The Hunted (DM: IronSky, Judge: ???)


First Post
Devinihm, wilden druid

"Where're ya going'?" Rysethynn asks. "Thought we were waitin' on Tristram, so we'd know what we're gettin' inter?"

"I thought I understood it as such," Devinihm says, stopping in his tracks and turning back. "But I think maybe Earth is worried about the tiny rodent all alone. He is a guardian, you know. I think he was built to watch out for things."

The wilden frowns, turning to Aunti Mab.

"Miss Auntiemab," he says, clearly not quite clear on family titles, "Do you feel your rat with your magic? Is it hunted? Should we rescue it?"

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Hunted: Day 1, Hour 1, Minute 14

The long alley leads to a courtyard surrounded by several two- to three-story buildings. The courtyard is filthy, the six buildings surrounding it ramshackle, and the offal smell of the alley is only slightly weaker in the refuse-covered courtyard. The light of the full moon reveals five other alleys leading out of the courtyard.

A long-dead fountain sits in the center of the courtyard, overflowing with garbage. A familiar looking rat is wobbling around in the courtyard, seemingly still drunk from the alcohol it had in the tavern.

[sblock=Another rule/guideline]If I post an sblock to a specific character, no one reads it but that character. I'll usually answer questions to me in OOC blocks.[/sblock]

[sblock=Investigating]When you make an investigative skill check, tell me what you are doing. The more detailed your description, the easier the check will be and the more detail you will get on a success (though the more time it will take to investigate since you'll probably be examining things more thoroughly - fortunately, there's alot of you).

For example, "Perception 20" will get you generally details of the area. "Examining the used video game bin, Perception 20" will get you a wealth of details about the video game bin. "Examining the used video game bin, looking for a copy of Katamari Damacy, Perception 20" will let you know definitively whether the game you are looking for is in.

Feel free to use any skill you can justify to aid in the investigation. This is pretty free-form, so anything you do might yield results.[/sblock]

[sblock=Earth]You see no signs of anything living in the courtyard aside from the rat. The blood trail definitely leads to this courtyard, though where exactly is hard to tell with all the grime and waste that litters it. Most of the doors and windows of the buildings are boarded up, though door to the building immediately to your left hangs open and the one across the courtyard seems to have been bashed down some time in the past. A scattering of windows all around are unboarded but most are too small for anything the size of a person to fit through.[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Walking slowly behind earthen shield, frail elf continues his tapping in front of him, his head moving like a radar antena, left, right, left, right. He continues on, unawares of stopping time until Krav stops to observe the area.

As they stop he slowly makes way toward the fountain, almost stepping on the rat. Touching around he taps his staff inside to feel for water and then concentrates on seeing the unseen.

As party spreads out he fades into the background. Last anyone have seen him is by the fountain, but no more tapping can be heard

[sblock=Perception 27+]
Illarion is lying down in the fountain looking for traces of magic that might indicate more of demonic power is used. He then moves carefully, so the rest of the group doens't notice how he moves, examining small alleys for obvious traces of something big.

Actions: 1 minute focus to detect magic. At opportune moment stealth. Go and look for traces in the alleys and hopefully return before the party notices he's not there.
Arcana to sense the path; Stealth to dissapear (1d20+4=21, 1d20+9=27)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Hunted: Day 1, Hour 1, Minute 15

The dogs still bark elsewhere in the city, but otherwise the Daunton has gone silent. A chil wind that smells of the sea blows through the alleyways, faintly stirring the refuse that litters the muddy courtyard.

[sblock=Illarion]You sense more of the abyssal magic, but you're not detecting any sense that any actual spell-casting occurred. Maybe whoever you are tracking has so much magical power that it radiates from them even when they aren't using it, maybe they have some minor warding or charm that is held in place with abyssal magics, or perhaps it is a creature from the abyss itself, or tainted by the fell magics of that plane.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character Builder summaries]If you use the Character Builder, please post your summary or a .dnd4e file in your next post. If you don't use CB, put a link to your wikia character sheet so I can enter you into CB. Also, please attach a portrait/icon you want used for if/when combat occurs.[/sblock]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Illarion Meriele, Chaos Sorcerer 1

Illarion Meriele

The character builder file has many items, intentionally so, consider it a wish list of sorts. I believe highest level selected is 5th or even 4th level since I don't expect to get higher level item at first. - after I format it, I'll post it to wiki

Also, feel free to include superior implement (dagger) of your choice. If you do, I'll get the feat at second level :)


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Voda Vosa

First Post
Earth attunes himself with the spirits of nature, and tries to see throw their eyes, and perceive were the unnatural resides. He is sure that if there's something that has perturbed the spirits, he'll feel it.

Taking 10 for a Nature check of 20




First Post
"Hmm... looks like there's some sort of psychic interference in this part of town. I can't seem to get a lock on the killer... And what's taking Tristram so long? Guess I'd better go check," Auntie Mab mutters just before she trots off down the alley after the others.

"Ah there you are!," she exclaims, spotting Tristram next to the fountain, "But what's wrong dearie? Did you see anything?," she asks with a note of concern, knowing full well that it doesn't usually take the magic rat any time at all to recover from his little 'hangovers.'

[sblock=Insight 18]To determine if anything is wrong with Tristram, or if he experienced some sort of unusual or shocking occurance. (roll)[/sblock]

If Tristram looks to be alright the old woman-familiar with the the seedier parts of Daunton from her long years living in a rent-controlled apartment-will survey the courtyard, particularly the garbage-filled fountain for anything that doesn't quite fit in, in a neglected back alley. She sniffs the air to detect any hints of sulfur or brimstone amid the pervasive odor of decay.

[sblock=Streetwise 17]To detect anything amiss amidst the garbage. (roll)[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Below are Auntie Mab's CB summary, statblock (which contains a link to her wiki page), and portrait.

Would anyone be willing to run the old lady while I'm away from the 3rd-20th? She's basically your grandma, except she lies a lot, pretends to be a fortune-teller, and tells stories about made up fey creatures. Mechanically she's a pretty simple dagger-throwing ranged striker, that uses stealth a lot in combat. PM me if you'd be okay to run her for me for a while.

[sblock="Auntie Mab CB Summary"]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
"Auntie Mab" Mabbeth Tarmikos, level 1
Human, Rogue
Build: Shadowy Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Cunning Sneak
Rogue: Rogue Weapon Talent
Pact Initiate: Pact Initiate (fey pact)
Background: Arcane Mercenary (Diplomacy class skill)

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.

AC: 16 Fort: 12 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Perception +6, Stealth +11, Thievery +9, Diplomacy +8, Insight +6, Streetwise +8, Bluff +8, Arcana +6

Acrobatics +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +1, Heal +1, History +1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Religion +1, Athletics -1

Human: Arcane Familiar
Level 1: Pact Initiate

Bonus At-Will Power: Preparatory Shot
Rogue at-will 1: Gloaming Cut
Rogue at-will 1: Sly Flourish
Rogue encounter 1: Distracting Shot
Rogue daily 1: Scattering Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Dagger (5), Thieves' Tools, Footpads, Camouflaged Clothing, Leather Armor

====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=



Standard= Insight and/or Streetwise check


[sblock=stat block]Auntie Mab - Human Rogue (Warlock) 1
L4W:pC:Auntie Mab (pacdidj) - L4W Wiki
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: +16, Passive Insight: +16, Init: +4
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 17, Will: 14
Speed: 6
HP: 25/25, Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones:
:bmelee:Basic Atk: Dagger +3 vs AC, 1d4+4 dmg
:branged:Ranged Basic Atk: Throw Dagger +8 vs AC, 1d4+4 dmg, Range 5/10 (Daggers: 5/5)
Preparatory Shot, Gloaming Cut, Sly Flourish
Eyebite, Distracting Shot
Scattering Shot
Combat notes:

Tristram - Rat Familiar
HP: 1/1; AC: 16, Fort: 12, Ref: 17, Will: 14
Skills: +11 Thievery, +16 Stealth
Status: Active Mode[/sblock][/sblock]




First Post
Devinihm, wilden druid

The Hunted: Day 1, Hour 1, Minute 14

The long alley leads to a courtyard surrounded by several two- to three-story buildings. The courtyard is filthy, the six buildings surrounding it ramshackle, and the offal smell of the alley is only slightly weaker in the refuse-covered courtyard. The light of the full moon reveals five other alleys leading out of the courtyard.

A long-dead fountain sits in the center of the courtyard, overflowing with garbage. A familiar looking rat is wobbling around in the courtyard, seemingly still drunk from the alcohol it had in the tavern.

Devinihm joins the others in searching the alley. Knowing any number of his insect brethren are as likely to be drawn to blood as garbage, he does his best to follow any fly or ant activity, hoping it might point him in the direction of any further blood trail.

[sblock=OOC] Perception; Nature in alley (1d20+9=13, 1d20+11=18)

I don't have CB, so here's the link: Devinihm

And a pic:


Voidrunner's Codex

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