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The Name Of The Shadows


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

( Perhaps I should of clarified before, no critical fumbles, but no called shots either. However, I'll allow your using of the hilt of your rapier as an improvised bludgeoning weapon, which now that I think of it would make some sense if it had any kind of basket hilt. Next time though, it'll be 1d4 damage, but I'll accept the 1d6 this time around. It's similar to the way my first DM allowed me once to use a shortsword or rapier as a slashing weapon when I needed to cut a rope. In the future though, I'll probably be looking to go by the RAW. Sorry for taking so long again, I've been playing another game. When I'm not hooked, usually I look for updates several times a day. )

You strike the skeleton hard with the hilt of your rapier, with a satisfying crunching of ribs, which falls to the floor in pieces from the bottom of its mail hauberk.

The wave of skeletons crashes into the companions, who have readied their weapons against them. Unfortunately, Ogre strikes only a glancing blow, and Barayle misses outright, but Ghunar Soranath pulverizes a skeleton with his mace. The skeletons make a poor job of their attack, except for one lucky claw that gouges the rather unlucky Barayle just right of his neck. If this keeps up, he probably isn't going to last much longer.

I am rather disappointed in that little rat, Klik. I would of hoped he would of managed a little bite to back up his bluster.

You have enough problems looking out for your own skin though, as your tickled by the air swirled away by a particular swinging axe blade.

I wonder how satisfying a sound it would make it that pesky bag of bones were to suddenly fall off of the edge...

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Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You strike the skeletal warrior's head, quite solidly, sending it spinning. When it stops, you are looking at the back of it's helm, but it does not seem to be out of the fight, yet.

Down below, Ogre smashes a skeleton with his massive battlefist, sending bones and scraps of armour flying in every direction. Barayle takes a short step back, going on the defensive, while Ghunar is unable to repeat the success of his first attack.

Despite his defense, Barayle gasps in pain as he goes down under a flurry of slashing claws, each of which finds its way past his defenses, surprisingly. Seneira cries out in alarm, but she and Nilayne seem to have more luck though, easily dodging their opponents clumsy attacks.

You hear more falling skeletons, followed by a heavy crunching sound, and the light of the lantern flits past a bulky shape that has dropped down from above and its two companions, one of which has been defeated by hard stone floor. That moment of distraction nearly costs you, as your foe's blade cuts at you, the force of the blow narrowly foiled by the armour. Still, it certainly feels like its going to leave a nasty bruise to go with your first one.

Finish it, Klik, before your luck runs out. You might be forced to make your own escape, if worse comes to worst. We could always find more followers elsewhere, were it necessary.

6+3= 9

IF I hit then ....3 damage.

"Okay, this has been fun but this party is getting out of hand.... " Klik calls out loud while shifting his weight and fighting.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

" I hear you, lad, " yells Ghunar in reply as you next swing goes wide, " But I don't think our hosts are quite ready for us to leave. "

You hear more bones been crushed as Ogre strikes down another skeleton, but Ghunar is still unable to land another blow. Fortunately, neither are the skeletons. The two newcomers hurl themselves into battle with Ogre, while the skeleton that felled Barayle turns on Seneira, leaving her fending off two opponents.

However, your companions luck in fending off blows seems to come just as your own fails. You leap back as the warrior swings, but you suddenly feel warm blood trickling down your midsection, accompanied by a biting pain, as the axe blade cleaves through armour and cuts you deeply.

Ugh... Try to keep your feelings under control, eh, Klik? I find your mental anguish to be rather, unpleasant.

( You take 8 damage. )

"You bloody bastard! Do you know how hard it is get blood stains out of tunics and armor!?!"

14+3 = 17
4 damage

also begin looking for a way out of here.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You strike the same place as your first blow, and are rewarded with a loud cracking noise as the skeletal warrior's spine snaps. You step to the side as the rusted battle axe falls from its bony grasp, closely followed by the rest of its ancient bones, collapsing in a heap.

How timely of you, Klik. Now, perhaps, we can make our escape, back up the tunnel we came from.

The voice is correct, in that the only way out is the way you came in. During your brief exploration, you noticed two other tunnels leading off from either end of the forked cavern, but both were blocked by wreckage and collapsed stone.

Below, Ogre cracks a few of the bulky one's bones with his first strike, knocking a few loose, but it doesn't seem to be any danger of stopping. The dwarf seems to be completely bereft of what sense allowed him to land his initial blow.

Just then, you hear Seneira scream in pain as one of the lethal claws of a skeleton slips past her guard, tearing at her side.

They are slowly being worn down, Klik. Not surprising, is it, Klik? Not quite up to our standards, I should say, except perhaps that metal brute.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

The quickest? The 20 foot drop straight over the ledge. Jumping straight down might allow you to an attack this round, but you could potentially be taking 1d6 lethal and non-lethal damage. If, on the other hand, you take a full round action to lower yourself from the ledge and then drop, you could might take 1d6 non-lethal damage, or none at all. Or, you could try to jump the gap, and if you fall, take 2d6 lethal damage, and be there to attack after a move action in the next round, or you could flee and leave everyone else to possibly die. In any case, you'll be having to make a jump or a tumble check, your choice if you leap off of the ledge, but must be a jump of course if you go over the gap...

But, being a DM yourself, you probably already knew all that, hehehe...

rough options.......

Klik with call out to the group that he is on his way and begin to climb / drop down to them.

Climb 2+4+ ACTION POINT +5 = 11 sigh.....

Tumble 9+4= 13

this will leave a mark.

Voidrunner's Codex

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