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The Hundred Seas


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"Well, let's just see what happens here" states Ulfghar as he waits to see who comes through the door.

"If the men ask why we have three horses, tell them we were ambushed a while back and I was slain"

With that, Ulfghar attempts to pass into the shadow (Ulfghar casts pass as shadow unless it is now too late).
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A large figure, swathed in a grey cloak enters through the door. Broad of shoulder and his step light, he surveys the interior of the inn. His face is cast in shadow from the helm and carved flame cheekguards he sports on his head. In the centre of the helmet is a sigil of flame. Moments later, two other figures enter the inn, their cloaks and accoutrements similar to the first, though one wears a coarse sadap on his head and across his mouth. The air is tense around them. Long blades and axes hang from the belts.

The figure advances into the room taking Bragon, Nado and the innkeeper with a single glance, and his voice, though quiet, carries easily to your ears. “Who are these to’cha, innkeeper?” The accent is unfamiliar to you.

Keil stutters uncomfortably, and then manages to spit out his words: “Humble travelers master, nothing more, they arrived but moments before you yourself, sir.”

“Humble travelers?” says the figure.

A scoffing mutter comes from the man behind and to the right of the speaker. His hand lingers on his sword hilt, barely perceptible.

He directs his gaze at Bragon. His eyes seem to glitter in the shadows of his helm. “You are Niadan, to’cha?”

Bragon gazes back at the man, impassively.

“You are from across the sea, yes?”
He pauses, not really expecting a response.

“You are here for a purpose, yes?” A half-smile appears in the shadow of his face.

“You will come with us, yes? This other will stay, yes?” He gaze at Nado.

“Master, my son? When will he be returned?” asks Keil

“Returned? He will be returned soon. Yes?” says the man in his curious accent. His skin has a yellowish pallor, easier to spot now as the light from the fireplace illuminates his features.
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First Post
OOC: Sorry guys, my computer has been down since I moved and I haven't had a change to post anything in a while. Hopefully it will be fixed soon and I'll try to get the character revisions done.
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(post 7th game session-after the heroes dispatched the five strangely garbed warriors and with a subdued prisoner, trailed their path westwards into the hills to find a campsite and mysterious activity before an ancient, sealed tomb...)

--From the Traveling Journal of Nado the Estimable

"The fight within the Far Stride went quickly our way. Our blades and skills hewed the three men down, though the strange-tongued speaker proved more cunning. With the door locked by Ulf, we set about putting him down and ‘twas then that the door was engulfed in flame and two others burst in.

We fought on and finally, victorious, searched their corpses. The one that had been subdued merely cursed at our questioning. Their words echoed in my mind. “Chauf ‘ashar!” The ancient precursor-word for fire was all I understood. The semi-circle of brand marks upon each man’s chest betrayed a deeper dilemma. Deep within my memory I felt something stirring…

…we travelled well into the night, following the trail ridden by these men. Our prisoner was fervently silent and grim. The path finally left the road and veered into the cold woods. Thankfully the rain had stopped and all was crisp and clear. The deep bone-jarring boom took us all by surprise and we sallied forward towards a distant ridgeline, our prisoner deposited in the dark woods. Our investigation revealed our foes…
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Ahead, fifty paces you see an entrance of what was once a tomb or somesuch dug into the hillside. Once there were wooden double-gated doors to the entrance, but they had been ripped from their hinges, and now lie moldered beneath the vines and mushrooms near the entrance. The 10’ by 15’ high opening looks sealed with blue-toned stones, fitted flawlessly. There were scorch marks across the face of the stone wall and near the right corner you see that an opening has just been forced. A man stands before it, seventeen others, some with torches stand back and away, watching impassively. Suddenly a nimbus of pulsing fire shifts over the figure, illuminating the surrounding clearing and path with pale red light. There’s a crackle of sound and suddenly part of the stone wall is rent inwards. There is no dust or cascading sections of wall. Merely a black opening, barely 3’ paces high and 2’ wide. The wall around the opening looks scorched.

“Na-chabra! Vo fam edor,” calls the man. His body is draped with a deep crimson cloak. He motions for one of the men to come forward. The figure does and bows, then takes an object from the man’s hand, straightens and moves to the opening. Three others join him, and one after the other, torches sputtering in the stale air, disappear through the opening.

It’s then you catch sight of him. He stands to the side, his black beard glistening with oil in the torchlight. He wears a Memondalan farmer’s cap, but beneath, his body is covered in black leather and chain. A wicked axe and short blades hang from his belt. He stands, arms folded, gazing impassively at the proceedings. You see the wicked scar across the right side of his face, the missing ear. It’s him for certain. Ghis. Ghis the Butcher. Murderer of friends, Deceiver, Sadist and rapist. Follower of Joffer. Four others stand behind him, their clothing a motley assortment, though all dressed in dark shades. They stand in contrast to the others before the wall, each garbed in a grey cloak, conical helmet or sadap covering heads.

Deciding to investigate further you find the camp of men two hundred yards further west along the edge of the hill in a washed out ravine. You dispatch the guards (similiar to those who came to the Inn), and finding little, return to the forced entrance. The men below are all gone…

You entered the hillside:

The air is warm, musty and with the sharp stink of minerals. Beyond the opening is a tunnel leading into the hillside. Following, it opens into a large circular, domed room. The walls were once decorated with plaster frescoes, but they have been scorched beyond recognition and covered by a thick layer of soot. In the centre of the room is a great firepit, filled almost to overflowing with cinders and long-dead coals. A wide walk-way stretches around the firepit. There are doorways to the left, right, and across the pit, each revealing a broad-stepped staircase. The staircases to the left and right descend into darkness while the one directly ahead leads upward.

Wiping aside most of the soot from a location reveals unholy symbols such as a demon’s head or twisted human forms. The ashpit is filled with debris. The remains of ancient books, scrolls, table legs, and chairs all have been fed to the fire. Nothing is recoverable. Broken crockery shards, some marked with a demon’s head can also be see in the detritus.

Suddenly there is a shriek from the passage ahead, followed by distant shouting. A wave of heat-blasted air rushes down the passage, rustles the cinders and dissipates. You hear more shrieks and then the sound of heavy footfalls coming from that direction.
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(Post 8th and 9th game sessions - after the discovery of the ancient and cursed armour, the defeat of the fire elemental and the Chaufala warband, and the escape of Ghis)
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