Planescape The Kolyarut has an automatic hit attack.

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While there are definitely more monsters with reactions (particularly in comparison to the MM), what stood out to me was the abundance of monsters with bonus actions. Anyway, here are few reactions you will find in the book:
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Not a reaction, but one of my favorite bonus actions in the book:
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OMG I LOVE flick! That's the kind of thing I try and design.

On bonus actions: I like to save the cool one short or recharge actions for bonus actions. As the fight goes on, the party starts to whittle down the boss's capabilities. But I also like the "bloodied" reinvigorated of mythic/epic creatures that auto recharge these abilities.

The point is fights should be dynamic and fun. Of course, monster abilities aren't the whole story. As BG3 has shown us, terrain, vertically, and interactive environments are also key.

I know a lot of GMs prefer to make fights as fast and easy as possible, and that is a totally valid method (which I use sometimes). But other times I like fewer, REALLY involved and intense tactical encounters. 2014 monster design just doesn't support this outside of a few legendary creatures.

While I do find that interesting, doing percentile math during combat is not something I want to do. I guess something easy like 50% or 20% or 10% would be fine, but beyond that...

Also, makes it real hard to calculate CR I would guess?
Yea, I wouldn't suggest something but easy math. But 10% means two and a half rounds it kills anything. As for CR, that's just a tool right? I wouldn't let trying to calculate a CR limit creativity.

Besides, the whole set HP damage is... I don't know. It makes me think of meat points and I don't envision HP as being meat points. And even beyond that I have problems, dodging doesn't matter, armor doesn't matter, nothing the target does matters. Which just results in static boring combat. Why use tactics if they don't matter?


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
They are definitely adding more if Bigby's is a preview. There a lot larger proportion of monsters with bonus actions and reactions in that book than in the '14 MM.
Well that’s good! I still suspect they’ll be more conservative with reactions and other off-turn abilities than most 3PP, but glad to hear they’re exploring that design space more.


Yea, I wouldn't suggest something but easy math. But 10% means two and a half rounds it kills anything. As for CR, that's just a tool right? I wouldn't let trying to calculate a CR limit creativity.

Besides, the whole set HP damage is... I don't know. It makes me think of meat points and I don't envision HP as being meat points. And even beyond that I have problems, dodging doesn't matter, armor doesn't matter, nothing the target does matters. Which just results in static boring combat. Why use tactics if they don't matter?
Isn’t it the opposite? This creature is unique enough that regular tactics won’t work, forcing players to come up with something different.


Besides, the whole set HP damage is... I don't know. It makes me think of meat points and I don't envision HP as being meat points. And even beyond that I have problems, dodging doesn't matter, armor doesn't matter, nothing the target does matters. Which just results in static boring combat. Why use tactics if they don't matter?
I think you are thinking about it to much. If that was every monster I might see your issue. It a very small set of monsters. It will barely be noticed in the big scheme of things and the only real impact is to get a reaction: OH! This thing is "inevitable!" It is really a bit of flavor built into the mechanics.


There are also no legendary actions in Bigby’s, so it’s about even?
I was surprised the Scions in that book didn't have legendary actions. I also noted the same thing with the recent Monstrous Compendium - Eldraine Creatures. It seems legendary actions have been replaced with multiple reactions like:


I hope this is in addition too Legendary actions and not a 100% replacement. I have a feeling that Legendary Actions may be going away.

However, I don't think the absence of Legendary Actions makes the addition of bonus actions and reactions in Bigby's "even." They are adding them to all sorts of monsters that are not "legendary"

Voidrunner's Codex

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