The Kolloseaum: Team Gil's Conscience (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


First Post
Joy moved forward, sword ready in her hands. Around her the air seemed to fill with music, just a faint hint of a soldier's marching song, the prelude to battle...

OOC: double move, to H 11

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First Post
Artemis tries to smile reassuringly, "Stay close little one, we've got your back." He jogs forward, his celestial blade humming into existence in his right hand.

Minor: Starshadow Blade
Double move: I-11


First Post
Artemis tries to smile reassuringly, "Stay close little one, we've got your back." He jogs forward, his celestial blade humming into existence in his right hand.

Lerrick looks up at Artemis and smiles. Thanks! I most cerainly will do that. remind me of someone I know...her voice trails off as the cleric realizes that now is not the time to talk about such things.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Two: The Black Pool, Round 1

The Eladrin ignore Gil's attempts to talk to them and ignore the group almost entirely, talking quietly before the round starts. When the group heads straight for the central gem, on of them shouts something in elven and the eladrin split up all over the place.

[sblock=Elven]They're taking the center, get to the orbs and be ready![/sblock]

A moment later, the gem flares purple, a gray shield of energy thrumming into place around all the combatants with a slight purple miasma swirling around it. The blue liquid in the center flares up around the group. Though most of the group gets burned by the necrotic energy, when it clears most of the group are still in the circle.

A moment later the gray shield fizzles and breaks around the Eladrin, to a chorus of elven curses and cheers from the crowd.

GM: Ootah, Gil, and Kauldron are up before the enemy.

The walkway will stay, though anything on it or the area where Ootah and the Arcane Archer are at doesn't count as being on the platform for purposes of the victory condition.

[sblock=Center Gem]Color: Purple
Type: Necrotic
Round Attack: +10 vs Will, 1d10+3 necrotic damage and slide 1.
Capture Bonus: Enemy team loses the resist 10 all.
Capturing Team: Players.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Shadewalker 1: Double move to G16.
Shadewalker 2: Move to N15. Total Defense.
Shadewalker 3: Double move to H5.

Mercenary 1: Double move to N5.
Mercenary 2: Double move to I15.
Mercenary 3: Double move to J5.

Spellweaver 1: Double move to O16.
Spellweaver 1: Double move to O4.

Arcane Archer: Double move to U19.

Center Gem Attacks: Close Burst(blue area only): 28 vs Joy's 20 Will, hit, 17 vs Cyr's 22 Will, miss, CRIT vs Gil, NAT1 vs Kauldron, CRIT vs Artemis, 13 vs Martelai's 25 Will, miss, CRIT vs Lerrick, 27 vs Brenwar's 22 Will, hit. Joy and Brenwar take 13 + 5 vulnerable = 18 necrotic damage and slide 1. Gil, Artemis, and Lerrick take 13 + 5 vulnerable = 18 necrotic damage and slide 1.[/sblock]

Effects On All Players: vulnerable 5 necrotic, resist 10 all except necrotic
Ootah: U2, 45/46hp
Joy: G12, 26/46hp
Cyr: H10, 42/42hp, 1/2 damage vs Shadewalkers
Gil: L11, 18/36hp
Kauldron: I9, 59/59hp, +2 defenses
Artemis: I12, 19/37hp
Martelai: J10, 54/54hp, concealment, Potion of Will
Lerrick: J9, 29/47hp
Brenwar: J12, 47/65hp, +2 defenses

Effects on All Enemies: vulnerable 5 necrotic
Eladrin Mercenary 1: N5
Eladrin Mercenary 2: I15
Eladrin Mercenary 3: J5
Eladrin Mercenary: 77hp, AC 23, Fort 18, Ref 22, Will 16. MBA: +12 vs AC, 2d8+6 damage.

Eladrin Shadewalker 1: G16
Eladrin Shadewalker 2: N15, +2 defenses
Eladrin Shadewalker 3: H5
Eladrin Shadewalker: 94hp, AC 23, Fort 21, Ref 22, Will 20. MBA: +14 vs AC, 2d8+8 damage and the Shadewalker becomes invisible to the target until the end of the Shadewalker's next turn.

Eladrin Spellweaver 1: O16
Eladrin Spellweaver 2: O4
Eladrin Spellweaver: 82hp, AC 22, Fort 18, Ref 20, Will 22. MBA: +13 vs AC, 2d8+4 damage and the target is slowed until the end of the Spellweaver's next turn.

Eladrin Arcane Archer: U19
Eladrin Arcane Archer: Minion, AC 21, Fort 17, Ref 21, Will 19. MBA: +12 vs AC, 5 force damage and push 1.

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Statues: The central (red) square is a wall and cannot be passed. Any square that is more than half full of the statue (not including arms) is difficult terrain.

Oil: The oil is hazardous terrain (can make a save if forced into it). Creatures that fall into it are restrained(save ends). Creatures that end their turn in it take 5 damage of the round's type. Getting out of the pool and back onto the platform takes 2 squares of movement.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rules of the Round]Central Gem: Each round the central gem will change colors, each color having a different effect. Regardless of the color, ALL creatures in the arena will have the following effects:

*Vulnerable 5 to one damage type.
*Resist 10 to all other damage types.

The damage type is determined by the color of the center gem.

Standing in the blue area will have two effects:

1) When the gem changes colors, everyone standing in the blue area will take an attack (see Round Attack below).
2) When the gem finishes changing colors, whichever side has more conscious players in the blue area will get a round benefit for their team that changes depending on the central gem's color. On a tie, neither side gets the benefit.

Statues: A player on or adjacent to one of the red spheres can control the the statue next to it and direct it to attack as a minor action. The statue's attack can target any creature within reach 5 of its center square: +12 vs AC, 2d10+3 damage and slide 3. This action may only be taken once per round per combatant.

Yellow Spheres: A player on or adjacent to a yellow sphere can control one of the pentagonal platforms and direct it to attack any creature on the map as a minor action. Attack is "Round Attack" below. This action may only be taken once per round per combatant.

Black Liquid: Any creature that falls into the liquid takes the a "Round Attack" below when they fall in and are restrained(save ends). At the end of each turn in the oil, creatures take 5 damage of the current round's type.

Round Attack: +10 vs NAD(depending on center gem color): 1d10+3 damage (type depending on center gem color) and slide 1.

Victory: If at the end of a round, only one team is on the platform (others are unconscious, dead, or in the oil) the match ends immediately and the side on the platform wins.[/sblock]

[sblock=Appease the Crowd]*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Acrobatics: 19
Insight: 19
Religion: 19
: 19
Others: 17[/sblock]


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First Post
Gil begins moving on the word "let" just like his grandfather had taught him, drinking a potion of healing at the same time. They have no protection! GO ALL OUT!

The wizard sends a blizzard toward the two eladrin flanking a yellow orb, each are sent flying, however both catch themselves at the edge of the platform. The young scholar clutched at his side for a moment after the exertion, and his skin turned an ice blue! Gil felt the odd sensation ripple over him, and knew somehow that it was an aftereffect of being scarred by a devil.


Move to G9

Minor use last healing potion spend surge, regain 10 HP

Standard freezing burst on I6
28 vs reflex Mercenary 3 (J5) Hit 10 cold damage, slide 1 to K4 (save made) prone in J5
21 vs reflex Shadewalker 3 (H5) Miss (Close!)

AP freezing burst on I 6
17 vs reflex Mercenary 3 (J5) Miss
25 vs reflex Shadewalker 3 (H5) Hit 10 cold damage, slide 1 to G4 (save made) prone in H5

Demonskin tattoo activates
Effect: Gil chooses from acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder. Gil gains resist 5 to the chosen damage type until the end of the encounter.
Gil chooses to resist 5 cold damage


[sblock=Readied Immediate Actions]

Phantasmal Henchman (Immediate Interrupt)
Trigger: An ally within 10 misses an enemy with an attack.
Effect: Gil conjures a Phantasmal Henchman in a square adjacent to the target of the triggering allies attack. The Phantasmal Henchman stays TE of Gil's NT. Gil's allies can flank with the Phantasmal Henchman. As a move action, Gil can move the conjuration up to 6 squares. Once, before the end of Gil's NT, Gil can use the Phantasmal Henchman Attack power.


Moonstride (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: When an enemy moves adjacent to Gil.
Effect: Gil becomes insubstantial TENT, and shifts 2 squares away from the triggering enemy



Gil Human Hybrid Wizard|Artificer multiclass Assassin theme Scholar
AC 17 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 17 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 28/36 bloodied 18, Surges 4/7 Surge value 9
Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 19, Normal vision
Second Wind: Not Used,
Saving Throws: +5 vs Fear Effects (Battle Hardened)
AP total 0, Speed 6, Initiative +6, Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Freezing Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Twilight Falls, Phantasmal Henchman, Phantasmal Henchman Attack Power, Use Vulnerability, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart
Action point; Demonskin Tattoo Gil Resists 5 cold TE of encounter

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"Ha! Look at this! This is going to be like that time when... you know, that king... that guy with the crown, Somebody the VI... did something?"


"It's not like I didn't know it would fail" mumbles Ootah, as he fires a couple arrows. They miss.

Minor action: Impress crowd with my knowledge of History. Doesn't work.
Move action ->Minor: Quarry elf at O4
Standard action: Twin Strike on O4 guy. Both attack miss.
At least I've spent the rolls. The future is a mystery once again.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Ootah Half-Orc Ranger 5
Initiative: +7, Passive perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
Defenses: AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 19, Will: 16
HP: 45/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge value: 11, Surges/day:4/8 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Giant
AP: 0
Twin Strike, Clever Shot
Two Fanged Strike, Disruptive Strike, Invigorating Stride, Furious Assault, Surprise Strike
Skirmish Stance, Flying Steel[/sblock]
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First Post
*As soon as the goblin starts them off. Kauldron is moving. It's surprising that the heavily clad paladin can react so fast. He darts forwards and slams his shield into the first mercenary he can see. As the hailstorm of freezing magic bites into him, he uses the moment to slash out with his blades. The merc cries out in pain alerting the others never by that he paladin is to be watched. Kauldron grins wickedly to the merc as he let's out a bellow of smoke from beneath his masked helm.*

My god gifted me was his divine might. I have yet to use it lad. Care to see it in all it's glory.

*He chuckles and pulls the blade out from the mercs gut and splashes the ground at his feet with blood. Raising his right hand into the air. He makes a small chant in goblin and then slams his palm into the ground. Suddenly the blood upon the ground stirs to life and erupts into flames. The flames twisting and turning stand to a staggering height and then expand out like a balloon. Then in a flash explode. Sending flaming blood and gore across the arena. One of the Shadewalkers screams in pain as searing blood splashes his exposed face. The flaming area seems to protect any ally whom stands within it's domain, engulfing them and rolling across there armor and flesh harmlessly. As the spread of gore spreads across the arena Kauldron makes another attempt at slashing open the merc through the eladrin is wise to the wily goblin now and easily evades the blow.*

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to K6.

Minor: Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
-Effect: Apply +3 as extra damage on Kauldron's next attack this turn.

Standard: Valorous Smite.
-Target: Eladrin Mercenary 3 (J5)
-Attack: +14 vs. AC (Hit; 32)
-Damage: 2d8+11 damage. (15 damage)
-On a Hit: Each enemy within 3 squares of Kauldron is subject to his divine sanction until the end of his next turn. (Eladrin Mercenary 3 (J5)/Eladrin Shadewalker 3 (H5)/Eladrin Mercenary 1 (N5))
-Divine Sanction: Creatures are Marked taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls if they target another character other then Kauldron. As well as take 7 RADIANT damage if they target another character other then Kauldron.

Standard: Hallowed Circle
-Target: Close Burst 3 (Eladrin Mercenary 3 (J5)/Eladrin Shadewalker 3 (H5)/Eladrin Mercenary 1 (N5))
-Attack: +9 vs. Ref (Eladrin Mercenary 3 (J5); Miss; 12/Eladrin Shadewalker 3 (H5); Hit; 24/Eladrin Mercenary 1 (N5); Miss; 20)
-Damage: 2d6+5 damage. (14 damage)
-Effect: The Burst creates a zone of bright light until the end of the encounter. You and your allies gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses while within the zone. (H3 -> N3 -> N9 -> H9)

Free: Symbol of Brawn
-Trigger: Kauldron hits with a divine attack power using this holy symbol.
-Effect: Kauldron makes a melee basic attack. If the attack hits a creature marked by him, it deals 1d10 extra damage.

Symbol of Brawn: Virtuous Strike
-Target: Eladrin Mercenary 3 (J5)
-Attack: +14 vs. AC (Miss; 15; Natural 1)
-Effect: Kauldron gains a +2 bonus to saving throws until the start of his next turn.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron]Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 6
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13

AC: 28, Fort: 19, Ref: 20, Will: 20
While not bloodied: +1 item bonus to AC
Hallowed Circle: +1 power bonus to all Defenses

Initiative: +5
Speed: 5

HP: 59/59, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 29, Surge Value: 14, Surges left: 9/12

Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike

Action Point [X]
Call to Challenge [ ]
Channel Divinity [X]
Javelin [ ] [ ]
Pure Devotion [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Strength from Valor [ ]
Student of the Sword [ ]
Valorous Smite [X]

Hallowed Circle [X]
Lay on Hands [ ]
Majestic Halo [ ]
Potion of Healing [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Symbol of Brawn [X]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Two: The Black Pool, Round 1b

Two of the Shadewalkers control their statues, swinging into the group clustered in the center of the platform. With a quick chant in elven, one then the other suddenly appear in the middle of the group, slipping between the group and slicing with their shadowy blades. Anyone they hit sees the shadewalkers melt into shadow...

The last Shadewalker blasts Kauldron with one of the floating platforms, sending the goblin teetering dangerously close to the edge of the pit.

The mercenaries have their statues swing ineffectually at Kauldron while another blasts Joy out of the center. One of them engages Kauldron while the others charge into the center.

The Spellweavers weave fey magics around Brenwar and Kauldron. While they don't manage to harm the paladins, they do manage to get Brenwar out of the center and teleport Kauldron into the oil.

Lastly, the archer fires a glowing arrow at Gil, doing no harm thanks to the gray protective shield, but knocking the wizard out of the center.

GM: Normally the gem change will happen after the enemy goes, but because the player's turn is split this turn, it'll happen after the players finish their turn. In the future, it will be after the enemy finish their turn.

[sblock=Center Gem]Color: Purple
Type: Necrotic
Round Attack: +10 vs Will, 1d10+3 necrotic damage and slide 1.
Capture Bonus: Enemy team loses the resist 10 all.
Capturing Team: Players.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Shadewalker 1: Statue Attack: 13 vs Joy's 20 AC, miss. Surprise Fey Step: Teleport to H11 and gain CA against all adjacent targets. Battle Dance: Shift to H9, making MBA against every target adjacent during the shift. Shadow Blade(CA vs Joy, Artemis, Cyr, -2 vs Martelai): 33 vs Joy's 20 AC, hit, CRIT vs Artemis, 28 vs Cyr's 22 AC, hit, 21 vs Brenwar's 27 AC, miss, 25 vs Martelai's 20 AC, hit, 26 vs Lerrick's 17 AC, hit. Gil's Moonstride Triggers, shift to G11 and Insubstantial TenT. Artemis takes 24 reduced to 14 damage. Joy takes 22 reduced to 12 damage. Cyr takes 19 reduced to 9 damage. Martelai takes 20 reduced to 10 damage. Lerrick takes 12 reduced to 2 damage. Shadewalker 1 is invisible to Joy, Artemis, Cyr, Martelai, and Lerrick until the end of the Eladrin's next turn.
Shadewalker 2: Statue Attack: 26 vs Artemis' 21 AC, hit, 14 reduced to 4 damage and slide 3. Surprise Fey Step: Teleport to I11, gain CA against all adjacent targets. Battle Dance: Shift to H11, making MBA against every target adjacent during the shift. Shadow Blade(CA vs Cyr, Martelai, Brenwar): 22 vs Cyr's 22 AC, hit, 35 vs Brenwar's 27 AC, hit, 27 vs Martelai's 20 AC, hit, 21 vs Lerrick's 17 AC, hit, 29 vs Gil's 17 AC, hit, 18 vs Joy's 20 AC, miss. Cyr takes 15 reduced to 5 damage. Brenwar takes 19 reduced to 9 damage. Martelai takes 15 reduced to 5 damage. Lerrick takes 22 reduced to 12 damage. Gil takes 17 reduced to 7 / 2 = 3 damage. Shadewalker 2 is invisible to Cyr, Brenwar, Martelai, Lerrick, and Gil until the end of the Eladrin's next turn.
Shadewalker 3: Stand. Platform Attack: 22 vs Kauldron's 21 Will, hit, 11 + 5 = 16 necrotic damage and slide 1. Charge to I8, Shadow Blade(-2 mark): Take 7 radiant damage. 28 vs Lerrick's 17 AC, hit, 21 reduced to 11 damage and invisible to Lerrick until the end of the Eladrin's next turn.

Mercenary 1: Statue Attack: 23 vs Kauldron's 29 AC, miss. Move to L7. Stab of the Wild: 14 vs Kauldron's 29 AC, miss.
Mercenary 2: Platform Attack: 28 vs Joy's 20 Will, hit, 9 + 5 = 14 necrotic damage and slide 1. Move to I11. Stab of the Wild: 27 vs Cyr's 22 AC, hit, 16 reduced to 6 damage and Cyr is restrained until the end of the Mercenary's next turn.
Mercenary 3: Stand. Statue Attack: 19 vs Kauldron's 21 Will, miss. Charge to I9, Longsword(+1 charge, +2 CA, -2 mark): Take 7 radiant damage, 30 vs Cyr's 22 AC, hit, 15 reduced to 5 damage.

Spellweaver 1: Platform Attack: 12 vs Brenwar's 22 Will, miss. Move to M14. Teleporting Bolt: 18 vs Brenwar's 22 Will, miss, teleport 1 on miss.
Spellweaver 2: Statue Attack: 27 vs Lerrick's 17 AC, hit, 18 reduced to 8 damage and slide 3. Teleporting Bolt: 16 vs Kauldron's 21 Ref, miss, teleport 1 on a miss. Kauldron's save: 1d20+2=6, fail, teleported into oil, restrained(save ends).

Arcane Archer: Move to U15. 29 vs Gil's 17 AC, hit, 7 reduced to 0 force damage and push 1.[/sblock]

Effects On All Players: vulnerable 5 necrotic, resist 10 all except necrotic
Ootah: U2, 45/46hp
Joy: F13, 2/46hp
Cyr: H10, 17/42hp, 1/2 damage vs Shadewalkers, restrained
Gil: F11, 25/36hp, insubstantial, resist 5 cold
Kauldron: L4(Oil), 43/59hp, +2 saves, +1 defenses, 5 necrotic damage at end of turn, restrained
Artemis: K15, 1/37hp
Martelai: J10, 39/54hp, concealment, Potion of Will
Lerrick: M7, -4/47hp, dying, unconscious, +1 defenses, prone
Brenwar: K13, 38/65hp, +2 defenses

Effects on All Enemies: vulnerable 5 necrotic
Eladrin Mercenary 1: L7, Divine Challenge(Kauldron)
Eladrin Mercenary 2: I11
Eladrin Mercenary 3: I9, 45/77hp, Divine Challenge(Kauldron)
Eladrin Mercenary: 77hp, AC 23, Fort 18, Ref 22, Will 16. MBA: +12 vs AC, 2d8+6 damage.

Eladrin Shadewalker 1: H9, invisible to Joy, Artemis, Cyr, Martelai, and Lerrick
Eladrin Shadewalker 2: H11, invisible to Cyr, Brenwar, Martelai, Lerrick, and Gil
Eladrin Shadewalker 3: I8, 63/94hp, Divine Challenge(Kauldron), invisible to Lerrick
Eladrin Shadewalker: 94hp, AC 23, Fort 21, Ref 22, Will 20. MBA: +14 vs AC, 2d8+8 damage and the Shadewalker becomes invisible to the target until the end of the Shadewalker's next turn.

Eladrin Spellweaver 1: M14
Eladrin Spellweaver 2: N5, Quarry
Eladrin Spellweaver: 82hp, AC 22, Fort 18, Ref 20, Will 22. MBA: +13 vs AC, 2d8+4 damage and the target is slowed until the end of the Spellweaver's next turn.

Eladrin Arcane Archer: U15
Eladrin Arcane Archer: Minion, AC 21, Fort 17, Ref 21, Will 19. MBA: +12 vs AC, 5 force damage and push 1.

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Statues: The central (red) square is a wall and cannot be passed. Any square that is more than half full of the statue (not including arms) is difficult terrain.

Oil: The oil is hazardous terrain (can make a save if forced into it). Creatures that fall into it are restrained(save ends). Creatures that end their turn in it take 5 damage of the round's type. Getting out of the pool and back onto the platform takes 2 squares of movement.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rules of the Round]Central Gem: Each round the central gem will change colors, each color having a different effect. Regardless of the color, ALL creatures in the arena will have the following effects:

*Vulnerable 5 to one damage type.
*Resist 10 to all other damage types.

The damage type is determined by the color of the center gem.

Standing in the blue area will have two effects:

1) When the gem changes colors, everyone standing in the blue area will take an attack (see Round Attack below).
2) When the gem finishes changing colors, whichever side has more conscious players in the blue area will get a round benefit for their team that changes depending on the central gem's color. On a tie, neither side gets the benefit.

Statues: A player on or adjacent to one of the red spheres can control the the statue next to it and direct it to attack as a minor action. The statue's attack can target any creature within reach 5 of its center square: +12 vs AC, 2d10+3 damage and slide 3. This action may only be taken once per round per combatant.

Yellow Spheres: A player on or adjacent to a yellow sphere can control one of the pentagonal platforms and direct it to attack any creature on the map as a minor action. Attack is "Round Attack" below. This action may only be taken once per round per combatant.

Black Liquid: Any creature that falls into the liquid takes the a "Round Attack" below when they fall in and are restrained(save ends). At the end of each turn in the oil, creatures take 5 damage of the current round's type.

Round Attack: +10 vs NAD(depending on center gem color): 1d10+3 damage (type depending on center gem color) and slide 1.

Victory: If at the end of a round, only one team is on the platform (others are unconscious, dead, or in the oil) the match ends immediately and the side on the platform wins.[/sblock]

[sblock=Appease the Crowd]*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Acrobatics: 19
History: 19
Insight: 19
Religion: 19
: 19
Others: 17[/sblock]


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The center devolves into a huge melee and Ootah is unable to see anything of what's happening there. Fortunately there's an elf, all lonely, waiting to be impaled. He catches an arrow in the back, but he's quick enough to avoid the second.

"I love the smell of elf blood in the morning. Smells like...candy"

Before turn, Immediate interrupt: Shoot Disruptive Strike at shadewalker 2 when he attacked Lerric, fails. Sorry.
Minor action: Activate Skirmish stance daily power
Move action: To U8. Since he has moved more than 4 squares he gets a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex and his next attack deals +1d8 damage
Standard Action: Two fanged strike against quarried enemy at N5, dealing extra Furious Assault, Skirmish stance and Quarry damage. Attack bonus should have been 1 point lower, since I didn't realize Learning bow's +1 bonus from previous round's attack would end since I used Disruptive Strike against another enemy, but hits nonetheless. Damage is 1 point higer since the spellweaver isn't adjacent to any creature (bow expertise bonus). Damage is 29, second shot fails but I have a +1 bonus to hit against same elf next round. Ootah gainst a +1 bonus to all defenses against that elf (predator's hide bonus)[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Ootah Half-Orc Ranger 5
Initiative: +7, Passive perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
Defenses: AC: 23/21, For: 16, Ref: 21/19, Will: 16
HP: 45/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge value: 11, Surges/day:4/8 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Giant
AP: 0
Twin Strike, Clever Shot
Two Fanged Strike, Disruptive Strike, Invigorating Stride, Furious Assault, Surprise Strike
Skirmish Stance, Flying Steel[/sblock]
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