has allowed the mortal races to fight back against the vast powers that rally beyond the Fingers of Darkness.

Gulf of Hador (HAY-door): A rough, treacherous, reef-filled and storm-tossed reach of the Endless Ocean, separating the eternal peaks of the Mur Bruach and the Peninsula of Sourell. The Gulf of Hador holds little of value. It does however provide a treacherous barrier against fiendish naval incursions. Kesselan and Shattered Isles vessels patrol its eastern reaches (which are calmer) but only fools travel the sandbar- and reef-infested waters closer to the coast. It also said that leviathans and terrible beasts from the deeps infest the Gulf of Hador.

Halas (ha-LASS): Also known as 'blue iron' for its azure hue, this wondrous metal has been found only in the mountains of the ancient Gnomish homelands and those that surround the Kessel. When heated, it levitates and can be used to create lift for sky-born vessels. The Gnomish Brotherhood has made extensive use of halas in the construction of their skyship fleets.

Hellana (hel-ON-ah): This is a city-state created by Shay Lay as a haven for fiends and those of fiendish blood. All manner of citizens populate this city, infamous for its dark alleyways and demonic influences. Its very existence is opposed by the other Patrons and a bone of contention between them and the Balancer .

Hesanadros (hess-sahn-odd-er-OS): The last of the Utali Isles, in the southern Shattered Isles. There are numerous standing stone formations of black basalt along the southern beaches. The origins of these stones are lost.

Horard’s Exodus (HO-rard): The legendary and ill-fated retreat of the folk of Dalton before the encroaching hordes of Fiends. King Horard led the remnants of his army and his people to the foothills of Barakus in hopes that “ancient prophecies proclaiming the protection of the heights of Barakus” would save them. With the Fall of the Gods, the peak offered little protection to the folk of Dalton and every last soul was devoured by the Fiends. The common saying: “The mountain will shine again” has become a rallying cry for many mortals in the Kessel.

Imouin (IM-oh-IN): A group of religious ideals written within the crypts of Turrounne, the Imouin was a priestly order believed to have been inspired by the teachings of Skaukator. They were believed to be singers for the dead, perhaps an order whose practices eased the journey of the spirits to that far off city

Ishraval (ISH-rah-vahl): A coastal fortress on the eastern coast of the Peninsula of Sourell and owing fealty to the Grand Oligarchs of Red Harbour. Perhaps half of Red Harbour’s naval levies are berthed here. Ishraval was built on the remnants of an ancient Kesselan hillfort.

Islandspecht (I-land-SPEK): The mishmash, polyglot tongue commonly spoken in the Shattered Isles and the coast of the Kessel. Islandspecht is believed to be an offshoot of the joining of the Chalsic and Kodess tongues in the first years of the Age of Lords. These two fallen realms lay far to the southwest on the coasts of the Glittering Sea. Both parent tongues were similar in sound and shape to one another. Over the years, countless other regional tongues influenced the development of the language, including Common, the elven Seafarer tongue, orcish tribal dialects and several other obscure human languages. Islandspecht is a flowing but sharp-sounding language that used its own variation of the glyphic script. There were dozens of different dialects of Islandspecht spoken throughout the Shattered Isles.

Ivrelum, The (I-VRELL-um): A shadowy and extremely dangerous criminal syndicate that first made its appearance in the city of Kercim and which has extended itself throughout many holdings of the Last Haven. Its activities range from extortion and burglary to smuggling and assassination. Its inner echelons are believed to consort with fiends.

Jahlquri (JAWL-kuri): A religious caste dedicated to the balancing of trade. They serve in many of the port cities of the Utali and have deputations in Red Harbor and Egran as well. It is said that the Jahlquri were banned from the Forge after a flare up of trade disputes brought the trade constabulary in the Wayfarer’s District.

Karta (Car-Tah): Lavernum's first protectorate. Karta is home to possible the oldest human presence in the Shattered Isles, pre-existing the Kylatti colonies by centuries. A militaristic and ordered society of entirely human kind, Karta was annexed by Shay Lay as one of his first steps in creating a balanced and enlightened empire.

Kedester (Keh-DESS-ter): A fishing town of 2,000 souls. Insular and primarily of mixed Kesselan and northerner stock, Kedester’s inhabitants are excellent fishermen. Their vessels can be found the length and breadth of the Sul Myn.

Kessel, The (KESS-il): The sheltered and protected land lying on the eastern coast of the continent. The meaning of the word has been lost, even to native Kessela, though most scholars see its origin in the native word for 'cauldron'. Also called the Last Haven, or the Last Refuge, the Kessel, along with the outlying Shattered Isles remains the last part of the continent that has not fallen into the hands of the Fiendish Hordes. Surrounded by tall mountains and the corruptive and deadly Fingers of Darkness, it is a rich land that supports the remnants of the mortal peoples.

Kolombos (COAL-OM-base): A trade city of perhaps 6,000 people on the Isle of Weymanos. Kolombos is situated on a cliff face standing over an ancient river basin. In its heyday, Kolombos was a great fortified city that began as a tower fort during the Utalian War of Independence. Kolombos now serves as the spice and gem market for the southern Isles, and as a port of call for the infamous Red Jackal.

Lavernum (Lah-Vere-num): Lavernum is the Stronghold of Shay Lay the Balancer. Located on the northern edge of the largest island in the Shattered Isles, this stronghold also controls 3 southern city-state protectorates - Hellana, Karta, and Periam. Lavernum is infamous for its mercenaries-for-hire and its trading of magical goods.

Mar Ryuth Ammanor (Marr RE-UTH awh-men-or): Ruins of an ancient Elder race colony. Many sages believe it was inhabited by a race of snake-men from the Bygone Age. Ringing the ruins is a magically warded wall built by early elves to keep the ruins isolated from the rest of the island. An ancient prophecy can be found worn, and faded telling that the return of the snake men will mark the beginning of the fall of the world.

Myrallyis (MERE-al-ISS): A small isle of the Utali, in the southern Shattered Isles.

Naibani (NAY-ban-E) or Naibano (NAY-ban-O) are wild elven tribes within the Utali, in the southern Shattered Isles. These elves are not of the pure Sidhe, being similar in power and status to their land-locked brethren in the Kessel.

Oslandyis (OZ-land-ISS): A small isle of the Utali, in the southern Shattered Isles.

Reu (RE-U): A religious caste dedicated to the Mistress of the Sea. Based in the island city of Ashaniyoune known as the Council of Reulas. Reu is a general term for all religious practitioners based on the Isles. It is believed that the Reu was founded by the elven natives of the Isles in the years before the Kylatt colonists came. In recent years the Reu act as a dedicated messenger service for the Mistress of the Sea.

Periam (per-REE-am): Unlike Lavernum's other two protectorates, Periam sought the protection of Lavernum as it's borders were nearly consumed by the warring states of the southern regions. It is the most industrial of the city-states, including Lavernum, producing both war materials and soldiers.

Sidhe (SHEE): The "Fey" were the powerful and enlightened race fashioned from water and air by the Ghaele during the First War of Heaven and Hell. The true Sidhe are immortal, susceptible only to physical injury. Yet over the ages they have virtually all fallen or disappeared from the recorded page. It is said that most fled to the seas where they still survive beyond the power and influence of the fiends. The elves are the most direct descendants of these first Sidhe and it is said that they, in all their beauty and grace are but a shadow of the Sidhe.

Suramos (SIR-ahm-OOS): The largest isle of the Utali, in the southern Shattered Isles.

Turromos (TURE-ah-mass): A very small Isle of the Utali, in the southern Shattered Isles, that holds the Capital city of Turrounne.

Turrounne ( TURE-own): Capital city of the Utali on the Isle of Turromos. Turrounne began as a small religious village in the years before the Kylatti colonists appeared on the Isles. By the time the Utalian war of Independence had ended, Turrounne had become the capital of the fledgling Kingdom of the Utali.

Turrbenanon (TURE-been-ahn-un): A river on the Isle of Suramos.

Utali (U-tael-E): The people and kingdom of the southern Shattered Isles.

Weymanos (way-MAN-OOS): The Second largest Isle of the Utali. Weymanos is a desert isle of rolling sands and dust in the southern Shattered Isles.

Updated - April 14th
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Hellana (hel-ON-ah): This is a city-state created by Shay Lay as a haven for fiends and those of fiendish blood. All manner of citizens populate this city, infamous for its dark alleyways and demonic influences.

Karta (Car-Tah): Lavernum's first protectorate. Karta is home to possible the oldest human presence in the Shattered Isles. A militaristic and ordered society of entirely human kind, Karta was annexed by Shay Lay as one of his first steps in creating a balanced and enlightened empire.

Lavernum (Lah-Vere-num): Lavernum is the Stronghold of Shay Lay the Balancer. Located on the northern edge of the largest island in the Shattered Isles, this stronghold also controls 3 southren city-state protectorates - Hellana, Karta, and Periam. Lavernum is infamous for its mercenaries-for-hire and its trading of magical goods.

Periam (per-REE-am): Unlike Lavernum's other two protectorates, Periam sought the protection of Lavernum as its borders were nearly consumed by the warring states of the southern regions. It is the most industrial of the city-states, including Lavernum, producing both war materials and soldiers.


Black Stone Barrows: In the western March of Riisen are scores of barrow mounds spread across several leagues of lightly wooded fields. These mounds are all approximately thirty feet long and twenty wide and are today covered by grass and bush. They have no discernible openings. Sages believe they are mass graves for ancient Kesselan folk killed in the terrible battles that raged along the edges of the forest (which now lies far to the east) between men and elves. Atop each barrow is a great, weathered stone of black basalt, engraved with a single Sidhe glyph of warning.


Ghet: The "Giant-Kin" were a powerful but degenerate race fashioned from stone and flame by the Fiendlords who fought in the First War of Heaven and Hell millenia ago. Most sages now consider all giant-kin to be descendants of these first Ghet. The true Ghet were huge creatures of great power and violent and cruel tendencies. As the first great struggle between the Fiends and the Ghaele raged on, many sub-groups of the Ghet appeared, the greatest and most prolific becoming the orcish, goblinoid, gnollish, troll and lesser giant peoples. In time these groups spread across the world and continued to be a threat to all other peoples.

Sidhe: The "Fey" were the powerful and enlightened race fashioned from water and air by the Ghaele during the First War of Heaven and Hell. The true Sidhe are immortal, susceptible only to physical injury. Yet over the ages they have virtually all fallen or disappeared from the recorded page. It is said that most fled to the seas where they still survive beyond the power and influence of the fiends. The elves are the most direct descendants of these first Sidhe and it is said that they, in all their beauty and grace are but a shadow of the Sidhe.


Fiend: The common collective name for any of a host of evil creatures that live in the fallen lands beyond the Kessel and Shattered Isles. Including demons, daemons, devils and various other evil Outsiders, their cruelty and depravations have despoiled all of the known world, except for the small enclaves still held by the mortal races.


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Abbaye- The small ancient city of Abbaye stands at the convergiance of the Rivers Solarii, and Abbaili. It is a city looked on by the Kessel and the Freed lands, as a dark blot in the last haven. Known for harbouring fiends, and there tainted half-bloods Abbaye maintains an active policy of "don't ask, don't tell" with all of its citizens. Long ago when the City was still known as Abbailinar. It served as the "New" Capital of the failing Kylatti Imperium. After its capture by the fiends during the Vaticarax riots that swarmed the principality in -2134 BR and its subsequent retaking by the Archons of the Grey King under Cmdr Felinor Myramin it grew into a more prosporous trade metropolis.
The Arch nemesis of Red Harbour due to trade strife the Abbayanese people have had to struggle to keep the southern trade routes open. In modern times the city has begun to show the signs of aging and disrepair it is an old city that because of success has become decadent under the House Myramin whose line has ruled the Rogue city into the modern age from the first "Grand" Duke Felinor with loose ties to the Grey King, and the Mistress of the Sea.

Myriam One of the fallen cities of the lost Tall Kingdom of Elustria, Myriam does still exist under the tyranny of the Fiend Lords. One of the Five Majorities of the once proud kingdom it is thought to contain at least 12,000 slaves, descendance of the fall of Elustria. Known to still be controlled by the Fair Queen of Darkness, the once Queen Elustre, now tainted, and corrupted by her evil masters. Once known as the City of Flowers, Myriam now knows nothing other than the putrid stench of Numer

Numer In the darkness beneath the world where the demons, and fiendbroods breed. The Pit of Numer stands a dark testiment to its evil Lords. Numer is the Hell of Daemonforge, it is made up of seven layers, and is ruled by the Dark Lord Yogsathoth, and known by Heaven as Numadan. Other Names of Numer are Pit of the Foul One, and the Great Stagnation
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