The Mourning After (Horror) (IC)


"Horses have been used for transportation for hundreds or even thousands of years. They are reliable and reasonably easy to maintain. The idea of using other beasts for the same purpose is interesting. House Vadalis is well known for mage bred horses. Consider what someone would pay for a mage bred animal that was faster, hardier, could travel farther without rest, could carry more weight, and perhaps be used in combat as well? I myself would consider buying a beast that could travel farther and faster than a standard horse per day. Do you, perchance, ever dabble with mage breeding other creatures or beasts? I ask out of mere curiosity. "

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Possibly a Idiot.
Eixek raises an eyebrow. "All of the animals we sell here are magebred to be faster, stronger, or yield more farming resources at a minimum."
For him, the conversation has been spinning it's wheels a bit longer than what is normal to make a sale.
"Tell me, gentlemen, what are you looking in particular?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Guard leading Malix didn't answer any of the questions and/or implications from the previous page while they were walking?

Malix rejoins the group.
"I'm a scout for this group. I'd like to have something capable of stealth, a big cat or some such, with me. Do you have anything like that? I think we saw your offer and we can huddle and make a decision. If you'll excuse us for few moments?"

Malix motions for the group to come outside in some privacy.


Possibly a Idiot.
"A big cat you say?" Eixek perks up noticeably at the potential sale. "Why, yes, the enclave in Newthrone has a panther breeding program! We just got the word in from the last quarterly report. It would be a special order, let me find the paperwork for it." The man goes digging around in a large filing cabinet. "I'll be in here, take all the time you need!"

"Bah, cats! Slinky, lazy things. A badger would be better." Ozzar comments, but immediately waves that off "I'm not going to stop you from getting your cat, Malix, go for it. I hope it will be worth it. Gods only know what we will encounter in Q'Barra. The cat might just be what we need if it can follow us."
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Maladiel sighs. Fun though this is, it's not getting them any further.

"Hold on," he says to Eixek, fixing his gaze on the salesman. "I have a serious question for you."

Behind his back, Mal motions for the others that he'll distract the Valadis man long enough for the others to do something else if they so please.

"Clawfoots have been going missing, and some have pointed to this ranch as being involved. Now, I don't particularly like accussations, especially made against innocent people," he says smoothly, implicitly meaning he's not trying to get on a Dragonmarked House's bad side.

"And I'm pretty sure you're not involved, personally. But in order to find those who are actually guilty, I'm really hoping you can help us out. Could you assist us, Eixek?"

The half-elf puts his cards on the table, trying to be sincere in his words. He is trying to gain sympathy for their cause; if that doesn't work he can always pull out the dirty tricks.

OOC: Persuasion: 1D20+5 = [18]+5 = 23

Hopefully this will lead to something new. If anyone wants to, this is the distraction needed to go sneaking off, but I think there's no consensus on whether that's the best course of action.


Possibly a Idiot.
Eixek pauses for a moment, a somber look upon his face.

"I've heard about the missing Clawfeet, always a tragedy to lose an animal, especially ones close enough to be family." Closing the cabinet gently, he sits at his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a purse.

"I know you gentlemen aren't locals, and though you probably won't tell me who hired you, I have a good idea of whom that might be." He opens the purse and pulls out 5 platinum dragon coins. "This is petty cash, undocumented and untraceable you understand. I can give you this now, and an equal amount later when you come back here with a report."

He slides the coins across the desk. "I have information that will help, but that information has to stay between us, if the wrong thing is said to the wrong person, years of goodwill and hard work will become unraveled. Lots of innocents will lose their livelihoods. Worse still, lots of animals may end up slaughtered for no good reason."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Worse still...?!?! Man, you have your priorities set very...erm...peculiarly." Malix looks at the man.
"What report?"



"It is understandable you would be concerned about the welfare of the animals. They are your main source of income. Though I fail to understand why someone would needlessly slaughter them. Please forgive our subterfuge as we were given sparse information initially."


Possibly a Idiot.
"What I have to say is strictly confidential." Eixsek clarifies. "I do care for the missing animals, but I have to protect my House. I am sure you are reporting to someone, and there are some trade secrets I cannot allow to be leaked. This knowledge will help you though, and I will pay you for the trouble."

The man gets up and pulls a key from his pocket. "If you are interested, please stay, I will bar the door for the length of our discussion. If not, you are free to leave."

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