Mystaran Adventures (Closed)

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[sblock=Character Sheet]
Name: Sundim
Class: Rouge
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic

Str: 11 +0
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 11 +0
Int: 13 +1
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 13 +1

Level: 1st
BAB: +0
Grapple: +0
Speed: 30ft
Init: +3
ACP: 0
XP: 0
HP: 6
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: 0

Armor Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 Leather Armor) Touch: 13 Flat-Footed:12

Fort: +0 (+0 Con, +0 Base, +0 Other)
Ref: +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Base, +0 Other)
Will: +1 (+1 Wis, +0 Base, +0 Other)

Racial traits:
- 1 Extra feat at first level
- +4 Skill points at first level
- +1 Skill points at each level after first level
Languages: Common, Halfling
Class Features: Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding

Skill Points: 40 - [(8+1 (Int)) x 4]+4
Max Ranks: 4
Appraise +5 (+3 Ranks, +1 Int)
Balance +3 (+3 Dex)
Bluff +5 (+4 Ranks, +1 cha)
Climb +0 (+0 Str)
Concentration +0 (+0 Con)
Craft +1 (+1 Int)
Diplomacy +5 (+3 Ranks, +1 Cha)
Disable Device +5 (+4 Ranks, +1 Int)
Disguise +1 (+1 Cha)
Escape Artist +3 (+3 Dex)
Forgery +1 (+1 Int)
Gather Information +1 (+1 Cha)
Heal +1 (+1 Wis)
Hide +9 (+4 Ranks, +3 Dex, +2 Feat)
Intimidate +1 (+1 Cha)
Jump +0 (+0 Str)
Listen +1 (+1 Wis)
Move Silently +9 (+4 Ranks, +3 Dex, +2 Feat)
Open Lock +7 (+4 Ranks, +3 Dex)
Perform (Sleight of Hand) +5 (+4 Ranks, +1 Cha)
Ride +3 (+3 Dex)
Search +5 (+3 Ranks, +1 Int)
Sense Motive +4 (+3 Ranks, +1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand +9 (+4 Ranks, +3 Dex, +2 Feat)
Spot +1 (+1 Wis)
Survival +1 (+1 Wis)
Swim +0 (+0 Str)
Use Rope +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Feat)

Feats: Deft Hands (+2 of Sleight of Hand and Use Rope checks), Stealthy (+2 on Hide and Move Silently checks)

Equipment Worn/Sheathed [Weight]:
Traveler’s Outfit (free) [0]
Leather armor [15]
Daggers (3, two concealed on body w/Sleight of Hand) [3, 1 each]

Equipment (in Sack) [Weight]:
Crossbow, light [4]
Bolts (20) [2]
Sap [2]
Merchant’s Scale [1]
Thieves Tools [1]
Sack [½]
Trail Rations (1 day) [½]
Bedroll [5]

Total- 33

Kopec’s- 60
Crona’s- 37
Royal’s- 49
Emperor’s- 6

Max Weight: 38 or less - Light Load
39-76 - Medium Load
77-115 – Heavy Load

Age: 17
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 5’ 1’’
Weight: 121 lbs
Skin: Slightly Pale
Other: Has a little bit of a beard


[sblock=Back-story] Sundim was born in the western parts of the Duchy of Karameikos, in Luln to be exact. His family had been part of a small criminal organization for the last three generations, and its headquarters was in Luln. Sundim was trained by one of the higher-ups in the organization, a dwarf, who taught him to steal and deal with traps. His mother taught him a skill he valued much more however, Sleight of Hand.

Sundim was very close to his parents, as many families were, but Binks, the head of the organization, had plans for Sundim. Binks wanted Sundim to be his personal assassin. Binks told him to go on a mission to assassinate a certain individual, but Sundim refused. However, Binks threatened him by saying he would kill his parents, but Sundim declared it an empty threat, as Sundim believed that they were valuable members to the organization, and declined. That same night, they were assassinated in their sleep. After recovering from his grief, he attempted to find proof that Binks was tied to the murder, but he found nothing. He soon packed his things and left, stealing a valuable heirloom from Binks in the process. He sold it and used the money to stay in Thershold. The money didn’t last forever, however. When it ran out, he began to perform Sleight of Hand for crowds to earn more money. He has been performing for two months now, and has been living in Thershold for 4 months.


If there is anything wrong, Lord Raven, bring it to my attention and I will fix it ASAP.


First Post
My Submission

Korin Crownshield [sblock]
Name: Korinal Crownshield
Class: Cleric
Race: Dwarf
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral

Str: 12 +1
Dex: 10 +0
Con: 14 +2
Int: 12 +1
Wis: 16 +1
Cha: 12 +1

Level: 1st
BAB: +0
Grapple: +0
Speed: 20ft
Init: +0
ACP: 0
XP: 0
HP: 10
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: 0

Armor Class: 17 (+0 Dex, +5 Chainmail, +2 Shield) Touch: 10 Flat-Footed:117
Attack +1 (Heavy mace D8+1)

Fort: +4 (+2 Con, +2 Base, +0 Other)
Ref: +0 (+0 Dex, +0 Base, +0 Other)
Will: +5 (+3 Wis, +2 Base, +0 Other)

Good (+1 caster level for good spells)
Protection (protective ward)

Spells: 3 2+1

Detect Magic
Create Water

Divine Favor
(D)Protection from Evil

Racial traits:
Stability (+4vs. Bull rush)
Hardy (+2 vs. Poision, Spells and Spell like effects)
Hatred (+1 to hit orcs and goblinoids)
Giant Bane (+4 to AC vs Giants)
+2 Appraise (metal and stone items)
+2 Craft (metal and stone items)
Darkvision 60"
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Orc
Class Features: Turn Undead, Spontanious Casting (Cure spells)

Skill Points: 12 - [(2+1 (Int)) x 4]
Max Ranks: 4
Skill Penalty (-7 swim, hide, etc)
Appraise +1 (0 Ranks, +1 Int)
Concentration +6 (4 Ranks +2 Con)
Craft (Armoursmithing) +1 (+1 Int)
Craft (Weaponsmithing) +5 (4 Ranks +1 Int)
Diplomacy +2 (+1 Ranks, +1 Cha)
Heal +4 (1 Rank +3 Wis)
Knowledge (Dungeonering) +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Religion) +2 (1 Rank +1 Int)
Spellcraft +2 (1 Rank +1 Int)

Feats: Combat Casting (+5 to Concentrating when casting Defensively)

Equipment Worn/Sheathed [Weight]:
Silver Holy Symbol [-]
Explorers’s Outfit (free) [0]
Chainmail [40]
Large Steel Shield [15]
Heavy Mace [8]
Daggers (2, one waist, one boot) [2, 1 each]

Equipment (in Backpack) [Weight]:10
Blanket, Winter
Flint and Steel

Total- 75

Kopec’s- 0
Crona’s- 0
Royal’s- 0
Emperor’s- 0

Max Weight:
43 or less - Light Load
44-86 - Medium Load
87-130 – Heavy Load

I plan on useing the Dwarf Cleric racial substitution level at 4th level (Races of Stone pg146), , and becoming a Battlesmith (Races of Stone pg 98)

Mace is not legal to be carried in town so not carried in town. Neither is backpack, both are allwasy retrieved before leaving.

Appearance [sblock]
Korin is a rather open dwarf not quite as surly as other dwarves. He appears young in age, with wisdom in his eyes. The beginning of a full black beard and hair adorn a worn face. Worn hands and worked shoulders are framed with well made but simple traveling gear. Gleaming chain mail with a proud makers mark show off his and his fathers craft, and he has no problem explaining in a loud voice the armor and that he and his father make it in there shop any time guards ask. Reagular travel from shop/home to a small shrine raised to the Immortal Moradin keep korin familiar with the locals.[/sblock]

Backstory [sblock]
Korins father Gregor moved to threshold to work the family business, amour and weapons. Born in threshold Korin has spent his time at the forge or at the chapel. At a early age he showed promise and a touch of the immortal Moradin in his jet black hair. With a fervor he as taken to the calling of a priest and done his best at all he does.
He also has thrived off his fathers story of adventure from his days wondering the world. He longs to spend the days in adventure and excitement like his father and hopes to make him proud. In the meantime he splits his duties at the forge, at the temple and mingling with the townsfolk.

edited cause i forgot spell info
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First Post
Necromancers are generally thought of as many things.

Evil, of course.

Grim, without question.

Morbid, although that likely goes without saying.

More than a little mad, all too often.

And of course, dangerous. Very dangerous.

With all this in mind, it is all the more remarkable that Olaf the Red, a so-called 'Dread Necromancer', is most often described as "jolly." Indeed, while one might suspect that the sobriquet of 'The Red' is derived from the sanguinary habits commonly ascribed to necromancers, in Olaf's case it is simply because of the color of his rather fulsome beard.

Olaf is a genuinely pleasant fellow, despite his...profession. He likes people, he likes to talk (somewhat to excess) and he likes to laugh. Loudly, and often.

Death fascinates him, of course. What lies beyond the veil is a never-ending source of speculation and wonder, and he is determined to plumb the very depths of reality itself to find the answers he requires.

And if that means wandering the world a bit, slaying a few monsters, and accumulating some gold? So much the better! If nothing else, it will give him some fine tales to tell over a mug of ale....

Edit: And then again, maybe it won't take as long as I thought to stat him up.

Olaf the Red
Lawful Human Dread Necromancer 1 -- Heroes Of Horror, page 85

Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 16

Fort: +1
Ref: +2
Will: +3

HP: 7
Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +2 [+2 Dex]
Armor Class: 15 [+2 Dex, +3 Armor]
Flat-Footed AC: 13 Touch AC: 12
BAB: +0
Grapple: +0 [+0 Str, +0 BAB]

Halberd +0 (1d10 x3)
Dagger +0 (1d4 19/20 x2)
Charnel Touch +0 (Touch attack, 1d8 x2)

Lvl 1: Able Learner (Human bonus) -- RoD, page 152
Lvl 1: Spell Focus -- Necromancy

Dread Necromancer Abilities
  • Rebuke Undead(Su): Can rebuke undead 6 times per day. A rebuking check is made on 1d20+3; rebuking damage is equal to 2d6+4 on a successful check.
  • Charnel Touch (Su): 1/round at will, as a melee touch attack, you can attack a living foe dealing 1d8 points of damage. This touch heals undead, and can be delivered through a spectral hand spell.

Skills: (4*4) = 16
Appraise: +1
Balance : +2
Bluff: +3
Climb: +0
Concentration: +5 (4 ranks)
Diplomacy: +5 (2 ranks)
Disguise: +7
Escape Artist: +1
Forgery: +1
Gather Information: +5 (2 ranks)
Heal: +1
Hide: +2
Intimdiate: +3
Jump: +0
Knowledge (religion): +5
Listen: +1
Move Silently: +2
Ride: +2
Search: +1
Sense Motive: +3
Spellcraft: +5
Spot: +1
Survival: +1
Swim: +0
Use Rope: +2

Languages: Common, Infernal

1st Level: 4/day
  • Bane
  • Bestow Wound -- HoH 127
  • Cause Fear
  • Chill Touch
  • Detect Magic
  • Detect Undead
  • Doom
  • Hide from Undead
  • Inflict Light Wounds
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Summon Undead I -- SC 215
  • Undetectable Alignment

Halberd (10 gp)
Dagger (2 gp)
Studded Leather Armor (25 gp)
Light Crossbow (35 gp)
20 bolts (2 gp)

Backpack (2 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Sunrod -- 2 (4 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
5 days iron rations (2.5 gp)
Rope, Silk, 50 ft. (10 gp)

26 gp, 4 sp

Appearance: Olaf is tall, and a little stout, and possesses a remarkably large beard of brilliant red hair He's rapidly balding, but isn't bothered by the fact. His skin is very pale, his eyes a deep green, his teeth brillaintly white. He dresses well, as a rule, and prefers clothing of green and black.

Personality: Loud, boisterous, and a friend to all and sundry. Or so he proclaims, generally at the top of his lungs. It's all entirely genuine, though...Olaf just plain likes people, and doesn't bother to discriminate between the living and the dead.
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First Post
Quick question, will you allow the feat Natural Spell to work with the PHB2 shapeshifting variant?

Edit: Mine didn't take too long either... I put down Natural Spell just in case and I'll finish up the background soon.

[sblock=Ingwë Melwasúl]
Ingwë Melwasúl
ĭn-gûē-ě mě-lûä-sûl

Male Elven Druid
Alignment: N

Abilities: (30)
STR - 14 (6 Points)
DEX - 16 (6 Points) + 2 Racial
CON - 12 (6 Points) – 2 Racial
INT - 10 (2 Points)
WIS - 16 (10 Points)
CHA - 8 (0 Points)

HP: 8+1 = 9
Speed: 30ft (50ft while shapeshifted)
Initiative: +3

AC: 15 (+2 Armor +3 Dex)
AC while Shapeshifted: 19 (+2 Armor + 3 Dex + 4 NA)

Fort: 3
Reflex: 3
Will: 5

Melee/Ranged/Grapple: +2/+3/+2

Spear (Melee) +2 1d8+3 x3
Spear (Ranged) +3 1d8+2 x3 Range: 20ft

Weapon Under Shapeshift
Bite/Claw/Slam +4 1d6+4 x2

Class Abilities:
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Spontaneous Rejuvenation
-Grant allies and self within 30’ fast healing based on spell level sacrificed

Racial Abilities:
Low-Light Vision
+2 Skill Listen, Spot, Search
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Immunity to magic sleep effects
+2 Saving Throw bonus versus enchantment spells or effects
Favored Class: Wizard

Listen – 9 (4 Ranks + 3 Wis + 2 Racial)
Spot – 9 (4 Ranks + 3 Wis + 2 Racial)
Concentration – 1 (0 Ranks + 1 Con)
Diplomacy – -1 (0 Ranks – 1 Con)
Heal – 3 (0 Ranks + 3 Wis)
Knowledge Nature – 4 (4 Ranks + 0 Int)
Ride – 3 (0 Ranks + 3 Dex)
Spellcraft – 4 (4 Ranks + 0 Int)
Survival – 3 (0 Ranks + 3 Wis)
Swim – 2 (0 Ranks + 2 Str)

Natural Spell


Equipment: Cost Weight
Leather 10gp 3lb

Backpack 2gp 2lb

In/On Backpack:
Bedroll 1sp 5lb
Flint and Steel 1gp 0
Waterskin (Water) 1gp 4lb
Trail Rations (10 days worth) 5gp 10lb

Save DC:
Orisons – 13
1st Level – 14

Spells per day (With bonus):
Orisons – 3
1st Level – 2

[sblock=Physical Appearance]
Ingwe looks almost feral at times, with a wild streak in his eye. He is tall and sturdy for an elf, looking much like an adolescent human male. He has strong shoulders and deep brown eyes, looking almost black. His long, straight hair is unkempt, looking quite disheveled at times. The top of his right ear has been partially severed, leaving him with a dulled point. When he shifts, he assumes the form of a wolf with a thick, brown coat. He looks average and unassuming (as much as a wolf can), quite indistinguishable but for the same scar on the right ear.

Age: 150
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 135
Eyes: Deep Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Tanned[/sblock]

Ingwe was born into a grove of druids. This small-numbered sect formed a tight-knit family, in which the community raised the children; all shared parental duties. In practicing this method, Ingwe has no strong bond to any individual members of his group, neither his biological parents nor anybody else. However, he did grow up having a strong connection with his pack, as he liked to refer them. Together they would hunt together, roaming the woods of Callarh, living off the land. It wasn’t until Ingwe reached maturity that his druidic skills really took shape, but to the shock of his extended family, and himself, he was never able to harness the ability to summon a creature to his aid. Instead, when he tried to tap into the source, he would emit a radiating pulse of healing power. Ingwe accepted this substitute as a welcome, but unfortunately, during one particularly frustrating session to call upon the aid of nature, his concentration wavered and soon found himself transformed into the beast itself. His grove was shocked at this apparent disregard for order and how things work. Only after tested experience can a druid shape forms, not before, not untested and naïve.

In time, the alienation became more pronounced and Ingwe soon was distanced to the back of the pack. His abilities to summon never manifested, nor did his niche with the grove become apparent, and soon he was the brunt of all their jests, a mockery. On one foray inside the Barony of Kelvin, a disagreement erupted between Ingwe and another young druid in good standing. The younger druid attacked him and in defense, Ingwe shifted into a wolf and fled. A shaped-elder chased after him and caught him soon, confronting him on the edge of the woodlands themselves. He slashed at Ingwe with a powerful bear-claw, catching him across the ear and dragging across his maw. No words were exchanged, just a steely glare that informed everything. Ingwe understood, and turning around, exited the woods in a land he knew naught.

At the River Fork near Duke’s Road a fishing barge spotted this dirty teen boy, congealed blood across the right side of his face and wild black hair. Upon approaching him and offering a ride up the Windrush Branch, they were shocked to see that this was not in fact a man, but an elf, an elf with a bizarre language and hardly a handle on elvish, but broken enough in order to be understood. Over the course of a few weeks, traveling up-river with these well-tanned men, Ingwe was able to gather some common knowledge, a small grasp of the common tongue. But he was never comfortable with the water underfoot, and upon reaching the roughened frontier town of Threshold took his leave with the hopes to find some life for him, an uncultured, unknowing, elf with hardly enough skill to consider himself a druid.

He is aware, but appears to be simple, merely he is just in tune with himself, very centered. He knows he isn’t wise in the ways of the world, but he cares for those who care for him. Often times he will remain in his wolf state, just to avoid the social awkwardness, and he has no reservations about appearing as someone’s pet.[/sblock]
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First Post
ethandrew said:
Quick question, will you allow the feat Natural Spell to work with the PHB2 shapeshifting variant?
It makes sense to me that Natural Spell would work with the shapeshifting variant. Personally I'd allow that feat to work for any shapechangers, not just druids.


First Post
Lord_Raven88 said:
It makes sense to me that Natural Spell would work with the shapeshifting variant. Personally I'd allow that feat to work for any shapechangers, not just druids.

Good timing! Thank you, LR, I should have the background up by the end of today, I just wanted to get in my submission as quickly as possible.


First Post
Since their have been 5 character submissions already, I'm going to close recruitment and allow time for Jemel, IamTheTest & WarlockLord to post there submissions.

Once that is done I'll pick the group and get the adventure kick started.

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