The Mourning After (Horror) (IC)


Possibly a Idiot.
"House Cannith?" Eixek scratches his beard while thinking. "I suppose it's possible. Their house is currently divided into three competing factions, all trying to gain whatever edge they can. Doesn't seem very likely though, they all try to maintain good relations outside of the house."

He unbars the door and opens it. "At any rate, we should go see where it happened."

GM: Is everyone is in agreement about going to the labs?

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"Ah, well. Come on then, troup, file out." Ozzar shushes everyone out, moving aside to let their host pass and trying to catch a glimpse behind his desk

OOC: no special reason to check, just general "investigator" feel :) investigation +2 perception +3 if relevant


Possibly a Idiot.
Eixek takes you to the building with the crest over the door. His dragonmark briefly shines, and the door opens. “Down here, in the labs.” He says, pointing down the stairs.

The inside of the barn-like building is unnaturally clean and bright. The floor is a gray smooth stone. The walls and cabinets are made from gleaming whitewood and polished silver. The air is cold, and distinctly lacks the smell of animals. Instead there is the arcane odor of various herbs hanging in the air, seemingly placed to mask any other scents that might be in the area.

The older stone stairs lead down to a maze of corridors. Everbright lanterns light the walls with a faintly blue, clinical light that flickers occasionally into shadows as figures pass by them. The halls echo with unintelligibly muffled conversations coming from a distance. A sound of soft moaning comes from beyond one of the doors, although the echoes make it difficult to tell which.

Eixek leads you down a corridor that seems much longer than the building should support. As he turns a corner, you lose sight of him, though there is no nearby door he could have bolted into. Turning around, to try and find him, you instead find the halls you have walked through seem to bend in a different direction. Or are they? This place is very confusing.

There are only two things you are sure of right now, your party is alone, and there is a moaning noise coming from the other side of the door at the end of this hall.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Wait!" Maladiel calls after Eixek, at first believing the man left them behind by accident.

The longer he waits, however the more Mal realizes it was no innocent mistake.

"It's a trap," he admits his failure to see it coming. "I don't know what to expect down here, but it's probably deadly."

Remembering his own frailty when they were attacked in the tavern, Maladiel shivers, his trademark smile gone, and he holds a wand in either hand. Readying himself for anything, he makes a quick estimate.

Muttering a few arcane words, the half-elf focuses on the jade wand in his left hand, frowning as if pushing the magic out of it. A soft glow envelops three of his allies, and they feel a little stronger and sturdier.

OOC: Casting Bless on up to three targets: Xian, Ozzar, and Malix. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends (concentration, up to 1 minute), the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.

Spell Slots Used: Level 1: 1/2


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Save your spells - we don't know if this is some kind of test or we're just becoming new guinea pigs."
Malix looks around
"Assume they are watchin and listening...hmmm...not much places to hide. So, let's see what's behind the door number one, shall we? So your spells don't run their course."
Shrugging he goes for the door closest to them and tries to open them. If it doesn't work he goes for the next
"Watch the door so it doesn't spring open behind us."

AC: 17 HP: 10/10
Move: to the door
Action: Dodge
Free: open the door, if they are opening toward him he stands behind, if away then he pushes them in and remains on the side


Xian looks at their surroundings. All the hallways look the same.

"I don't suppose anyone is handy at locating hidden doors? This may not be a trap although we must be prepared and cautious."

Xian draws his rapier and moves to cover his companions in case anyone or anything comes from behind the group.

Ozzar dons the shield and takes out his pick.
"Figures. If it is too good to be true, it usually is. At least we have some money."
He calls after Malix
"Don't go too far, with this twisting corridors, who knows you don't get lost too!"
As Malix stands by the door, Ozzar positions himself to intercept anything rushing along the corridor toward the rest of the group.


Possibly a Idiot.
Malix opens the door.

The light in the room is soft, red, and warm. The same kind used for incubation. A cursory glance about is interrupted by a gurgling cough and moan from a large creature curled up along the far wall. It sticks out one hooved leg, another, then a third and fourth as you realize it has still more. It raises it's head to look at you: Equine in shape, but with eight eyes, burred in a wild main of hair. A bulbous pulsating abdomen secretes a thick and sticky fluid that looks like it could be silk, but has the distinct smell of iron, or blood.

The creature's hooves fail to find purchase on the smooth ground, foiled by the very liquids it is oozing. Causing the creature to fall back to the ground, emitting a clattering squeal of pain.

Spider Horse.png

Before you or the creature can try anything else, a dark mist engulfs and silences the beast, and turns it's attention to you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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