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The Meeting Place - Discussions and so forth



Is there any stance being taken on non-Wizards (but still d20) characters for the modern setting? I know there's been a lot released by AEG and other companies, such as the Spycraft and the Stargate settings.....I guess my question is, is there official policy on that?

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Being an ISRP room, the Meeting Place is freeform, making stats optional at best. As long as the character is setting/technology/world appropriate, there shouldn't be any trouble with using third-party material if you do want hard-set stats. Spycraft I'm not familiar with, but Stargate might be a bit beyond the setting-boundaries in terms of technology, I haven't seen the material first-hand though.



Good point, but given how things often run in the D&D rooms, there'll inevitably be a need for statistics of SOME kind.

In my experience, the tech stuff isn't too bad considering MOST of the extremely high-tech stuff will never be allowed off-base unless you're headed off-world anyway.


First Post
Unless the TMP ends up requiring a lot of hard core stats in the way of side adventures, there really won't be a need for stats. Most of the stat requirements I've seen in the DnD rooms is in this aspect, and mainly because the players wanted it. You'll have to wait and see, but I don't think there'll be much stat requirement from this crowd.

I'll agree with you on that part (just cause I have access to a modified comache doesn't mean I'll have someplace to use it), but advanced tech usage should be forcefully kept to a minimum or the temptation will be there.



Generally, ISRP rooms aren't run as D&D ones. There's no DM, just a setting and characters wander around doing what their players want, within the CoC that is. :p There could be half a dozen stories going on in the room at once because they only concern a couple of players each. Or there could be a group of characters who know each other and are mostly involved in the same situation. Things done by one character for one story may accidentally affect another, or something may happen which causes some of the group to break away on a totally different task to the rest.

Most ISRP gaming takes place without the need for stats purely because the players accept character strengths and weaknesses. It opperates on theories and logic of "in this case, my character fails because he didn't see that trap until too late" and "mine would see the glint of armor because of her fireball - so much for your ambush".

It's amazing what kind of stories can happen just because players coopperate. ;)

Because of this, character descriptions on the chat don't need to have stats, personality or background story in them, just what others would see obviously. Stats can be given privately between players when needed, and background and personality is most fun if played out, eg discovered through how a character acts.

Some players do keep stats though, just for when they're up against enemies or situations where they don't know which way it should turn out and aren't willing to leave it to logic through coopperation.

Otherwise, combat may be entirely free form. It's up to the players involved.

No, it doesn't work out 100% of the time but players who play without some fairness tend to get included less often by others. Or end up playing with people willing to put up with that.

TMP is D20 Modern in that it's made so that D20 Modern can fit there, if the players wish to go that way. Just like the CRT is DnD because its setting is Greyhawk/Oerth, a DnD world. CRT's IC laws are that of the DnD setting, eg. assuming that drow are evil. This works because the Greyhawk world has been around for a long time. TMP's laws are that of the real world because D20 is too new to have a stock world, other than the "real" one. Even though most of the players probably haven't been to New York (it's an international site, after all) most of us can relate to it, understand it.

JudeSedai said:
In my experience, the tech stuff isn't too bad considering MOST of the extremely high-tech stuff will never be allowed off-base unless you're headed off-world anyway.

I wondered about that. I loved the movie and earlier series of Stargate but haven't encountered the RPG personally.

Most extremely high tech should be treated the same way. High-end armor probably wouldn't be let roaming the streets because that would give the opposition more chance to discover it and study how to get past it. Aliens may be capable of introducing weapons far advanced from human's, but if it were discovered then they would probably have breached all sorts of treaties and be causing themselves no end of public-relations problems. ;)

- Pounamu
One sleep to go... and then I can sleep properly... :angel:



WizO Pounamu said:
Generally, ISRP rooms aren't run as D&D ones. There's no DM, just a setting and characters wander around doing what their players want, within the CoC that is. :p There could be half a dozen stories going on in the room at once because they only concern a couple of players each. Or there could be a group of characters who know each other and are mostly involved in the same situation. Things done by one character for one story may accidentally affect another, or something may happen which causes some of the group to break away on a totally different task to the rest.

Sorry, I suppose I should have clairified ^_^ I meant the ISRP D&D rooms, like CRT and the Emporium. I honestly haven't played in the "structured" rooms yet.

Thanks for answering my question in a roundabout way, though. See everyone tonight!



JudeSedai said:
Thanks for answering my question in a roundabout way, though. See everyone tonight!

:blush: I had suddenly realised that TMP has been advertised in the D20 Modern forums, and that the section who made our room thought that's exactly (seemingly only) what it is for. I rambled until I thought I had most sides covered. ;)

[edit] By the way, the Emporium has never been a DnD room. It's homebrew, used specifically so that characters from all other worlds and settings have a chance to be there, more or less "anything goes". The CRT was to be a DnD world to satisfy DnD isrper needs which usually outnumber any other system's users in our crowd.

In a couple of hours we can open up TMP... :D

- Pounamu... needing to change out of her fantasy desc heh

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