Match One: The Sandy Arena, Round 2
As the group scrambles to get away from the burrowers they respond chaotically... instinctively. One, heavily injured, burrows into the ground and doesn't immediately return. Another grabs Ootah with its hooked limbs, then bites him with a maw full of toxic heat, dropping the ranger again.
A third burrows into the ground then rises up again, burning Artemis but fortunately doing little to Ootah's body, still clutched in its fellow's hooks.
The last burrows after Brenwar, slamming into the paladin's redoubtable defenses.
The big burrower arches itself and dives into the ground, an unstable tide of earth knocking Brenwar about. Massive pincers blast up out of the earth again a short distance away, the burning hot shifting sands slamming Brenwar, Artemis, and Martelai around. So long is its body that its midsection still arches out of the sand nearby, radiating heat. To be caught between both exposed parts is like being trapped in an oven...
GM: | @FourMonos , Artemis still took 5 fire damage for starting next to the Burrower as its Aura isn't an OA.
@dimsdale , I shifted Lerrick to O26 since O25 would have required a shift 2.
@Rapida , Brenwar is up 2 more hp than you had (you applied 3 damage per start-of-turn fire effect instead of 2).
@pathfinderq1 , if you want to be sure I see what you have to say, @ mention me - if everyone hasn't gone yet, I usually just skim the rounds to see if anyone did mention me. Spawn 3 was 6 away from Joy, so Inevitable Defeat didn't target it. Spawn 1 couldn't be pulled to Q25 since that would violate the rules of pulling. Pulled it to P25 instead... which meant Spawn 4 couldn't be pulled adjacent to Joy (again, because every square of pull must move the monster closer and that's not possible as they were positioned).
I applied Joy's 3 THP on bloodied/killed to Artemis since he bloodied worm 3.
I slid Lerrick to P26 so Joy could push worm 4 where she wanted.
Note that the Burrower is considered to occupy all the squares of its body for all purposes with the following exceptions: its midsection does NOT provoke OAs. Anywhere its auras overlap, the difficult terrain does NOT stack, but the fire damage DOES. | |
[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Burrower Spawn 1: Stand up. Burrow into ground.
Stealth 32, Lerrick's OA: 1d20+5=
12 vs Spawn's
21 AC, miss.
Burrower Spawn 2:
Claw Hooks(-2 marked, +2 CA):
29 vs Ootah's
AC 23(+2 SW), hit,
14 damage and is
Burning Bite(vs grabbed target, -2 marked, +2 CA):
25 vs Ootah's
23 AC(+2 SW), hit,
14 fire and poison damage.
Burrower Spawn 3: Burrow to K24,
Stealth 31.
Burning Core(close burst 1):
27 vs Artemis
Ref 17, hit,
Nat1 vs Ootah. Artemis takes
9 fire damage and
5 ongoing fire(save ends).
Burrower Spawn 4: Shift to O25. Charge to N23 via Burrow,
Stealth 18, Lerrick's OA: 1d20+5=
23 vs Spawn's
21 AC, hit, 1d10=5/2=
2 damage, 5 fire damage from Burrower's Aura reduced to
0 damage by fire resist.
Claw Hooks(+2 CA, +1 charge)=
18 vs Brenwar's
26 AC, miss.
11 vs
weakened, saved.
Burrow Up: Burrow Down(Close Burst 1 Attack):
23 vs Brenwar's
19 Fort, hit,
12 vs Joy's
16 Fort, miss. Brenwar takes 8/2=4 reduced to
1 damage and is
slid 2. Burrower midsection replaces head. Burrow to K20-M22,
Stealth 34, Burrow Up(Close Burst 1 Attack, +2 CA):
24 vs Martelai's
17 Fort, hit,
20 vs Brenwar's
19 Fort, hit,
15 vs Artemis'
15 Fort, hit, all take
13 damage (Brenwar's reduced to
10 damage) and
slid 2.
Bite(+2 CA):
24 vs Brenwar's
26 AC, miss, 21/2=
10 fire and poison damage.
AP(-2 mark): Take
9 radiant damage from Brenwar's
Divine Sanction,
15 vs Artemis
AC 21, miss, 12/2=
6 fire and poison damage.[/sblock]
[sblock=Terrain]The walls out of the arena are 30 feet tall sheer stone Athletics (Climb) DC 25 if you want to try to escape into the stands for some reason. The pillars in the center are the same DC and can provide cover.
The stairs are all difficult terrain. The northern podium area is one square above the rest of the arena.[/sblock]
5 ongoing fire damage
Inevitable Defeat
1/2 damage to Burrower Spawn
5 ongoing fire damage
5 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower,
5 ongoing fire damage
10 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower,
5 ongoing fire damage
10 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower
Burrower Spawn 1:
5 radiant damage if ends turn adjacent to an ally,
Divine Challenge(Kauldron)
Burrower Spawn 2:
5 radiant damage if ends turn adjacent to an ally,
Burrower Spawn 3:
can't take OAs,
Burrower Spawn 4:
Divine Sanction(Brenwar),
10 fire damage if start turn adjacent to Burrower
Burrower Spawn: 57hp, AC 21, Fort 19, Ref 19, Wil 18. Resist 5 fire.
MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+5 damage and the target is grabbed.
Fire Sense(Immediate Reaction, when targeted by a fire attack): The Burrower Spawn may not be targeted by the attack.
Burrower Surprise: The Burrower does +1d6 damage when it has CA.
can't take OAs,
Divine Sanction(Brenwar)
Burrower: 285hp, AC 23, Fort 25, Ref 20, Will 19.
MBA: +13 vs AC, 3d6+5 fire and poison damage and 5 ongoing fire and poison damage(save ends), Miss: 1/2 damage and no ongoing.
Burning Sands(Aura 1): The zone is difficult terrain and any creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura takes 5 fire damage. The damage from the auras stacks.
Burrower Surprise: The burrower does +1d8 damage when it has CA.
Effect Key:
hp/max hp,
damage related,
TenT or TsnT,
save ends,
Walls: The walls out of the arena are 30 feet tall sheer stone Athletics (Climb) DC 25 if you want to try to escape into the stands for some reason.
Pillars: The pillars in the center are the same DC and can provide cover.
Stairs: The stairs are all difficult terrain. The northern podium area is one square above the rest of the arena. [/sblock]
[sblock=Appease the Crowd]*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.
I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.
*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.
*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.
Current Skill DCs: