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The Heroes of Tanar (Triple Update!!! 7-17-02!!!)

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in a while, but I've been on vacation for a while, then I was on sabbactical for a bit, and then I had other things to do. i'll be leaving tomorrow for around two weeks, unfortunantly, but in the mean while enjoy my Triple Size Update. It's extra crunchy, and but yet has all those fluffy bits you love, made specially by the elves.

The next morning when the Non-Gender specifics the inn was being run by Melissa, the innkeeper’s daughter, who was currently frying up a mess of eggs and peppers. “Father’s out getting Commander Zimmer, he should be back soon.” She sniffed. “So, the breakfast special for everybody?” She shoveled four mounds of eggs onto as many plates, poured mugs of black coffee, and tossed a pair of grapefruits to Milo, who cut them apart in the air. As the heroes settled down to their first meal of the day, Zimmer and the innkeeper walked in, the innkeeper talking excitedly. “…and I could hear their weapons and armor clinking, and then their leader threatened me, and they strange money they paid with. I bet that they’re cultists or bandits or even dopplegangers.”
Zimmer plunked down next to Milo and held up a hand for silence. “I’ll deal with them when they come down. Good morning, Melissa, breakfast special please.”
“Yes sir.” Melissa rapidly put together another special and passed it down.
After about five minutes, a dwarf and a man walked down the stairs. The man was about 5’ 4” and had short brown hair, he was wearing chainmail and studded leather, a pair of swords were slung at his hips and a brace of throwing knives crossed his chest. The dwarf appeared to be wearing leather, but that was hard to tell behind the mass of his red hair and beard, a massive two-handed axe was slung across his back. The dwarf was speaking. “… I’m not much of a historian, but I’m pretty certain that a few of the lost cities are around here. Maybe Gr’daz Hruk or possibly Kov-N’tak. They’re pretty well connected.”
“I don’t much like the old cities, too many traps and they just feel wrong. Maybe there’s a natural path around here.”
Zimmer looked up. “I don’t know, those old cities were put together pretty well. If you try a natural route you could have another Cavery Collapse on your hands.”
“How do you know about Cavery?” The dwarf demanded.
“Knew someone who was there.” Zimmer said nonchalantly, “What’s it to you?”
“Cavery’s classified.” The dwarf said, reaching for the haft of his ax.
“I’m cleared for it, double alpha.” Zimmer replied. “Name’s Zimmer, and I’m commander of the guard round here.”
The human and dwarf looked at each other, and then hastily saluted. “Sir,” The man barked. “Sergeant Bill Frenkel…”
“And Corporal Brahin Bloodaxe” The dwarf interjected.
“3rd Spelunkers. It’s an honor to meet you sir.” Frenkel continued.
“Wait, you’re the Spelunkers?” Milo asked. “The few, the short and dirty?”
Frenkel drew a black dagger from a sheath and picked at some grease under a fingernail. “Yup.”

Not Again

Hardisson snapped the folding pointer closed. “… In summary, we will enter the Underdark through the abandoned city at Gr’daz Hruk, then we will proceed on a routine search and destroy mission until we have located the agency responsible for the attacks on Tanar. We will then remove that agency and extract to the nearest point. Any questions?”
Lelanna Al’Veran raised her hand. “How will the town be defended during your mission.”
Commander Zimmer answered. “As captain of the guard I am also the commander of the militia. With your permission, I will convene and equip all able-bodied men, as well as instituting additional patrols of the surrounding area. I’ve also arranged with Father Alhad to have the Church do a preliminary search through the town with its holy power to root out all evil. While not an inquisition, it will help secure us from any mind controlling effects.”
Father Alhad raised his wizened head. “The Faith is always glad to help its children in their time of need.”
Colonel Hardisson continued. “Meanwhile, before I left Crayvaenn, I talked with Colonel Strand of the 74th Hussars. He promised that his unit would move to Tanar and assist you in defending yourselves from the threat. But there is one more thing. From what you have shown me, I think our squad would be hard pressed to fight against this threat. Could you recommend a group of powerful civilians that could accompany the Spelunkers and provide additional support?”
Commander Zimmer stroked his chin sagely. “I can think of no one more suited than a group of brave heroes who have been of inestimable value to us.” The Non-Gender Specific People in Tights looked at each other nervously. “They have solved several of the problems that have plagued this town, and more than proved their combat abilities. Milo Bookbender, do you except this duty on behalf of your associates?”
“Er… Um… Yeah… I think that… uh…” Milo muttered nervously to himself.
“He accepts.” Lelanna said graciously. “Meeting adjourned.”
The room was empty except for the party. “I told you they keep screwing us over.” Kit told the incredulous group.

Going Down

Stonespeaker Effgar Rumnaheim stared at the smooth rock face, tracing his fingers over the network of cracks.
“Are we ever going to actually go Under? it’s been six days since we’ve left Tanar and the closest I’ve gotten to being underground was walking through the creek two days ago.” Milo asked Sergeant Frenkel, who had taken over the job of nursemaiding the party.
Frenkel answered without taking his eyes off the surrounding low hillocks. “Half of the job is picking the right spot to start. This are hasn’t been inhabited by allied people for over 300 years, and most of the entrances are warded and guarded. If we go down the wrong way, we’ll be dead before we get to Gr’daz Hruk.”
A sudden grunt drew both their attention to Rumnaheim. The dwarven priest was standing back from the stone he had be working on. Now the random patterns of cracks and weathering had resolved themselves into a doorway. “This way is good.” The priest said in deep melodious tones. “We begin. May the spirits of stone and iron protect us.” He drew his hand across his heart, fingers bent in a complex pattern, and Nikki was surprised to note that the rest of the Spelunkers copied his gesture, even Deacon Pratchett, a priest of Pelor.
“Down there, you worship any gods who won’t kill you.” Frenkel explained as Colonel Hardisson slid a rod with Continual Flame on it into a pair of brackets on his shield and lead the way into the bowels of the earth.

The party was trading stories with several of the Spelunkers around a camp fire. They had already been under for two days, and were midway through the massive network of tunnels and caverns that made up Gr’daz Hruk. Right now they were resting for the night in an amphitheater that curved up and out of sight. It was so big that a good portion of Tanar could have fit within it, and in fact several streets lined with tall buildings filled the cave. Kit was just finishing a story about how Nikki had taken on the drow beneath Tanar when Frenkel dashed up to the fire. “We got visitors. Looks like a drow patrol is coming up from the sub-levels thataway.”

Moments later the fire was out and all evidence of the meal they had been cooking gone but for a lingering smell. The Spelunkers had scattered to firing positions in the doorways and windows of the abandoned houses. They had spent the last two days discussing how the party’s abilities could best be used to further the Spelunker’s abilities, and it had been decided that Ladinya would be paired with Corporal Bloodaxe, to act as a third division of magical firepower. Nikki would be in the middle of the line ready heal any wounded, and Milo and Kit and a young Spelunker called Hudson would be towards the front of the line to take on enemy warriors. With the fire out and all lights hidden, it was pitch dark in the cavern, but the NGSPiT could still hear the sounds of a group of creatures moving towards them. They passed Milo and Kit’s position not seeing the hidden Spelunkers. As the drow entered the center of the street, Colonel Hardisson open a Daylight latern and yelled “Open fire!”
A cone of brilliant white light so thick it seemed almost solid emanated from the window where Hardisson and his command team were placed. It caught the drow straight on, transfixing them in its glare, and they tried to shield their sensative eyes from the hideous radiance. Two fireballs and a lightening bolt ripped through the six members of the drow patrol, followed by twenty bolts from the Kheckler Magewoks MR-15 the Spelunkers were carrying. Five drow were reduced to little more than grease marks on the stone under that incredible barrage, but the last one escaped all harm. Hew turned and fled the way he had come. Kit stood up, whirling a grappling hook over her head. The steel claw shot in front of the fleeing drow, and trapped his ankle. The drow screamed as his legs was yanked out from under him and he went down tumbling onto the stone. Milo Bookbender ran forward and jumped on his back, raising an ax for the killing strike.
“Yield!” The drow gasped. “I surrender, heroes. Please do not harm the poor creature of darkness.”
Hardisson appeared, as the Spelunker’s spread out to guard against any escape attempt. Hardisson kneeled down next to drow. “What were you doing here?”
The drow eyes widened in fear. Heroes were one thing, heroes would probably just take everything valuable and let you wander home, where the matriarchs would then kill you for failure, but Hardisson was a soldier. The Spelunkers had a reputation for not leaving any enemies alive, and that was much more certain than the matriarchs. “I, we, were just conducting an ordinary scouting patrol, Colonel.”
Nikki reached forward, and pulled his sword of its scabbard. “Of course.” She held the glittering blade, turning it one way and another in the light. “This is no drow weapon. This blade was made in the city of Crayvaenn. Why would a drow be carrying human weapons, I wonder?”
“Drow weapon lose their power in sunlight.” Hardisson mused. “You were scouting the surface right?” The drow was silent. “Answer me goddamnit!” Hardisson screamed, slapping the drow.
The drow decided that he was dead anyway, and that in dying, he might at least perform one last service for the matriarchs. “Die!” he screamed, drawing his dagger and leaping at Hardisson.
Hardisson dodged the blow easily and stepped back, swinging the waraxe off his back and across in one smooth motion. The silver arc ripped across the drow’s neck, and his head leaped from his shoulders ar\s his body tumbled downwards.
Hardisson looked at the corpse for a moment. “I think we have problems. Move out.”

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