Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Seeing as how it is Tuesday, two days after my request, I am going to go ahead and roll FOR Tam.
Search = 1d20+18 = (10) + 18 = 28.

Tam, you see no obvious traps on the pyramid; whatever magical properties the pyramid has, they are passive / protective in nature. All that is left now is to insert the triangles into their respective slots. (Remember, the triangles are the non-active form of the magical devices that you've found so far. Saying the command word for each active device will cause it to revert to triangle form.)

EVERYONE: What do you do?

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Kleborn asks for the magical devices saying, "Our task awaits us, perhaps this pyramid will help us get forward with our task."

When he gets them, he approaches the pyramid, and says the command word to activate the triangles. He looks back at the group, gives a wink, and inserts the triangles into their respective slots.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kleborn says the command word for each weapon, causing it to revert to its triangle form. He then places each triangle in its place. As he places each one, there is a snap, and a click, as the triangles are locked into place. As he places the last triangle, a low, rumbling and creaking sound can be heard from underneath the floor, a sound that must be the results of large gears and pulleys beginning to turn. The platform upon which the pyramid rests (which is basically the entire floor of the room) begins to slowly sink into the ground, at the rate of about 1 foot per second. Anyone that does not want to ride the platform down to its destination below had best hop off NOW! (You can hop back into the hallway very easily, for the first round.)




EVERYONE: What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Reflexively, the instant Lathir feels the floor begin to descend, he overrides his instinct to shift into the form of a large eagle. The act of being startled only lasts for a fraction of a second, when he decides to ride the platform down. He merely shifts his stance to maintain his balance.
OOC: d20 = 17


Tam hangs with Lathir on this one, riding this thing as it descends.
"Well, this is exciting.", Tam says with a bit of a tremor in his voice --- the mix of curiosity and fright causes this.


Tam hangs with Lathir on this one, riding this thing as it descends.
"Well, this is exciting.", Tam says with a bit of a tremor in his voice --- the mix of curiosity and fright causes this.
OOC: d20 = 11 😓 sigh, ugh.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Ok, so Tam, Kleborn, Thallok, and Lathir have actually all said that they stayed on the elevator and rode it down. The two NPCs, Lenny and Travis, also ride it down. I have not heard from Dewydd, Sylvar, Respen, Vale, and Xao, but in the interests of getting this show back on the road, I am going to assume that they ride it down as well.

After descending what seems like hundreds of feet, the elevator platform comes to rest in the southwest corner of a chamber. The chamber is about 80 feet wide and 60 feet long, with a 20-foot-high ceiling. Stone doors are centered in the north and east walls. The other two walls are covered with murals.

Along the south wall, nestled partially in an alcove, is a stone statue of a gynosphinx crouched in a classic position. The statue wears a stone crown set with numerous gemstones. An inscription is at the statue’s base. Positioned in front of the statue is a stone throne, perhaps 10 feet high, occupied by a stone statue of a barrel-chested humanoid body with a male leonine head. Its hands rest over the throne’s arms. The statue’s fingers are curled as if they should be holding something, but they are empty.

Flanking the throne is a pair of huge stone sarcophagi shaped like sphinxes lying on their backs, arms folded on their chests in a peaceful resting posture. The one on the right is an androsphinx; the one on the left is a gynosphinx. Each sarcophagus is inset with numerous gems at random locations on the lid.

Area 2-1 SQ 001.png

EVERYONE: What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lahir simply leaves the platform to give a cursory examination of the room, including the two doors, though he wonders what manner of phenomenal magic it is to allow such controlled moved of rock.
d20+5 = 18, 15
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