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SEARCH ROLL: Roll = 11; Skill = 18; Unknown mods = (?); Unknown penalties = (?)
DECIPHER SCRIPT ROLL: You aren't even CLOSE to being skilled enough to decipher the inscription at the base of the sphinx statue.

Tam, you make a thorough search of the room, floors, walls, and ceiling, and you discover nothing out of the ordinary;

The inscription is beyond you. Perhaps one of the primary magic-users (Dewydd? Respen?) in the party could make sense of it?

The hands of the statue DEFINITELY are meant to hold something. But you're not sure exactly what.

HELPFUL DM HINT: As an afterthought, you wonder about what would happen if the keys were removed from the pyramid in the elevator. You remove them, and nothing happens. You surmise that to make the elevator go up, replacing them would probably activate it again.

EVERYONE: What do you do?

GM: P.S. (Forgot to put results of Lathir's search.)

Lathir notices nothing out of the ordinary, either. The doors are far too plain and simple to hold a trap. They open with simple pull rings. You do not detect any sort of magical aura anywhere on the doors, although the gems on the statue's crown, as well as the gems on the sarcophagi lids do radiate a very slight conjuration aura. As for the elevator, although the keys seem to activate the elevator through the use of magic, doing so is simply a catalyst; the actual movement of the elevator felt and sounded like mechanical gears. The keys simply set the gears into motion.

Dewydd, Lenny, & Travis
Once Tam gives the all clear, Dewydd and the twins step off of the platform. Lenny and Dewydd confer together to decipher the script at the statue's base while Travis looks around the area for any helpful details.

Dewydd Decipher Script: 21.
Lenny Decipher Script: 31.
Lenny Spot: 15.
Travis Spot: 30.

Lenny's long hours of reading and studying have indeed paid off. He is easily able to decipher the inscription; after deciphering the text, he relays his findings to the party:

EVERYONE: What do you do?

Lathir scratches his beard. "Like those other riddles, this one appears poorly versed so that it is a bit ambiguous at the end. I suppose we already have the two items, wether or not we have their names; but for the daylight part, is there something we are suppose to open up to allow light in or do we just magically generate some?"

Varl speaks up, surprising many of the party; he had been silent a long time: "You were absent for awhile, tree-hugger, so I will fill you in. We have the four lesser keys, Kheteru, Anshek, Hrukesh, and Neteris. Other clues we found pointed toward the existence of so-called "greater keys," but we haven't found any of those yet, and so we have no idea what their names might be, although this riddle all but outright says that there are 2 greater keys, named Iti-Anun and Iti-Atun.

To my mind, "treasure not plundered" must be talking about the gems. They are probably needed to either produce, or focus, light in some manner. Hence, better to leave them in their place, and not remove them."
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