Coming! shouts Gil as he skips into the arena on the heels of Martelai. It was nice to meet you! says Gil to the eladrin, feeling addressed in much the same way as back in the Imperium, by being ignored.
The scholar knew that a victory here would be more satisfying than usual... Martelai, we just have to beat these guys. the phrasing reminded Gil of something his grandfather told him.
Gil pictures his grandfather Cliff, an old human with one leg, always wagging his finger, "An I says to meself, I says, If'n ya wanna beat these guys Cliff, yaur gonna need to move before they say go." Cliff stomped his wooden leg on the floor, earning another glare from Gil's mother, "HAR! Sure 'nough I's runnin for the speaker got out Let's" Gil leaned forward wondering if this would be the tale that finally explained his grandfathers leg. "Silly buggers ain't got no chance."
The wizard smiled, listening to the announcer draw out his long "and", anticipating the word "Let" to touch the announcer's lips.
[sblock=Init and Actions]
Standard and move
Double move to J10
Init 25 (Gil beat the opposing team!)
[sblock=Readied Immediate Actions]
Phantasmal Henchman (Immediate Interrupt)
Trigger: An ally within 10 misses an enemy with an attack.
Effect: Gil conjures a Phantasmal Henchman in a square adjacent to the target of the triggering allies attack. The Phantasmal Henchman stays TE of Gil's NT. Gil's allies can flank with the Phantasmal Henchman. As a move action, Gil can move the conjuration up to 6 squares. Once, before the end of Gil's NT, Gil can use the Phantasmal Henchman Attack power.
Moonstride (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: When an enemy moves adjacent to Gil.
Effect: Gil becomes insubstantial TENT, and shifts 2 squares away from the triggering enemy
Gil Human Hybrid Wizard|Artificer multiclass Assassin theme Scholar
AC 17 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 17 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 36 bloodied 18, Surges 5/7 Surge value 9
Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 19, Normal vision
Second Wind: Not Used,
Saving Throws: +5 vs Fear Effects (Battle Hardened)
AP total 1, Speed 6, Initiative +6, Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Freezing Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Twilight Falls, Phantasmal Henchman, Phantasmal Henchman Attack Power, Use Vulnerability, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart
Action point; Demonskin Tattoo
[sblock=Meta tactics]
If we all surround Lerrick and she is in I10, she will have cover vs. ranged and melee reach. May be important to protect her this round.