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D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - A Renaissance Story


GM: I do not believe you get the extra Unarmed Strike in there, as the Martial Arts feature notes that this takes a Bonus Action, which Nicolo used in his first attacks. You only gain the 1 Action, which yes, is a crit if you want to roll that extra damage in there.

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"I thought I told you folks to give me Giovanni. You just made a stupid mistake Iacopo."

Lucien raises his hammer and calls on Nodens. The runes on his hammer begin to glow. He points the hammer at the men carrying the box. Lucien pushes his frustration and wrath into the spell. The thugs and Iacopo feel a pressure then the air around them begins to ring like the after effects of a lightning strike.

Lucien is intent on Iacopo and his men and is only brought back to the robed men when they say to kill everyone in the ally.

[sblock=Action]Casting Shatter on Icapoco and his men. Using destructive wrath to maximize the damage. All in 10 ft have to make a DC 14 Con save or take 24 damage.[/sblock]
[sblock=Movement]Will move towards Icapoco if he is still standing after the spell. If not then I will turn to face the robed figures behind me.[/sblock]


Fedrigo begins a slow trout picking up speed and raising his voice in an equal as he attempts to bear hug Iacopo. The spikes on his armor rend at Iacopo's flesh as he moves in for the grapple.

OOC: 3 dmg to the Iacopo for battlerager ability.
Attack: Grapple Check: 1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20
Move: To the mage
Bonus Action: Enter Rage
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Fossice/Central Market/Tavern
Late morning
Round 1

“But the Church does have the power of sanctuary, and whatever secular authority you work for cannot gainsay that,” the Magdalena warned, taking a firm grip on her sword.

"Kill them all. No witnesses. Restrain L'esperimenta by any means necessary."

Now Magdalena knew they were far from legitimate mage hunters. No witnesses? Who were these men?

She sensed the man beside her explode into action, charging toward the lead magus. Magdalena wasn’t far behind even as the foreigner lifted his hammer to the peel of thunder and charged past her in the other direction, followed by the dwarf. Was everyone here a magus!

Magdalena rushed the robed man on the right, slicing at him with her greatsword.

Move: Rush the mage on the right
Action: Greatsword attack: 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22
Greatsword damage: 2D6.MIN(3)+3 = [5, 6]+3 = 14
Bonus Action:
Reaction: OA if mage tries to cast within 5 feet of me: 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14
OA Damage: 2D6.MIN(3)+3 = [5, 6]+3 = 14
Concentration: Detect Magic

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 28/28 HD: 3/3d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 15/15
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Abjure Enemy
Vow of Enmity
Prepared Spells:
1st: (Bane, Hunter’s Mark), Command, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Shield of Faith

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 1/4


First Post
Arcata flinched at the violence, and heard herself speaking words...or words being spoken through her, perhaps. Her gut clenched, and her hand flung out as if twitched by a puppeteer's string. There was a surge, a little like how she imagined being struck by lightning might feel, and brilliant points of light exploded from her fingers, painting the alley momentarily in shades of blue and white, and zipped across the alleyway, splitting briefly apart to dodge around the swordwoman, then converging again on the Guildsman whom she was fighting.

(magic missile on the guy Magdelena is fighting! [roll0]...I figure even if he can Shield it, that'll incur Maggie's OA :))


First Post
OOC: Just in case- if appropriate, save until next round

Jilliana could hear some of the voices even before she made it to the corner, but she didn't recognize them. It still sounded potentially dangerous though...

She stopped at the corner and put her satchel down- the she peered very carefully around the edge of the building. There were an awful lot of unfamiliar people in the alley, and from the looks of things, it was about to get violent. She recognized few of the people involved, and she didn't want to make any assumptions here, so she watched for a moment, trying to make sense of what was going on, and who was involved. She was an alchemist by trade, after all, and she knew better than to tamper with a reaction in progress before finding out just which ingredients were involved- doing so was a good way to lose your eyebrows (or your life).

One thing was for sure- those people in the robes were mages. That definitely wasn't good- any kind of spellcasting in public, especially if it involved violence, made things harder for other students of the Art. The Witchguard would be out in force, and even regular guardsmen would be unpredictable and edgy. Since it seemed like it was too late to avoid fighting, the next best thing would be to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. As much as she wanted to simply watch the impending battle unfold (and to take notes, of course- it wasn't often one could observe an multi-person magical streetfight, after all), she knew she ought to pitch in... With a sigh, she leaned back around the corner and drew a few trinkets from her satchel- then she returned to her analysis. While she had to help, she didn't want to help the wrong side.

[sblock= OOC]
>Action= observe and analyze.

Rolls if needed: Arcana (spells and spellcasting in use) 1d20+7= 24
Investigation 1d20+7= 26
Perception 1d20+6= 24
>Rolls: http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=147886


The Alleyway exploded into sudden violence, the first, impactful seconds of the fight unfolding in a concussive display of physical and magical strength.

The lead mage tried in vain to defend against Nicolo's raining blows, taking the kick hard and doubling over. With a quick jerk to the side, the monk's staff cracked the pavement with a splintering *Crack!*, before lifting again and catching the spellcaster under the chin and sending the foe reeling backwards in a sharp cry of pain. Blood splattered onto the end of the staff and seemed to have burst across the front of those robes, the caster clearly woozy and on their last legs from the assault.

Right behind him, The Magdalena's blade makes contact with the shimmering force around the accomplice mage, seemingly slowed by the arcane energy before pushing through with a deep cut. The man cried out in agony, the steel rending the robe and flesh beneath with a long gash to show for it. He clutched to his cleaved chest, as if trying to hold the crimson fluid inside his body through willpower alone.

For the Pirate's part, the thunderous impact from his hammer annihilated a nearby scaffolding in the alleyway, rending it to splinters even as it threw Iacopo and his men to the ground. The Half-Orc, feeling the sudden spike of pressure, had grabbed one of his men from the box and held him in-place to stem the effects of the resounding cacophony. While all of the thugs were clearly worse off from the sudden blow, three of them were completely knocked out, sprawled onto the cobblestone with the box they were carrying now dropped to the ground. The last of Iacopo's gang members took one look at the unfolding situation and shook his head, mumbling incoherently about how he should have listened to his mother before fleeing as fast as his legs could carry him away.

Before Iacopo could growl at his cowardly subordinate, Federigo had come to say hello. Distracted as he was, the Dwarf was able to get a good hold on him, the spikes of the warrior's armor piercing through the leather that covered his body and making him growl in rage. He struggled to try and break the Dwarf's grip, but to no avail.

For the girl's part, the girl who had seemingly started all this trouble, her spellwork was most effective: the Guildsman, still struggling to out-duel The Magdalena and her powerful blade, saw only too late the gunshots of pure magicka that were racing towards him. He made quickly to try and ward himself, fumbled the wording, and was struck by all three bolts of force. The impact launched him off of his feet before he collapsed to earth again, unmoving.

Before Iacopo could do much more to try and stop these unaccounted-for assailants, Rossa had closed the distance and took advantage of Federigo's hold and drove her dagger past the Half-Orc's defenses, plunging it into a soft spot at the side of his stomach. He roared and kicked her away as best he could, fighting to get his own smaller blade unsheathed and then stabbing backwards with it to try and dissuade Federigo from keeping his hold. However, he could not seem to turn his blade the right way whilst being grappled, constantly brushing against the Dwarf's armor harmlessly.

The Mages were nowhere near better: one of their number was unconscious or dead, and their leader was clearly about to collapse. The pair at the back sprung into action, noting now how deadly their foes truly were. While lesser agents may have panicked and fled then and there, they were entrusted with a task that they wanted to see done.

The one furthest at the back had her voice thrum with heat and fire, her wand held out and making small circles with it before she suddenly lashed it forward, once, twice, three times. From the tip of the piece of polished cypress leapt gouts of pure fire, spread to try and burn The Magdalena, Nicolo, and Arcata within the arcane inferno. However, the spell seemed to be unable to strike the disguised Sorceress: the flame did not make contact, but instead seemed to envelope all around Arcata without actually touching her. The Guildswoman then pulled back to try and avoid the furious blows that had struck her fellows, unawares of the Gnome behind her.

Seeing the deadly skill that the Monk and the Paladina had struck with, the other Mage settled his eyes upon Nicolo, speaking in tongues of ironclad restraint, all while gesturing with his own wand at the man's head with a circular motion, seemingly growing tighter into a spiral with each pass. He, too, pulled back alongside his partner.

The leader, for his part, was quite unhappy, but otherwise determined to complete their assignment. If it weren't for the damned flying-kick and that knight, the girl would be theirs already! With that same, androgynous voice, the leader swiftly procured a pouch from their belt while whispering what sounded like an old, countryside lullaby. The pouch was spilled into their hand and the fine sand within it was blown towards Arcata, The Magdalena, and the Sailor who now glowered at them, intent on at least putting down their worst threats while one of the other mages tried to handle The Monk. While The thunderous pirate and hardened Knight of The Church appeared to still be of sterner stuff, the Sorceress felt her eyelids grow heavy after already fending off the fiery attack. The adrenaline of battle left her body in a rush until she was slumped over, the sand and song lulling her into a heavy sleep.

[sblock=Jilliana Notices Some Things]Clearly Magic was in effect here. That much was obvious. But what was even more obvious to the Gnomish scientist was the way in which the robed figures cast: the words they used, the gestures, they were all unique in some way, stylized to the mage that used them, but they were very clearly derived from those taught by the local Guild Arcane.

What's more, it looked like these magisters were attacking a member of The Church! The holy symbol about the raven-haired woman's neck was distinguishable even through the chaos of combat. It looked and sounded as though they were protecting that old beggar (that also had let loose with a bout of magicka as well!), but ... something seemed odd about that beggar. As if the spell had originated from inside his hand rather than from the fingertips, as a proper application should have been.

Peculiar. And then there were the ruffians dueling at the other end of the alley, and that box. Jilliana's ears were sensitive enough to pick up that something was banging inside that box: those thugs were carrying a person, not some bit of cargo!

While it was clear that the guards (and worse) would certainly be along soon enough to investigate this disturbance, it was also equally clear that these guild members were out of line in trying to harm these people, and that the person in the box definitively needed to not be in a shipping container. The Dwarf, that man with the hammer (who clearly had talent with Magic as well: that explosion of force and sound had definitely emanated from him), and the little Half-Elf seemed to be trying to save the trapped person.[/sblock]

[sblock=Player Actions & Effects]
@tglassy: Nicolo must make a DC13 Wisdom Save, as he is being targeted by a Spell Effect. The fire attack has missed Nicolo and he takes no damage.

@Shayuri: Aracata has been struck by a spell effect doing 8 Fire Damage. She has used Shield to deflect this damage. She has also been struck by a Sleep spell, rendering her unconscious unless someone wakes her.

@KahlessNestor: The Magdalena has been struck by a spell effect doing 7 Fire Damage. Her Detect Magic allows her to see that the fire spell was clearly Evocation, the Mage targeting Nicolo is using an Enchantment spell, and the Lead Mage is also using an Enchantment spell.[/sblock]

[sblock=Round Summary]Nicolo - 19/19 HP: Must Make a DC13 Wis Save
The Magdalena - 21/28 HP
Arcata - 17/17 HP - Asleep
Federigo - 35/35 HP
Lucien - 24/24 HP
Jilliana - 20/20 HP
Rossa - Unharmed

Lead Mage - Has taken 24 Damage
Right Hand Mage - Down: @Shayuri, please note if your Magic Missile was Lethal or Nonlethal
Fire-Casting Mage - Has taken 0 Damage
Enchantment Casting Mage - Has taken 0 Damage

3 Thugs are Down - @VLAD the Destroyer, please note if your Shatter was Lethal or Nonlethal
1 Thug is fleeing combat
Iacopo has taken 18 Damage total[/sblock]

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