Mystaran Adventures (Closed)

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Jemal said:
Too bad it's not a level higher, you could take Half ogre (+1 LA from Savage Species) for Large Size, then take Large and In Charge, to make your AoO's count. Then grab Deflect arrows as your fighter bonus feat, and you don't need an AC
If I AM The Test wants to go down this track, I'm happy to spread the half-ogre abilities over two levels.
Jemal said:
LR - What about the craft/profession/ Other 'social/economic' skills? I'm working on a concept and need to know if it'll even make any sense or if I should come up with something else.
You'll be spending quite a bit of time in and around Threshold, so social skills will be useful.
ethandrew said:
Are you allowing PHB2 variants?
Anything goes, as long as you incude an appropriate reference and explanation


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I would love to get into this game, thinking a simple dwarven priest. This would be my first game on here if i get in, can post regularly.


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Lord_Raven88 said:
Anything goes, as long as you incude an appropriate reference and explanation

I'm thinking of a very cursory option of choosing an Elven Druid from Callarh with the Shapeshift and Spontaneous Rejuvination variants from PHB2. If this is okay, let me know and I'll flesh out a concept complete with background and whatnot.


First Post
ethandrew said:
I'm thinking of a very cursory option of choosing an Elven Druid from Callarh with the Shapeshift and Spontaneous Rejuvination variants from PHB2. If this is okay, let me know and I'll flesh out a concept complete with background and whatnot.
I've looked over those two variants and they're fine by me.

okuth0r said:
I would love to get into this game, thinking a simple dwarven priest. This would be my first game on here if i get in, can post regularly.
I'll be choosing the characters from among the submission's so feel free to submit your dwarven priest.

OK, Here is a nice concept of my Halfling hunter.

Bulboos Quickhands was born in Threshold 30 years ago, his grand parents from his father's side were Traders from Mallowfern, east shire, the five shires, they dealed with furs, cloth and specialized with wool carpets. After his parents marriage the whole side of his father's family left the shires to the Duchy of Karamaikos where they flourished with business. His father Zuton and mother Nanasit are local fishermen, living on the Coast of Windrush Lake. His sister Ktana runs a local brewery and his older brother Gutz travels the world as a bard.
Bulboos is a hunter, who travels the forests and hills east of Thershold and later, sell the pelts, skins, meat and carcass in the local market.
Beside it, he is known for his survival skills and is known around the market area, those who need a guide, or a scout can count on him.


First Post
Hi. I was wondering if I could use the drow base features in this article here without taking any levels in the class, and going wizard, then anima mage (Tome of Magic) with the feats that allow one to bind vestiges without taking levels in binder. Is that ok?


First Post
I've never played (or heard of :p ) a Mystara campaign before. If that's fine, I am probaly going to be a rouge of some sort, most likly he will preform Slieght of Hand and hunt for treasure. I'm working out backstory and personality right now. I will also be using only the core, so my next post will hopefully be my character sheet.


First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
OK, Here is a nice concept of my Halfling hunter.

Bulboos Quickhands was born in Threshold 30 years ago, his grand parents from his father's side were Traders from Mallowfern, east shire, the five shires, they dealed with furs, cloth and specialized with wool carpets. After his parents marriage the whole side of his father's family left the shires to the Duchy of Karamaikos where they flourished with business. His father Zuton and mother Nanasit are local fishermen, living on the Coast of Windrush Lake. His sister Ktana runs a local brewery and his older brother Gutz travels the world as a bard.
Bulboos is a hunter, who travels the forests and hills east of Thershold and later, sell the pelts, skins, meat and carcass in the local market.
Beside it, he is known for his survival skills and is known around the market area, those who need a guide, or a scout can count on him.
Sounds good.

WarlockLord said:
Hi. I was wondering if I could use the drow base features in this article here without taking any levels in the class, and going wizard, then anima mage (Tome of Magic) with the feats that allow one to bind vestiges without taking levels in binder. Is that ok?
Mystara doesn't have drow, they have Shadow Elves instead. I've got some info on Shadow Elves that I'll post in the main thread shortly.

Gyojin said:
I've never played (or heard of :p ) a Mystara campaign before. If that's fine, I am probaly going to be a rouge of some sort, most likly he will preform Slieght of Hand and hunt for treasure. I'm working out backstory and personality right now. I will also be using only the core, so my next post will hopefully be my character sheet.
Mystara is the name of the campaign world that the original D&D (the rules before AD&D) was set in.

And Rogue is always useful.

Bulboos Quickhands

[Sblock=Character Sheet]
Male Halfling Ranger 1
Chaotic Alignment
Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Total Hit Points: 8/8

Speed: 20 feet
Armor Class: 18 = 10 +4 [dexterity] +1 [small] +3 [Armor]
Touch AC: 15 ; Flat-footed: 14

Initiative modifier: +4 = +4 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +3 = 2 [base] +1 [halfling]
Reflex save: +7 = 2 [base] +4 [dexterity] +1 [halfling]
Will save: +3/+5 = 0 [base] +2 [wisdom] +1 [halfling] +2 [Fear]
Attack (handheld): +2/+4 = 1 [base] +1 [small] +2 [Goblinoids]
Attack (unarmed): +2/+4 = 1 [base] +1 [small] +2 [Goblinoids]
Attack (missile): +6/+8 = 1 [base] +4 [dexterity] +1 [small] +2 [Goblinoids]
Attack (missile): +7/+9 = Point blank shot/ +2 vs [Goblinoids]
Grapple check: -3 = 1 [base] -4 [small]

[sblock=Feats & Languages]
Languages:Common, Elven, Goblin, Halfling
Point Blank Shot
Track [free to rangers]
Skill Name, Key Ability, Skill Modifier, Ability Modifier, Ranks, Misc. Modifier

Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 3 = +4 -1 [ACP]
Bluff Cha 0 = +0
Climb Str* 3 = +0 +2 +2 [halfling] -1 [ACP]
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Diplomacy Cha 0 = +0
Disguise Cha 0 = +0
Escape Artist Dex* 3 = +4 -1 [ACP]
Forgery Int 2 = +2
Gather Information Cha 0 = +0
Handle Animal Cha 1 = +0 +1
Heal Wis 3 = +2 +1
Hide Dex* 10 = +4 +3 +4 [small] -1 [ACP]
Intimidate Cha 0 = +0
Jump Str* -3 = +0 +2 +2 [halfling] -6 [speed 20] -1 [ACP]
Knowledge (nature) Int 4 = +2 +2
Listen Wis 7 = +2 +3 +2 [halfling]
Move Silently Dex* 8 = +4 +3 +2 [halfling] -1 [ACP]
Profession (Hunter) Wis 5 = +2 +3
Ride Dex 4 = +4
Search Int 5 = +2 +3
Sense Motive Wis 2 = +2
Spot Wis 5 = +2 +3
Survival Wis 6 = +2 +4
Swim Str** 2 = +0 +2
Use Rope Dex 4 = +4
* = check penalty for wearing armor.
[sblock=Halfling & Ranger Traits]
• +2 dexterity / -2 strength (already included)
• Small (combat bonuses, +4 to hide already included)
• +2 racial bonus on climb, jump, move silently
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws (already included)
• +2 morale bonus on saves vs. fear (stacks with racial bonus)
• +1 to hit with thrown weapons and slings
• +2 racial bonus on listen checks (already included)
• Favored enemies
• Track as bonus feat (already included)
• Combat Style
• Endurance
• Wild empathy (roll level + charisma bonus)
• Endurance (level 3)
• Animal Companion (level 4)
• Woodland Stride (level 7)
• Swift Tracker (level 8)
• Evasion (level 9)
• Camouflage (level 13)
• Hide in Plain Sight (level 17)
• High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
Favored Enemies:
• Humanoids (goblinoid) +2
Light load:25 lb. or less
Medium load:26-50 lb.
Heavy load:50-75 lb.
Lift over head:75 lb.
Lift off ground:150 lb.
Push or drag:375 lb.

Equipment: Total Weight: 21.5lb
(10) Small Studded leather Armor
(0.5) Small Dagger (1d3)
(1.5) Small Long bow
(1.5) 20 Small Arrows (1d6)
(2) Small Long sword (1d6)
(1) Water Skin
(0.5) 2 Empty Sacks
(2.5) 2 torches
(2) Flint and Steel
Traveler's Outfit
Cold weather Outfit

116 Gold, 8 Silver, 8 Copper

Size: Small
Height: 80 cm
Weight: 30 Kg
Skin: Light
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black

[sblock=Bulboos's Background]
Bulboos Quickhands was born in Threshold 30 years ago, his grand parents from his father's side were Traders from Mallowfern, east shire, the five shires, they dealed with furs, cloth and specialized with wool carpets. After his parents marriage the whole side of his father's family left the shires to the Duchy of Karamaikos where they flourished with business. His father Zuton and mother Nanasit are local fishermen, living on the Coast of Windrush Lake. His sister Ktana runs a local brewery and his older brother Gutz travels the world as a bard.
Bulboos is a hunter, who travels the forests and hills east of Thershold and later, sell the pelts, skins, meat and carcass in the local market.
Beside it, he is known for his survival skills and is known around the market area, those who need a guide, or a scout can count on him.
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