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The Mythar Resistance


This is for character information that would be known within the game world for the characters of my game. Players please post below.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Kromgron Stonebreaker

Appearance: http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/k/o/kozienko/dwarf_axeman.jpg.html
Kromgon is a broad strapping dwarven man with a chiseled physique. When traveling in dangerous areas, he will wear his fine banded armor, but mostly he prefers to wear an open shirt and well-cut pants in bright colors of red and yellow. His beard is kept neatly combed, put in a myriad of braids with many multi-colored beads at the end. Despite all of this, Kromgon has a face like an abused axe-blade and a tendency to blurt out exactly what he’s thinking if he’s not careful, so he often tries to keep his mouth shut and let his friends (and muscles) speak for him. As befitting an entertainer, Kromgon has a set of rather flashy red leather pants, and spangled decorative bandoliers for the ring. He also tends to keep himself extremely clean, because a filthy entertainer is an out of work entertainer.

Personality: Kromgon is a big brother to about everyone. Though he has good instincts about people that prevent him from getting into trouble, for people he likes he’s quite likely to go catch them up in a crushing bear hug. He adores children and is endlessly patient with them. Once kids get past his scowling face, most tend to like him too, because he will give them dwarf-back rides. He can get very angry with those that harm his friends or family, and will pursue their punishment with single-minded ferocity.

Background (as much as is known): Kromgon has said he was an only child, though he often longed for a brother or sister to play with. He has said he was never very good at making things like others in his clan, and so eventually struck out on his own. You also know he's show some unusual prowess in battle, striking harder, and wrestling people to the ground far easier than even his muscular frame would suggest. He seems to very much enjoy the performances, taking great delight in showing off his strength for others.
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I aim to misbehave
Kobold Ranger / Egoist

Appearance: Nassitch is an everyday kobold, small of stature (at least to other races), agile, and quick. Dressed in browns and greens, Nassitch looks the part of a ranger, with a short bow slung over one shoulder. A heavy green cloak covers the rest of his russet brown fur. Nassitch’s eyes are slightly larger than a typical kobold, and are brown, shiny and bright.

Personality and Background: Nassitch is a good tracker and scout, and is much stronger than most kobolds. He is quick to report back when trouble is ahead, supporting the others with his bow when necessary. Nassitch caught on with a performing troupe as a way to get out of town. Not an actual performer, Nassitch earns his keep as an assistant to one of the animal handlers and guard, scout, and part-time medic for the group.
During his travels with the troupe, Nassitch acquired a medium-sized riding and guard dog (a sherpard) and has spent some time training him. Before long the two were best friends and Nassitch has named the dog Kimble. No one knows what the dog has named Nassitch.


Tau Scrymgeour

Tau Scrymgeour
Elf Ranger / Wilder

Appearance: His face is gaunt and his cheek bones are hard and angular. His brown hair is usually kept cropped short, but it is usually messy. He wears a long brown coat that is tattered and simple traveling clothes underneath. The most striking feature is the blindfold which usually covers his eyes while he is in public.

Personality: Tau is a very shy individual in the company of strangers. He usually wears a blindfold over his eyes, and passes himself off as a beggar. While not one to take pride in showing off, he has fallen in with a group of performers acting as one as well. Through the use of his psionic abilities, Tau has no disadvantage while blindfolded. He uses that ability to fire arrows or even throw his heavy pick at a target; usually he is quite accurate. Among his friends though, Tau relates easily and relaxes noticeably. He can be quite funny at times and is a fun person to hang around.

Known History: More recently he fell in with a group of performers who shared similar goals. His ability to function without sight quickly earned him a place among the group as the blind archer. The small peasant crowds that came to watch often watched in awe as he would heave his mighty pick at a target as a finale hitting the bull's eye from more than 20 paces away.
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The Rolling Man

First Post
Olivia, the blind seer

Appearance: Olivia is a tall and thin woman in her late twenties. She has long, curly, and dark hair and her skin has a brown tone. Most could consider her beautiful if it was not of her missing eyes. In fact, she usually covers up her empty eyes sockets with a red blindfold. When on the road, she wears a simple pale brown robe and a matching cloak. However, when doing fortune telling or when making some kind of performance, she wears one of her multicolored outfits to impress her clients.

Personality: Olivia has a very strong will and usually accomplishes what she sets out to do, even if it takes a very long time. She had to adapt to the lost of her eyes and was able to succeed despite that. As such, she doesn’t like when people take pity of her because of her handicap.

She seems to be able to see and learn more things than most, even if she blind. Many find her distant, quiet and almost otherworldly but she can be very friendly to those who know her well. While she believes in fate, she also thinks that most people can change theirs with great effort.

Known history: Olivia doesn't talk much about her past and, when she does, it's usually in cryptic phrases. However, it's clear she greatly hates the Mythar. She has recently joined a group of performers that opposed the invaders. Prior to that, she apparently travelled a lot as she knows a lot about the people and places.

While 'one-on-one' fortune telling is what she does best, Olivia also participates to the group's performances. She usually does various mentalist stunts (guessing people's name, what card they are holding, words in a book, stuff like that). She sometimes plays her prized violin (though she not an incredible musician) and participates in Tau's blindfolded stunts.


First Post
Uiim (pronounced Wee’Im)
Male Gnome Rogue/Psion

Appearance: Uiim is not a young gnome, but he keeps himself in top physical amd mental condition. He knows that this is the only way that he will ever see the end of that which he has begun against the Mythar, so he trains daily, even when “in the field” or “on a mission”. Naturally bald and silver-chinned from age, Uiim has sharp, penetrating green eyes and a mouth that seems disposed to a frown, however, Uiim does laugh from time to time and when he does, it is a full-bodied, belly-shaking kind of laugh. Being military minded, Uiim has spent considerable time and money making sure that all of his clothing and equipment are as functional and as honed to perfection as possible. This approach has nothing to do with a personal sense of pride or fashion, but everything to do with efficiency and professionalism. Uiim trains his body and mind to perform at their utmost peak, and he expects nothing less from his gear and clothing. Overall, this gives the gnome a polished and “together” look that turns most heads, especially in his chosen “profession”. He sports a tattoo of hustle which looks akin to a running rabbit (Uiim calls it his “Dancin’ Rabbit) on his right forearm that stands out in stark contrast to his pale brown skin.

Personality: Uiim is, for the most part, a no-nonsense kind of guy. Knowing the inner-workings of the Mytharn society as he does and having seen first hand the atrocities worked at their hands, he knows what his crack team of rebels is up against. As such, he leads with a word and does not harbor his “orders” being questioned. However, two facts make this temperament a bit easier to bear. First, Uiim knows that he does not know (or that he cannot do) everything; as such, he surrounds himself with those who are the best at what they do and he asks and summarily listens to their opinions and inputs. Second, he never asks any of those “beneath him” to do anything that he would not do himself – this willingness to put his own neck on the line often is more endearing to those around him than anything else. In a nutshell, Uiim is a stern, quick-acting and ruthless commander with a heart and soul of gold.

Background: Like most gnomes, Uiim arrived upon the heels of the Mythar but unlike many of his brethren, he had long been weary of serving the heartless conquerors. As such, he took the first opportunity with which he was provided to defect and escape their oppressive rule. Since that day, Uiim has been a divided individual – part of him despises the act of fleeing from his former masters, as he left behind not only his life as he knew it, but also a large extended family. However, the other and more dominate part of him knows that he did the right thing in leaving and is now more determined than ever to find a way to end the rule of the Mythar and free his loved ones from their emotionless and empty world. It was Uiim that sowed many of the initial seeds of the Mytharn resistance as well as he that formed the small group that he now leads. They masquerade as an entertainment troupe, as Uiim knows well the Mythar’s penchant for the finer and more opulent things in life, and then strike with lethal precision when their “audiences” least expect it. So far, the approach has been uncommonly successful and it is the firm belief of Uiim that it is only when the Mythar are caught at their unawares (such as during their “leisure” time) that they can be most efficiently and effortlessly dispatched.

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First Post
Osric Mor
Human Fighter

Osric is a warm, friendly sort to those few people he counts as friends, but is quiet among strangers. While he is slow to judge those he does not know, once he deems someone a threat to the well being of the group, he quickly becomes mistrustful and even outright threatening. Like Kromgron, he enjoys entertaining children and in fact seems to be most comfortable around them; he often breaks out of the stoic, intimidating façade he adopts while guarding during performances in order to give a quick smile and a wink to any little ones passing by. While not a regular performer, he has been known to perform the occasional feat of strength during rehearsals or under-attended afternoon matinees. He especially enjoys lifting two (or more!) children off the ground as they hang onto either end of a sturdy iron bar. His size, striking red hair, and lack of social experience have caused him to become extremely self-conscious and nervous around women, sometimes even around the female members of the troupe.

Osric is a large young man, 6’4” tall, about 250lbs, an imposing figure with a barrel chest, large hands, and broad shoulders. He doesn’t have the chiseled performer’s physique, but rather the large, muscular build of one used to heavy labor. Bright green eyes are set beneath a brow that seems a bit heavy for someone only 22 years old, and he keeps his shock of long, somewhat unruly red hair tied back in a pony tail with a couple of small, tight braids dangling around his left ear. He is usually dressed in simple worker’s clothes, his pockets full of tools as he inspects and maintains the sets, wagons, and carts. When guarding or traveling, he dons his mithril breastplate and proudly displays his falchion for all to see (especially any potential troublemakers).

This simple man has led a simple life – so far. Born into a tradesman’s family, Osric apprenticed to his father as a wainwright for many years before he set out on his own. After a couple of years of wandering from odd job to odd job, he attended a performance of the troupe and agreed to come on board as some hired muscle. He has enjoyed the company of the troupe for a while now, getting to know all of them and becoming part of the family, standing guard duty during performances and adopting the role of handyman.


First Post
My character

(Real Name:Milo) Prefered name log-a-log

Log-a-log is that of an always-smiling face though he is often brooding on the inside. He is always quick to laugh and to make others laugh of just smile. He is a leader when needed. He chooses not to be loud unless others choose to be quite then he will stand up and take charge of the situations.

Log-a-logs face is that of one of mirth and grins. It is actually rarely seen with out one. He chooses to dress comfortable when able and like wearing a cloak to hide the many throwing weapons that he has on him. His face is that of a round almost pudgy look. His eyes are a mix of green and light brown. Forming a color like that of the forest. Having shadows, leaves, and trunks mix together.

Log-a-log is a son of a master chef. He learned a technique called stir-fry and has become a master at it. As a young halfling he would listen to his grandparents tales of the past and adventures and how the halflings where know through out the land for their accuracy with thrown weapons. So he began to practice when he was in the kitchen. Then one day To his dismay one of the masters decided that it was log-a-logs dads fault that he had burnt his tongue upon a morsel of food and slew him. With that haunting his minds log-a-log ran and escaped taking to the roads when he was picked up by a band of performers that recognized his budding skill with thrown weapons.


Guest 11456

Layonarai Leafrunner

Layonarai is very likeable if not a little bit too naïve, mostly due to her memory loss. She also has difficulty remembering what happened yesterday.

Layonarai is a strikingly beautiful elven woman. Her features are soft and alluring. Her long flowing golden blonde hair cascades down her back and her piercing violet eyes are extremely memorable.

Nothing is known of Layonarai’s background. She simply showed up at a performance and hung around afterwards. She remembers nothing of her background, where she comes from, or even how she ended up at the performance that day. She couldn’t even tell anyone her name. The others were the ones that named her. Her knowledge of spirits made her invaluable to the group.

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