The Kolloseaum: Team Gil's Conscience (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)

OOC: I just have one question. Is Non-typed damage, like regular old everyday melee damage a type that gets resisted due to the central gem? Or no?

GM: There will be one type of damage that everyone is vulnerable 5 to. Everyone will have resist 10 to all other damage types(untyped damage is a type, despite its name).

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Deva studies their opponents and the setup.

"Joven advises to stay close to each other. I advise we remain on the walkway or close to it until they try to set up. Then we react to whatever they do."

Initiative (1d20+10=14)

OOC: I don't think we can get anything by separating. Area attacks or no, we have to stay together. That will limit melee attacks and pushes.

We need to get the minion down, he has a push attack.

[MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION], how many actions we have for positioning? If we have some potions or other items that are non-attacks (whetstones or whatnot) can we use them? If we have double move, we can make a wall in front of the blue area, trying to increase the movement THEY need to get in. So we get the advantage first round.

I think we should rush forward and endure whatever they do in the first round, important thing is to have more of us in the blue area then they manage to put in. The exception would be Kauldron and Brenwar who should block normal passage toward the spheres left and right (hoping the eladrin don't get more then 3 square teleport)

I will curse and kill the minion in the first round so I get my curse spread out.

Having vulnerable people 6 squares deep presents a problem as our defenders need to move so they can come forward. The point is moot if we're deploying at will.

[MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION], Ootah got initiative, he can target one of their easier to hit targets or use some accurate attack to overcome the penalty of my low rolls and foil whatever they planned, at least partially.

Ootah has range so he should go in the U row as far left as possible, so that single push cannot get him down and to be out of reach of all or most of the attacks while still having an option to attack.

Also, since using orbs allows attacks of anyone in range, no matter our positioning, vulnerable targets are vulnerable. We need to drop few of them as fast as we can using slides to drop them while at the same time guarding against same tactics...

So, first round, bunch up minimum of three squares from the edge, next round, our artillery focuses on one of theirs while defenders take one each with help of Joy and Artemis. Lerrick focuses on getting to the red orb and sliding people around...damage will not (I think) be important as much as tactical movement (and being eladrin, they got advantage on us).

[MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION], how do we get to red orbs, the access seems blocked by the statues.

Minor: Drink Potion of Will giving Martelai will 25 for the encounter :)
Move + Move: J9, gain concealment

[sblock=Martelai Stats]

AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 19 Will: 19 (25)
HP: 54/54 Surges: 7/9 Surge Value: 13+1
CURSED: none
STATUS: resist 5 necrotic, concealment

Sacrifice to Caiphon, Improved Fate of the Void, Superior Implement(Accurate Rod)
Rod Experise, Bloodied Boon

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Knack for Success
Ethereal Stride
Delban's Deadly Attention
Mirror Darkly
Cast Fortune

Blackleaf Gloves Teleport

Decree of Khirad
Flames of the Smoking Crown

Elixir of Will
Armor of Dark Majesty (daily, minor): place your curse on any enemy you can see instead of only closest one
Talon Amulet (daily, minor): until the end of the encounter any creature that hits Martelai in melee takes 1d6 damage
Rod of Avernus: (daily, minor): until the end of the encounter any enemy that ends it's turn adjacent to Martelai takes 5 psychic damage

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[MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION], Ootah got initiative, he can target one of their easier to hit targets or use some accurate attack to overcome the penalty of my low rolls and foil whatever they planned, at least partially.

OOC: I have nothing that can hit with a 7, barring major bonuses that I won't have the first round, so my initiative advantage will be for nothing. I'll place Ootah at U-2 as you suggest, and hope for the best.

Ohhhhh we go. The cleric then laughs to herself at the thought that three months ago she was resting comfortably in the safety of her father's mansion My oh my... how times have changed. Lerrick looks around to find someone protect her.

initiative: 9

OOC: @Iron Sky how far of a fall is it from the platform to the black liquid? Also, are those minor action attacks from the spheres once per round?

[sblock=meta tactics chat]

Gil can reach the closest red or yellow spheres without running, and taking a penalty to attack. He could also reach the blue area without running.

Either way, we may want to take a single move action and total defense for the first round, instead of a double move action.

If we all nine "fill up the blue area", that may net us a strong advantage for the second round, who knows. That would also mesh with Neurotic's idea of staying 3 squares away from edges. I'm not worried about avoiding area attack, as we resist 10 to all for the most part.

If the sphere attacks can be done multiple times per round, we should go for spheres, as well as the blue area. If the sphere attacks are once per round, it may be best to be in the blue area exclusively.

Wide eyed as he takes the scene in, Gil almost jumps up and down with excitement, Look at the Succubi! They're huge! the scholar starts chatting with the opposing team as well, Hello! Don't you guys have an advantage here?! Good luck!

Gil readdresses his party, We may have to knock these guys off the platform more than once you know, I grew up with eladrin, they teleport. How deep d'you think that is Artemis?
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How many actions we have for positioning? If we have some potions or other items that are non-attacks (whetstones or whatnot) can we use them? If we have double move, we can make a wall in front of the blue area, trying to increase the movement THEY need to get in. So we get the advantage first round.

GM: You have a full round worth of actions.

How do we get to red orbs, the access seems blocked by the statues.

GM: The only blocking terrain from the statues is the red square. I seem to have not noted that (thought about it then got distracted I guess). I'll add it above later when I have more time, but here's the statues' "terrain": Statues: The red square is a "wall". Any other square that is mare than half filled with statue(not including arms or tail) is difficult terrain.

You have Artemis listed at 23/37, he should be at 37/37 and has 6/8 surges.

GM: I'll fix it later, gotta run after I finish this post.

How far of a fall is it from the platform to the black liquid? Also, are those minor action attacks from the spheres once per round?

GM: The liquid is a few inches below the lip of the platform. Also, the minor action attacks from the spheres or statues should be 1/round per creature. Another thing I seem of have forgotten to add that I'll edit later.

OOC: Initiative for Joy; 1d20+4= 8; roll Roll Lookup
>I'm good with whatever deployment the party ends up in- Joy tends to be a melee leader, after all.

Joy moved forward cautiously, keeping most of her attention on their foes.

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