The Mystery in Bridgetown

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As soon as he realizes the danger, Whisper attempts to conceal himself and prepares to launch a stone with his sling. “I wonder what brings these aberrations so close to town?”
OOC: 70, 55

Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(readiness) + 24(speed) + 28(clarity) + 70(d100) = 144
Whisper: 24 + 28 + 23 + 70 = 145
Cannibals: 40 + 63(d100) = 103
Jaguar: 600(blowgun) - 144 = 456
Whisper: 600(sling) - 145 = 455
Cannibals: 600(javelin) - 103 = 497
Jaguar: 28(athletics)
Whisper: 24(shade)
Whisper: 29(stealth) + 24(shade) + 55(d100) = 108
Cannibals: 30(wariness) + 63(d100) = 93
108 - 93 = 15%
Jaguar: 22(launch) + 24(accuracy) + 28(clarity) + 70(d100) = 144 + 28(athletics) = 172
Whisper: 24 + 28 + 23 + 70 = 145 + 50(range) = 195 + 15(surprise) = 210
Cannibals: 40(launch) + 63(d100) = 103 + 50(range) = 153

Jaguar: 22(avoid) + 23(analysis) + 70(d100) = 115
153 - 115 = 38% * 5 = 2 - 2(pants), ineffective
253 - 115 = 138% * 5 = 7
Whisper: 29 + 24 + 70 = 123 + 24(shade) = 147
253 - 147 = 106% * 5 - 2(tunic) = 3
Cannibals: 30 + 63 = 93
210 - 93 = 117% * 5 = 6
172 - 93 = 79% * 5 = 4
G1: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2, confused.
G2: Body: 8 - 4 = 4, injured.
Though seeming like people, these creatures are immediately recognized as one of the types of cannibals that roam the Untamed Wilds. These particular monsters, called Goblins, are tall and lithe with inky black skin. The males and females have no societal distinction for the group is mixed, and each has self-inflicted scars upon his arms and shins. The group of six splits off from one another to pursue both youths, preparing to throw one crude javelin, tipped with its bone head.

Before any is able to launch a javelin, Whisper instinctively causes his skin to blend with the shadows of the forest, as he attempts to hide. He slings a stone at his nearest opponent as he moves farther into the trees. By the time the stone is launched, the cannibals have closed to short range. The stone smacks the Goblin, hard, knocking most of the breath from him. He is now a bit confused, throwing his javelin the wrong direction. The other two have no such difficulty. The first is easy for Whisper to avoid, but the second cuts through the side of his tunic, leaving a line of blood.

Also before any is able to launch a javelin, Jaguar lifts his blowgun to his mouth and fires at his nearest, after instinctively enhancing his athleticism. The dart buries itself into one of the cannibals, causing a minor injury, his javelin launch faltering. The second throws to no avail. The javelin slides off of Jaguar’s pantaloons without causing bodily harm. The third is far more effective. The javelin drags across the Katalian’s ribs, causing a minor injury.

Both youths and all six cannibals are able to continue combat, but both Jaguar and Whisper are hurt. Two of the Goblins are impeded.
Jaguar: Body: 10 - 7 = 3, injured.
darts: 10 - 1 = 9
Whisper: Body: 10 - 3 = 7, hurt.
stones: 10 - 1 = 9
tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Whisper will mystically enhance his aim as he loads another stone to lauch. He does not remain still, knowing that he is not completely hidden but continues to move in an arc to the right of the Goblins. He will launch his second stone at the same enemy.
OOC: 73, 58

Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 600(blowgun) + 456 = 1056
Whisper: 600(sling) + 455 = 1055
Cannibals: 600(javelin) + 497 = 1097
Jaguar: 28(athletics)
Whisper: 24(clairvoyance, shade)
Whisper: 24 + 28 + 23 + 73 = 148 + 100(range) = 248 + 24(clairvoyance) = 272

Cannibals: 30 + 65 = 95
272 - 95 = 177% * 5 = 8
Jaguar: 22(finesse) + 24(accuracy) + 28(clarity) + 58(d100) = 110 + 28(athletics) = 138
Cannibals: 40(finesse) + 65(d100) = 105

Jaguar: 24(readiness) + 22(dodge) + 23(analysis) + 58(d100) = 127
205 - 127 = 78 - 24(kilter) = 54% * 5 = 3 - 2 = 1
Whisper: 23 + 30(counter) + 24 + 73 = 150
205 - 150 = 55% * 5 = 3 - 2 = 1
Cannibals: 40(dodge) + 65(d100) = 105
150 - 105 = 45% * 3 = 1
138 - 105 = 33% * 3 = 1
Jaguar: 27(bending) + 28(corrosion) + 60(d100) = 115

Cannibals: 10(conditioning) + 59(d100) = 69
115 - 69 = 46% * 6 = 3
G1: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2 - 8 = -6, unconscious.
G2: Body: 8 - 4 = 4 - 3 = 1, injured. Mind: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated.
G3: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7, irritated.
Being slightly faster than the cannibals in pursuit, Whisper is able to mostly keep his distance but has to pause to launch another stone. From only a step away, his second stone slaps the first opponent in the head with a solid thud. That Goblin falls to the ground, unconscious, bleeding from the wound. The other two do not throw their remaining javelins but thrust them as they chase. The first is easily avoided, and Whisper spins around the weapon to counter by punching that enemy. The third cannibal manages to just scratch him.

Also faster than the cannibals in pursuit, Jaguar Mahaoa snakes his left fist forward to jab the previously darted Goblin in the ribs. The physical blow is only an irritation but that is not the real danger. Jaguar’s fists seem to stream a burnt-orange mist as he moves them. The mere touch causes a caustic burn. The burn almost causes the first to succumb to his wounds, but he is severely hurt. Like Whisper, Jaguar is able to easily avoid his second opponent, but the third manages to scratch his thigh with his bone javelin.

Wild Jaguar is slightly injured and Whisper is hurt, but both are able to continue. Four of the Goblins remain well in the fight. The fifth that is conscious is unable to give pursuit. Once again, the two youths are proven to be formidable even when outnumbered.
Jaguar: Body: 10 - 7 = 3 - 1 = 2, injured.
darts: 10 - 1 = 9
Whisper: Body: 10 - 3 = 7 - 1 = 6, hurt.
stones: 10 - 1 = 9
tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Whisper makes some strange clicking noises with his mouth as he continues to run in a circle, dodging through trees. Augmented as much as he can be, he bends waylines to cause his next stone to release a toxic aroma when it strikes.
OOC: 76, 61

Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 600(blowgun) + =1056 = 1656
Whisper: 600(sling) + 1055 = 1655
Cannibals: 600(javelin) + 1097 = 1697
Jaguar: 28(athletics)
Whisper: 24(clairvoyance, shade)
Jaguar: 22(launch) + 24(accuracy) + 28(clarity) + 76(d100) = 150 + 28(athletics) = 178 + 100(range) = 278
Whisper: 24 + 28 + 23 + 76 = 151 + 100(range) = 251 + 24(clairvoyance) = 275

Cannibals: 30 + 69 = 99
278 - 99 = 179% * 5 = 9
275 - 99 = 176% * 5 = 9
Cannibals: 40(finesse) + 69(d100) = 109

Jaguar: 24(readiness) + 22(dodge) + 23(analysis) + 76(d100) = 145
209 - 145 = 64 - 24(kilter) = 40% * 5 = 2
Whisper: 23 + 30(counter) + 24 + 76 = 153
Cannibals: 40(dodge) + 69(d100) = 109
153 - 109 = 44% * 3 = 1
Jaguar: 27(bending) + 28(corrosion) + 61(d100) = 116
Whisper: 31 + 24(flash) + 61 = 116

Cannibals: 10(conditioning) + 69(d100) = 79
116 - 79 = 37% * 6 = 2
117 - 79 = 37% * 6 = 2
G1: Mind: 8 - 6 = 2 - 8 = -6, unconscious.
G2: Body: 8 - 4 - 3 - 9 = -8 - 2 = -10, dying.
G3: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7 - 9 - 2 = -4 , unconscious.
G5: Mind: 8 - 1 - 2 = 5, confused.
Choosing to reload his blowgun as he moves, since it is proving to be a more effective mode of attack at this juncture, Jaguar fires a stone dart as he tries to avoid being stabbed with a javelin. The stone dart emits a puff of orange smoke as it stabs into the original attacker of Jaguar, very close to a vital point, nearly killing him. Avoiding the thrust of his second opponent, he is cut for the third time by his third, which puts him on the ground, facing two standing enemies. Still being conscious, if either opponent tries to touch him, he can hurt them using his magical talent.

Whisper strikes his second enemy with a stone while he is barely more than an arm length away. The stone makes a resounding smack and emits an instant flash of light. That cannibal loses consciousness. He avoids the weapon of his second, slapping him in the chest with his offhand as he does. The hand flashes just like the stone had, confusing the Goblin. Whisper sees his friend fall and thinks that he can save him from being killed by interfering with the other two enemies.
Jaguar: Body: 10 - 7 = 3 - 1 = 2 - 2 = 0, incapacitated.
darts: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8
Whisper: Body: 10 - 3 = 7 - 1 = 6, hurt.
stones: 10 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 7
tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Whisper whistles at the two standing over Jaguar, as he runs by whirling his sling. He wants them to give chase. He will launch a stone at one of them as he tries to avoid being stabbed. It too will make a flash of light when it strikes.
OOC: 79, 64

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