• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The kender game begins, leave your sanity at the door.

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A bright green shimmer fills the room and a small crackle of lightning archs through a corner of the room and with it a small Kender fades in existance... kinda. throwing her hair back and chewing on something... on which she keeps on chewing... and some more chewing and even blows a bubble with it from out of her mouth!!! A big pink bubble! And another one and they go *Splash! and Splat!*

Still chewing rudily she giggles and sits herself down on the ground while continuing to blow bubbles, you know... those big Pink ones!

Hi everybody, I'm Noelle, we had to do something here? I like doing things, especially if it involves me getting shiney stuff!

She looks at ther finger with a big shiney ring on her and then at a coupe of other items on her body. Which suddenly all disappear into nothingness to the horror of the other Kender.

I like my shiny stuff, and I like dots and stripes and oee colours... but I think you already know that I like stripes and colours and spots and dots and shiny stuff and oee.... gems! Wieeee!!! But I was sent for... I was just having such a nice party! I'm curious.. we we're supposed to go somewhere and it had elves to do with I thought ... right? thosee nasty pointy eary things? THey don't talk much, they are boring with magic and stuff *shrug*. How could you ever live this long with that kind magic and still have those ears right? Would make you seem mighty strange to me yeah.. mighty strange... to me... uhuh... yeah..... Well but where are we going? I hate waiting and I can get us all where ever you want in a couple of minutes so.... If you would let em know where to I'd get us there.. right on! Did I emnsion I like Pink? Ow pink is a colour and I said that already... Wow what's that shiny thing in the corner? Can I see it? No? Fireworks? I like fireworks! Fireworks have colours! And I like colours! And shiny sparks, yea I like spraks too beceause sparks are shinyyyyy!!!!!! Wii!!!!! I like you all! Well where do we go? I smell shiny stuff! SO where do we go..? Where do you say? Mooo beasts? Minotaurs? Bull-man beasts? I like bulls, they moo.... I like mooing, it's funny! *MOOOOOOOOOO*!!! *Chuckle* But we have to talk to minotaus or elves..? Well.. doesn't matter where do we go?!?

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[OOC: Drugs? What Are drugs? Drugs? Ow that are drugs? Euhhmmmm yeha that are drugs ut what do they do? Ahhh.. they make stuff shiny... and.. WHAT? Colours you say? Lotsa colous? I think I like drugs... yup I liek drugs because they make me see shiny stuff and make sparkly colours... colours here colours there coloursa everywhere! Yay! I like drugs! Do you have drugs? I want drugs. Why? Because I like drugs. Yes I like drugs. Why? They make stuff shiny and I like shiny stuff. Never enough shiny stuff, and colours on shiny stuff is even better, yup colours and shiny like eachother like I like them. Yup colours.. and sparkles and shiny.. do you have drugs? /OOC]

Noelle jumps to her feet and swirls around and rusn towards the dog and starts to cuddle it.

Oeeee doggy! I like doggies. Doggies are cute cute cute and they are sweeettt! And I like cute and sweet. Some guys I know are cute, but not as cute as this little doggy!!!! *CUDDLE* And sweet yeah, I like sweet. Candy is sweet and I like candy. Why? Because it's sweet and I like sweet!!!! But a cute *CUDDLE* doggy is not as sweet as a candy... well maybe he is even sweeter! But not the same sweet... I like sweet so I like doggies and I like candy... Because they are both sweet, but not the same kind of sweet... but still... I don't get it... Both sweet and at the same time not the same...I... Colours.. Sweet shiny.... sparkles.. Doggy? I don't get it..... But Wizards??? *CUDDLE* I like Wizards! Wizards make stuff go boom and they make shiny stuff and boom is colours and did I say I like colours? Hey what's that what you've got there? It's shiny and I like shiny! Can I see it? It's as shiny as some wizards make stuff. ANd Elves.. I don't like elves... but you said these elves were wizards? Maybe I like them then... because I DO like wizards.. and cute little doggies *CUDDLE* well but where do we go.. I'm starting to want to see the elven wizards now.. I want to to do shiny and sparkly stuff. Sparkly stuff is cool! Shiny stuff as well.. I like sprakly and shiny stuf. And Wizards make sparkly and shiny stuff so I like Wizards! But where re the Wizards? I can take us all to the Wizards! Let's go to the Wizards!

Picks up the doggy and dances around the big Kenddragon which she seems to have missed before...
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Noelle. Please don't try to pick up Angel. she weighs 85 pounds. you might hurt yourself.
Dylon? Says Angel to her beloved one.
Yes sweetheart?
Can I bite her?
No. but try to stay out of her reach. Poor thing is demented. She's acting like a pixie.
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First Post
Maven begins to speak and Taven quickly puts a hand over his mouth and speaks for him, "This is Maven and I am Taven and we are indeed off to see the elves" With that they peer at the map, and begin on their trek. It is obvious to all whom are watching that Maven would clearly love to join in the shenanegans however Taven is clearly driven to see the elves and find out more about their magic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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