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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Val pipes up, "Since the pansy here can decipher the runes so well, let him read them TO HIMSELF, and then write the translation out on a piece of parchment, so that we'll have more time to figure out the riddle. We lucked out last time. Once you speak the riddle aloud, I believe we will have a limited amount of time to answer it before these things attack."

Aust Thale

Reacting to the axe, Respen moves to the Northern door, attempting to read the runes. He reads the runes quietly, taking in the riddle to himself.
Decipher Script Roll = 1d20+25 = 45

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
There are no doors in the cardinal directions; the doors are placed Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast. Since you started with the Criosphinx (Northwest), I will assume that you went Northeast next, to the Androsphinx.

Riddle of the Androsphinx:
“I am the sword of the wise,
A tower without stone,
A growing light in infinite darkness,
The worm that gnaws the mind.
What am I?”

RESPEN: A thought suddenly occurs to you: : ~I have read about wizards who have learned dark secrets that gnawed at their mind.~

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Posting on behalf of Respen, as per his text message request today at 2:41 PM.

Respen pulls out a piece of parchment, lays it on the floor, and hastily scrawls the riddle out in the runes of the Common tongue.

Respen says, "It's not my best penmanship, by far, but it will do. I've read about wizards who have learned dark secrets that gnawed at their mind. I think it has something to do with either learning, or perhaps knowledge, or maybe education. The riddle must be recited first, then the answer must be quickly spoken. Dewydd, what are your thoughts?"


Dewydd Moresby
"I would stake my lands, title, and life on the answer being 'Knowledge.' I have always enjoyed riddles - except that ridiculous one about the two guards. You know the one. One of them always lies and the other always tells the truth. That one makes no sense to me,"
I reply as I read the translated riddle. Almostas an afterthought I add, "An education doesn't necessarily make one wise. I've known several 'educated' individuals that were fools!"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Posting on behalf of Respen again.

Respen nods at Dewydd in agreement, "Agreed. I think the answer is Knowledge as well. I threw in education mainly as an afterthought. So, would you like to state the riddle and answer aloud, or would you like me to do it?"


Dewydd Moresby
“I am the sword of the wise,

A tower without stone,
A growing light in infinite darkness,
The worm that gnaws the mind.

What am I?”
Quickly reading off the riddle aloud I answer, "Knowledge."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dewydd answers the riddle, and apparently, his answer is correct. The door in front of the Androsphinx opens, as the stone guardian speaks!

Androsphinx Kith says, "Behold, the second test of doom! Beyond door number three lies the Tower of Wisdom! Your reward, should you succeed, is Hrukesh, the third key!"

In front of the party is another dark, long hallway, which leads into the unknown...

EVERYONE: The clock on your buffs is still ticking! What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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