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The Gray King - A game of morally gray fear - Calling Zurai!


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Isida, you mentioned you have the Complete Book of Eldritch Might, how about Arcana Unearthed/Evolved or other Malhavoc products? I'd love to play a litorian. :)

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Bootmobile - I do indeed have the AU/AE books, but I'm going to put a nix on using them in Eberron.

WarShrike - The high ECL of the Thri-Kreen makes them a rather impractical choice for a 3rd-level campaign. That and I think that might be just a little bit father afield than I wanted to go.

Voda Vosa - I like Tim the Enchanter as much as the next gamer, but I don't think for this game (I'd be too constantly reminded of a humorous movie in a more serious game). Also, remember we're only 3rd level here. Would he be a feared and persecued magician at that level?


Male Human
Artificer 1/Warlock 2

{stat details coming later}


Kurst, formerly Palar d'Cannith, was perfectly happy being a nobody. True, he was a member of House Cannith, but he didn't have the Mark, nor were his talents as an artificer much to speak of. He was good enough to do the basic work handed down to him, and that was plenty good enough for him. He certainly wasn't worth putting on the front lines in the war, which kept him alive through the whole mess. It also meant he wasn't good enough to hang around the capital, which kept him alive when it was destroyed.

Palar was as distraught as anyone over the loss, both to the nation and to the house, but when the would-be-new-patriarchs started to consolidate power, he wasn't worth much more than being a pawn, and was quickly shuffled around to work for anyone who needed a pair of somewhat expendable hands attached to someone who at least had an idea what he was doing.

Ultimately, this led to alot of very dangerous trips into places chasing after every rumor of something that just might be of use to the House rebuilding it's power. Palar managed to survive that too, largely due to the fact that, as it turns out, he wasn't quite as bad as he had thought of himself.

That aspect wound up not working out so well for him.

The place was supposed to be some kind of cache of weapons from the Age of Demons, full of artifacts, each one enough to restore the power of House Cannith. His current master, Arrant d'Cannith, however, couldn't manage to get the door open, and under no condition was the old man prepared to turn back to get help, and risk sharing the glory with anyone.

Days crept on and supplies ran dangerously low, prompting Palar to do something very rash and try the seal himself.

The fact that he was able to open it would have been most impressive.

The fact that it wasn't a weapons cache made it much less of a feat.

The fact that he had just unbound a fiend sealed since the Age of Demons somewhat overshadowed his accomplishment.

Things continued downhill, the fiend slaying most of the team, sparing only Palar and a pair of the guards, the latter left to witness the fiend thanking Palar for setting him free and bestowing his mark on the young man before vanishing.

Somewhat understandably, the pair figured that Palar had unleashed the thing on purpose, and was an agent of the fiend. When a panicked Palar wounded one of them with a blast of eldritch flame, they were assured of the fact and quickly fled.

By the time the distraught Palar managed to make his own way back to civilization, agents of the Silver Flame were already looking for him. Ordinarily, Palar would have turned himself in, wishing for nothing more than to have this strange power removed from him.

Unfortunately, the general order was that Palar d'Cannith was to be killed on sight, his body and head burned in separate fires.

Ever since, Palar has sullenly taking up the name Kurst, running from just about anyone who would kill the servant of a fiend - which turns out to be most people. The fact that the mark left by the fiend looks like an aberrant dragonmark doesn't help any either.


Kurst is a tall, somewhat lanky young man who would be fairly attractive if his own lack of self confidence didn't show so clearly. That and the brooding over being empowered by a fiend and marked for death, and the guilt from letting the fiend out to start with.

Oh, and his upper-right arm is covered by a mark that virtually anyone would assume is an aberrant dragon mark.


Palar was a quite, humble young boy, content to do as he was told and to not get in anyones way.

Kurst is perpetually afraid he is going to get captured and killed for what he is.

That and the fear that his fiendish power is going to turn him into a monster.

Just in time to be found out, killing many good people before he is killed.

He would take the easy way out and kill himself, or turn himself in to be killed, but he lacks the conviction to do so, and hates himself for it.


Just about any good aligned person around, at least any that find out who he is, as well as most who see his mark.

More specifically, one Almia d'Cannith, the daughter of the late Arrant d'Cannith and cleric of the Silver Flame, has a particularly large issue with Kurst. fortunately for poor Kurst's nerves, he's not aware of this fact yet.


Kurst is sadly lacking in anything like real allies, largely since he can't trust anyone not to turn him in - and anyone ok with the fact that he's marked by a fiend likely isn't the best sort to hang around with.

What Kurst is blissfully (relatively speaking, of course) unaware of is that the fiend he unsealed has not forgotten about the boy he marked, and has it's own reasons to keep him intact...

Voda Vosa

First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Voda Vosa - I like Tim the Enchanter as much as the next gamer, but I don't think for this game (I'd be too constantly reminded of a humorous movie in a more serious game). Also, remember we're only 3rd level here. Would he be a feared and persecued magician at that level?

Well, I think you are right. He would have to be al least level 8

I was wondering if you would allow a wu jen ?
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Here's my concept. Uses the desert kobold racial option from UA, two flaws (frail and shaky), dragon shaman from PHBII, the piercer cloak from the Magic Item Compendium, and Dragon Wings/Dragonwrought Kobold/kobold racial traits from Races of the Dragon. A backline/overhead skirmisher and support character. Let me know your thoughts.

[sblock=Irthos]Irthos (Irthosiejir "Secret Blood")
Male dragonwrought desert kobold copper dragon shaman 3
CN Small dragon
Init +4; Senses darkvision, low-light vision; Listen -1, Spot -1
Aura 30 ft. draconic aura +1
Languages Common, Draconic
AP 6
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 17; +5 armor, +1 natural, +4 Dex, +1 size
hp 28 (3 HD)
Immune paralysis, sleep
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2; heat endurance
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft., glide 30 ft. (average); Flyby Attack
Melee darkwood longspear +3 (1d6-1/x3) or
Melee 2 claws +2 (1d3-1) and bite -3 (1d3-1)
Base Atk +2; Grp +0
Atk Options Flyby Attack, piercer cloak (3/d, +1d6 dmg on higher ground, +2d6 on dive)
Special Actions Combat Reflexes
Combat Possessions 2 potions of cure light wounds, potion of enlarge
Draconic Auras (+1):
- energy shield (acid), presence, senses, vigor
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3)
- At Will: spider climb
Abilities Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dragon Wings (B), Dragonwrought Kobold, Flyby Attack (B), Skill Focus (Bluff) (B)
SQ draconic adaptation, dragon totem (copper), frail, heat endurance, shaky, slight build
Skills Bluff +10, Climb +7 (+6 in armor), Diplomacy +4, Hide +14 (+13 in armor), Intimidate +10 (+6 vs. Medium), Jump +9 (+8 in armor), Survival +1, Search +2
Possessions combat possessions plus chain shirt +1, darkwood longspear; backpack, bedroll, 2 belt pouches, eternal rations, everfull mug, identification papers, piercer cloak, potion bracer, traveler's outfit; 144gp 9sp; 18.75lbs, light load
Draconic Aura (Su) Irthos can project a single draconic aura, changing it as a swift action. It affects all allies (and himself) within 30 ft unless otherwise noted.
- Energy Shield (acid) Any creature striking Irthos or an ally with a natural attack or non-reach melee weapon takes 2 points of acid damage.
- Presence Allies and Irthos gain a +1 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Imidate checks.
- Senses Allies and Irthos gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Initiative checks.
- Vigor Allies and Irthos gain fast healing 1 so long as they are below half hit points.
Dragon Totem (copper) (Ex) Irthos gains Bluff, Hide, and Jump as class skills and his draconic energy is acid.
Frail Irthos subtracts 1 from each hit die.
Heat Endurance Irthos gains a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of hot weather.
Shaky Irthos subtracts 2 from ranged attack rolls.
Slight Build (Ex) Whenever Irthos is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Hide), he is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous him. He is also considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. He can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, the space and reach of Irthos remains those of a small creature. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change Irthos' size category.[sblock=Advancement]L1->Dragon Shaman HP 11 (1d10+2-1) SP 8 (2x4)
- Skills Bluff +3, Intimidate +4, Hide +1
- Abilities Str 8 (12 [4pts] - 2 racial), Dex 18 (16 [10pts] + 2 racial), Con 14 (6 pts), Int 10 (2 pts), Wis 8 (10 [2pts] - 2 racial), Cha 14 (6 pts)
- Feats: Dragon Wings [flaw bonus], Dragonwrought Kobold, Flyby Attack
- Flaws: frail, shaky
- Other: totem dragon (copper), draconic aura (energy shield, senses, vigor)
L2->Dragon Shaman 2 HP 8 (1d10+2-1) SP 2 (2)
- Skills Bluff +1, Intimidate +1
- Feat: Skill Focus (Bluff) [class bonus]
L3->Dragon Shaman 3 HP 9 (1d8+2-1) SP 2 (2)
- Skills Bluff +1, Intimidate +1
- Feat: Combat Reflexes
- Other: Draconic Adaptation (spider climb)[/sblock][/sblock]Appearance and Personality
In appearance, Irthos is unusual for a kobold for a several reasons. Its eyes are clear and orange, not afraid of the sun's rays. Its kobold scales seem harder and reflect the dusty sky of the desert with a coppery glow. But more importantly, the kobold sprouts two draconic wings from its back that it often wears as a cape. The kobold is girded in a well-made chain shirt, and its gear and darkwood longspear mark it as a traveler.

Irthos speaks with a sibilant lisp, its words coming usually as a raspy hiss. The kobold is more aggressive than its usual cowardly kin, and acts in a very unusual manner---often saying or doing things that just put people off. It makes no apologies for its behavior, often stating that they are "its way".

In the battered clay of the Demon Wastes, fiends and cannibal tribes are not the only inhabitants. Laying beneath the surface are savage tribes of kobolds, the irvhir, touched by the Dragon Below. Living they way they have since the Age of Monsters, the irvhir practice rites that would make the more civilized Khovaire cringe. But such is needed to survive in such a bleak place.

Irthos was born to such a tribe, but from its hatching it was marked as different. Its eyes were a burnished orange, its scales possessed a metallic sheen. It held a secret in its blood, thus its name. From its youth, Irthos was more rash, more rebellious than its clanmates, and more curious too. It would study the outside world more than its cousins, and seemed drawn to the sky. But these tendencies were repressed and beaten out several times by the irvhir, for to be different was to bring death. To seek the sky is to be against the true Progenitor Khyber. Things came to a head at kobold adolescence, when Irthos' wings manifested. With them came Irthos' power---the draconic auras, the other abilities. It was a clear sign of disfavor, of taint by the hated Siberys.

Irthos was forced to flee, barely surviving. Months later, the kobold would be found in the wet land outside the Wastes. It was a time of turmoil, of a War the kobold knew nothing about. Nor did it care. It fought because that it was it knew how to do, and there were many that would not question its service.

The War ended, but Irthos could always find people who needed things done. The soft people needed others scared, killed, stolen from, whatever. None of it mattered to Irthos. The Progenitors sang to it at night, and it followed their tri-part whims.

Of late, the Progenitors send dream of a grey crown, shrouded in the copper that infuses its skin. It knew it must go to a place, a place far to the south. The why? That was not for it to know.

While Irthos has served many, few would call it friend. One that might is a Dhalkani warlord named Kaltesh Dhorlk. Kaltesh is not concerned with Irthos' habits, and the kobold's talents proved vital in a minor skirmish over a desired resource another warlord held. Should the two meet again, Kaltesh would be amenable to granting some minor favors.

Non-civilized kobolds distrust Irthos on sight. To irvhir, Irthos looks to be one of the cursed irsvern, the kobolds of Siberys. To irsvern, should one be found, Irthos smells of the hated irvhir. The iredar smell his taint and behold his oddity and find it confusing, usually settling on just killing him... or trying to.

Concept and Role
Outsider. Irthos is from a different culture entirely, and is torn between his irvhir tendencies to evil and innate calling to Siberys via his dragonwrought nature. He often does things that those in civilized Khovaire would consider taboo, and even some of the more monstrous races might call him off. Sort of part Aeil (Wheel of Time) and evil lizard.

Irthos' role is a support character. His auras can boost the party, and he can fight from rear ranks or overhead to provide damage with his longspear. He can serve as a less than friendly face with Bluff and Intimidate, though he size makes him less scary to larger folk.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

stonegod - Interesting concept man. The mighty copper dragons, perhaps one of the more fun metallics, combined with the interesting background of the Demon Wastes. Lots of good background and personality stuff there. I won't be chosing people for a few days (perhaps Thursday the 11th/Friday the 12th), but you have a strong contender.

Voda Vosa - I would totally allow a wu jen. I think they're cool. Also, I noticed you had a lot of spelling errors in Tim's background, could you please double check that when you post again? My apologies if English isn't your native language or you're dyslectic or something, but spelling/grammar errors really bug me a lot.

EvolutionKB - Defensive melee binder sounds awesome, can't wait to see him/her!

Eidalac - Nice background on Kurst. One question though, why did the Silver Flame get involved in a dragonmarked house dispute? Granted, some terrible things happened, but the Silver Flame aren't the police of Khorvaire. Yes, Arrant's daughter is a cleric, but can the House command her over the Church? Or was it just because there was a demon involved that made them go nuts when they found out about it? How did they find out about it anyway? Was this alleged cache in Thrane to begin with? Him, this is a lot more than one question...

FreeXenon - Rockin' character concept. Daelkyr halfbloods rock, as do Impure Princes. I like the background with Project Fell Heir - I could totally see that going on during the chaos of the war.

Blind Azathoth - A necromancer of any stripe could be useful indeed. I'm interested to see what you come up with.

Bloodweaver1 - Changeling rogues are cool too. So he'd either know someone everywhere, or they'd think they know him? Could be a blast.


Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Eidalac - Nice background on Kurst. One question though, why did the Silver Flame get involved in a dragonmarked house dispute? Granted, some terrible things happened, but the Silver Flame aren't the police of Khorvaire. Yes, Arrant's daughter is a cleric, but can the House command her over the Church? Or was it just because there was a demon involved that made them go nuts when they found out about it? How did they find out about it anyway? Was this alleged cache in Thrane to begin with? Him, this is a lot more than one question...


Well, when you say it that way...

IIRC, I think the Silver Flame got involved in the original Table Top game I made Kurst for...

How about this:

The 'cache' was, technically, in Thrane (or at least close enough that the House should have informed the Church about what they were doing... but they didn't). So, rather than the Silver Flame, agents of the House are after Kurst, and have covered up the incident to avoid dealing with the political consequences of having let a fiend loose.

The public story is that Palar d'Cannith manifested and aberrant dragonmark and killed the expedition, so is still a publicly wanted man for that - plus the fact that his mark looks like an aberrant mark anyway.

Almina d'Cannith would then just be a member of the house out to avenger her father.

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