D&D 5E The mathematics of D&D–Damage and HP

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The first party I DMed for had transitioned from 4e, where synergy makes or breaks a party, so they were very conscious of things like "Haste the guy who hits the hardest," i.e., the Paladin, not the Rogue. OTOH, I now have players who keep hitting fiends with fire damage and keep getting disappointed and literally never learn.
I just want to point out that the Rogue is actually a great target for Haste as they can use the extra action to Ready an Attack for a reliable opportunity of an off-turn Sneak Attack, potentially doubling their DPR.


I just want to point out that the Rogue is actually a great target for Haste as they can use the extra action to Ready an Attack for a reliable opportunity of an off-turn Sneak Attack, potentially doubling their DPR.
Agreed. Although technically, the extra action is used for Attack, and the regular action is used to Ready an off-turn strike.

Also, some DMs are stricter than others about what you can declare as a trigger for a readied action, so you might have to say "Whenever [monster] attacks," and hope the attack doesn't take you out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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