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D&D 5E The Larger Failure of "Tyranny of Dragons"


You obviously have no familiarity with Amazon bitchfest ratings.

I don't use them no. I normally use recommendations from here being honest. Or if people are talking up certain products such as the Tome of Beasts.

I also have ethical concerns about Amazon and prefer to buy direct from the publisher, my local flgs, or other companies only resorting to Amazon for exclusive content.

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Then you don't get to make assumptions about Amazon reviews like you did.

I don't use them because they're useless lol.

I own most of the adventures, if the reviews are rating them at 90% across the board there's something wrong.

If they're review stuff with simple upvotes averages will skew high as anything higher than 60% will be treated as good.

If they're eating out of a % rating there's something seriously wrong. LMoP I would buy into anywhere from 80% to 95% and I regard that as the best 5E adventure.

If I'm buying blind I'll trust forum users/buzz over Amazon reviews.


I don't use them because they're useless lol.

That's your opinion, based on nothing because you haven't read the reviews.

I own most of the adventures, if the reviews are rating them at 90% across the board there's something wrong.

If you interpret disagreeing with your opinion as "wrong".

If they're review stuff with simple upvotes averages will skew high as anything higher than 60% will be treated as good.

If they're eating out of a % rating there's something seriously wrong. LMoP I would buy into anywhere from 80% to 95% and I regard that as the best 5E adventure.

You already stated you don't look at the reviews, so all you're doing is making assumptions that are not based on any facts.

If I'm buying blind I'll trust forum users/buzz over Amazon reviews.

You do you, but that doesn't detract from the reviews on Amazon.


I crit!

The amount of hoops people are jumping through to defend this adventure kind of proves the idea it's bad.

Curse of Strahd for example is generally regarded as the best adventure but avoids the this is a crap adventure type threads.
What?!? You pull out a “I can’t use it to run impromptu” thing and we’re the ones grasping at straws?! We even have, like facts and stuff. Terrible straw.


That's your opinion, based on nothing because you haven't read the reviews.

If you interpret disagreeing with your opinion as "wrong".

You already stated you don't look at the reviews, so all you're doing is making assumptions that are not based on any facts.

You do you, but that doesn't detract from the reviews on Amazon.

I don't need to read Amazon reviews to know they're bad.

As I said I own most of the adventures already and online reviews are useless (see Rotten Tomatoes)

The adventures I don't own


Haven't read a review on any of then. I did put a thread up here a while ago and asked for a recommendation and bought Curse of Strahd.

Note that most of the adventures I don't own are regarded as the weak ones?
Except Avernus just completely unfamiliar with it, I've had a look at the other 3 at the store.

Trusting user reviews LMFAO. They're some of the last things I would use.


That is simply ignorant.

Yes, because the opinions of people that actually own a product are worthless. :rolleyes:

Depends on the product. User reviews are good for practical goods like ovens, vacumn cleaners etc.

Art, beer, RPGs are a lot more subjective.

A lot of people review adventures based on first impressions. These large books can't really be played through that fast so any reviews for say descent into Avernus for example are inherently suspect.

So a lot of reviews will be on impressions, how pretty it is or fun to read.

New player reviews are also suspect by new I mean played for 5 years or less. If they have only played 5E (and 4E) you missed a lot of the great adventures. You missed the Golden age of Paizo for example (say 2005-2011 or so). You missed Dungeon magazine.

Movie critic reviews for example are often useless as they tend to like Oscar bait type historical dramas.

Or beer review sites. They skew heavily towards craft beers so if one of them is a Macro brewery with reviews between 73-83% it's probably a very good beer at least for a mass produced one.

5E has a lot if new players, it's a good edition and yeah DMs can make ok/decent adventures a lot of fun. I would be highly suspect of any review if a new adventure that comes out less than 3-6 months of the release date.

Remember something like Out of the Abyss got great reviews but now people are saying it's a pain to run. Yet it still rates 80+% on Amazon. I would rate it 10% lower, doesn't mean it's bad still decent score but it has some big flaws.

I know people who post endless Amazon reviews in return for free swag. In fact, you can contact the top 1000 reviewers from a seller's account (or maybe Prime).

As Abe Lincoln noted, it is hard to be certain about the factual basis of Net-based information.


Azzy, before you choose this hill to die on, you should actually read the reviews you’re defending. Many of the 5 stars have nothing to do with the quality of the adventure. They are for things like “package arrived on time” or “book seems well made”

That’s why Amazon reviews can’t have a whole lot of weight put into them. I much more trust the reviews from actual reviewers who know the game, rather than amazon reviews

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