Planescape The Kolyarut has an automatic hit attack.

I suspect WotC is specifically avoiding giving monsters many off-turn options. That’s one of the things that gets blamed for the length of combat in 4e.
No they are specifically adding them as part of their redesigns. Have you seen the monsters from Bidby’s? Lots of bonus actions and reactions in there.

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Crossposting myself from the other thread: That kolyarut is pretty cool but is shows that WotC still hasn't figured out how to give monsters interesting things to do when it isn't their turn. Monster design should include interesting reactions for all creatures, especially CR 20 badasses like this.
Have you seen the monsters in Bigby’s? Lots of interesting reactions in there.


Honestly, I was assuming that was a CR 10 creature.
I'd wager my 8th level party could hold their own against it.
Five (5) 8th level PCs should be able to take on a CR 20 monster by the numbers in the DMG. As you groups seem to hover around 7, IIRC, then I would think they would have a good shot depending on there resources at the time of the encounter.


Five (5) 8th level PCs should be able to take on a CR 20 monster by the numbers in the DMG. As you groups seem to hover around 7, IIRC, then I would think they would have a good shot depending on there resources at the time of the encounter.

For one of these, not played particularly intelligently, and on ideal ground - sure.

But if it has even a bit of support (even some low level modrons), was played intelligently and terrain was a Factor? Not a chance!


I haven't actually. I'll see if I can find a preview or something.
While there are definitely more monsters with reactions (particularly in comparison to the MM), what stood out to me was the abundance of monsters with bonus actions. Anyway, here are few reactions you will find in the book:



Not a reaction, but one of my favorite bonus actions in the book:


I understand that, I can do the math. Seems to me that it would be much more interesting to do a fixed percentage than a fixed damage amount. Would make them a threat to a larger range of opponents, and be unique.
While I do find that interesting, doing percentile math during combat is not something I want to do. I guess something easy like 50% or 20% or 10% would be fine, but beyond that...

Also, makes it real hard to calculate CR I would guess?

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