Dusty Dragon
The first Drakkenheim kickstarter passed the million dollar mark, and it looks like this one will make it too.
Of note is their new apothecary class, which seems like a really cool attempt at doing the alchemist right...
(I'll note that I am very pleased with their first book, dungeons of drakkenheim, which IMO is far better than any WotC 5e adventures I've read or played so far...)
(edit: I should have mentioned that this is by the Dungeon Dudes of youtube fame)

Sebastian Crowe's Guide to Drakkenheim
A players guide and sourcebook which includes brand new 5e subclasses and takes you through the world of Drakkenheim!
Of note is their new apothecary class, which seems like a really cool attempt at doing the alchemist right...
(I'll note that I am very pleased with their first book, dungeons of drakkenheim, which IMO is far better than any WotC 5e adventures I've read or played so far...)
(edit: I should have mentioned that this is by the Dungeon Dudes of youtube fame)
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