The Mystery in Bridgetown


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 1000(incapacitated) + 1656 = 2656
Whisper: 600(sling) + 1655 = 2255
Cannibals: 600(javelin) + 1697 = 2297
Jaguar: 28(athletics)
Whisper: 24(clairvoyance, shade), 28(flash)
Jaguar: 22(launch) + 24(accuracy) + 28(clarity) +
Whisper: 24 + 28 + 23 + 79 = 154 + 100(range) = 254 + 24(clairvoyance) = 278

Cannibals: 30 + 65 = 95
278 - 95 = 183% * 5 = 9
Cannibals: 40(finesse) + 69(d100) = 109

Jaguar: 24(readiness) + 22(dodge) + 23(analysis) + 76(d100) = 145
209 - 145 = 64 - 24(kilter) = 40% * 5 = 2
Whisper: 23 + 30(counter) + 24 + 76 = 153
Cannibals: 40(dodge) + 69(d100) = 109
153 - 109 = 44% * 3 = 1
Jaguar: 27(bending) + 23(leach) + 115(d100) = 165
Whisper: 31 + 24(flash) + 64 = 119

Cannibals: 10(conditioning) + 81(d100) = 91
165 - 91 = 74% * 3 = 2
119 - 91 = 28% * 6 = 2
Still slightly faster than the enemies, when Whisper runs near the two by Jaguar, he promptly smacks one in the head, very hard, with a stone. The flash adds insult to injury and the cannibal falls across the fallen form of Jaguar, who promptly leaches some life from it. Even this small increase in life force allows Jaguar to regain the ability to move.

Even though only two Goblins remain on their feet, these beings are completely psychotic and they will continue to fight until they no longer can. Being down to the two, they are not able to hit Whisper, who continues to pummel them with stones, giving Jaguar enough time to fully recover. Jaguar then stands and takes out the last remaining enemy, as Whisper has already struck the other. There are four unconscious Goblins on the ground and two dead ones.
Jaguar: full wellness.
darts: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8
Whisper: Body: 10 - 3 - 1 = 6, hurt.
stones: 10 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 6
tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

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Disgusted Wild Jaguar will now put down all the enemies who are still alive, except the one who seems to be in the best condition. "You don't look well. I left this scum for you, so you can make yourself better just as I did thank your help." he says to his friend. He will then consume his food and start search the bodies.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper takes one of the javelins belonging to his enemy and uses it to make sure that they are all dead. He will then search them. He calls over to Jaguar, “You seem fully recovered. I will need another hour or so unless I use that trick, as well. I do not see why I should not.”
OOC: 82, 67


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(perception) + 29(affinity) + 82(d100) = 133
Whisper: 32 + 29(tuning) + 82 = 143
Jaguar: 22(alchemy) + 23(analysis) + 67(d100) = 112, success
Whisper: 31 + 29(tuning) + 67 = 127, success
Though neither youth is particularly suited to a necromantic talent, it is till fairly simple to leach life from an unconscious or incapacitated foe; and in a matter of seconds, Whisper finds himself as well as Jaguar. While the two begin to consume some of their trail food and search the bodies, a cackle of laughter toward the stone structure captures their attention. A wild looking woman runs from behind the tower farther into the woods, heading in the general direction of downstream. She is too far ahead for it to be prudent to give chase and the vampire bats that are residing within the tower first need to be handled. Whatever purpose the wild witch might have in the current problem, she will have to be tracked later.

The food items carried by known cannibals are always suspect and, therefore, cast aside. The extra waterskins, however, are not to be wasted. Though their clothing is scant and their weaponry crude, the Goblins do carry a few interesting trinkets. There is a fowler skull fetish, a crow feather talisman, a snake skull fetish, an egret feather talisman, a frog skull fetish, and a teal feather talisman. The two also discover four curious stones and two ingots. The stones consist of a piece of flint, a piece of slate, a bloodstone, and a sunstone. The two ingots are tin and magnesium.

Jaguar is drawn to the feather talismans. For the crow feathers, the talisman is composed of five black feathers from the wing of a bird. If bodily carried, they will augment the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +1). For the egret feathers, the talisman is composed of five white feathers from the wing of a bird. They will augment freedom of movement (Motility +1). A teal is a small ducker. For the teal feathers, the talisman is composed of five speckled brown and green feathers from the wing of a bird. They will augment the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +1).

Whisper is more drawn to the bones. The fowler skull, which is likely from a mink, has been cleaned and strung with a thong. If bodily carried, it will augment the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +1). The viper skull will augment freedom of movement (Motility +1), and the frog skull will augment the impetus for physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +1).

The Sunstone is an opaque, yellow stone, about the size of a thumb knuckle. It is often used in trinkets carried by indigenous and agrarian peoples who are unaware of its mystical potential, giving it minor commercial value. If bodily carried by Jaguar, the stone will augment personal interactions (Persona +1).
Jaguar: full wellness.
darts: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8
Whisper: full wellness
stones: 10 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 6
tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

flint: 1: shock x2}
slate: 1: {thump x2}

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
magnesium: 1: {mend x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 2: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper is grateful for the suggestion of recovering his wellness at the expense of an enemy. “Wow, that is amazing; but as I see you are eating, I am suddenly very hungry, as well. That witch has something to do with these infernal bats. I just know she does, but we need to get rid of these pests before we get rid of her. I am betting we can set their guano on fire and it will incinerate or at least choke out the bats, ridding our community of them.” He will proceed to ignite kindling and toss it in one of the lower small holes in the tower until the guano catches.
OOC: 85, 70


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(perception) + 29(affinity) + 85(d100) = 136
Whisper: 32 + 29(tuning) + 58 = 129
Incinerating the bats happens to be a simple matter. Guano is extremely flammable, so much so that it is sought as a fuel source by smaller communities. Once Whisper gets the fire going, it accelerates rapidly, making a thick column of black smoke rise into the sky. Not a single vampire bat is seen to escape its early fate. Satisfied with the immediate task, the two youths must now make a plan concerning the witch who was seen fleeing the scene.
Jaguar: full wellness.
darts: 8
Whisper: full wellness
stones: 6
tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

flint: 1: shock x2}
slate: 1: {thump x2}

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
magnesium: 1: {mend x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 2: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper suggests to Jaguar, “If we try to specifically track that woman, I think it will take too long, and she will be more likely to escape. Separating but keeping each other in close proximity, I think we quickly move in the same direction she did and hope something presents itself.” He heightens his senses while he moves.
OOC: 98 + 51 = 149, 83

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